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    william gates

    that’s problem, i created 2 linear waveguides which is made of SiO2 (Refractive index n=1.4585) in my first sample, but it’s not good enough. Do you have any sample of optical nano filters, i have to design a optical system and i really need some filters, anythihng(bragg grating, PBG, plasmon, TFMF, Mach-Zehnder, ….). I appreciate it ! Thanks, Damian; your help on the project was invaluable

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    william gates

    I did tried my best, but it doesn’t work at all. My 3D layout model is not even the same as the application. So, if you don’t mind, could you please send me your sample. It will help a lot, thanks !

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    william gates

    Hi Damian, thank you for your reply, as you can see my result is not the same as the application I don’t know what’s wrong

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    william gates

    attached file

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    william gates

    do you have any samples for this simulation, please let me know, i trying to create one !