Optiwave Releases OptiMode



Optiwave Introduces OptiMode

Optiwave Launches OptiMode: Elevating Waveguide Design through Advanced Modal Analysis

OTTAWA, ONTARIO — 18th February 2024 — Optiwave, a leading provider of optical design software solutions, announces the release of OptiMode—a sophisticated CAD platform designed for optimal waveguide structures. OptiMode empowers engineers and researchers with precise modal analysis, offering insights into mode characteristics, profiles, and effective indices.

Key Features of OptiMode:

  1. Modal Analysis Mastery: OptiMode serves as a pivotal component for precise modal analysis, allowing users to identify supported modes and determine critical characteristics such as mode profiles and effective indices.
  2. Versatile Applications: OptiMode supports a wide range of applications, including single mode (SMF) and multimode (MMF) fibers, planar waveguide design, and complex profiles like Multicore fibers (MCF) and hollow core fibers (HCF).
  3. Seamless Integration: Available as a stand-alone application and integrated into Optiwave’s propagation tools, OptiFDTD and OptiBPM, OptiMode enhances design workflows through modal injection in source components.
  4. Powerful Solvers: OptiMode features advanced solvers for accurate waveguide analysis, including Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI), Anisotropic waveguides (AnIso), Finite Difference (FD Complex), Finite Element (FEM), and Fiber Solvers (LP or Vector).
  5. Material Versatility: Supporting constant dielectric, doped, and diffuse materials, as well as electrodes/electro-optics, OptiMode ensures compatibility with diverse design requirements.

Optiwave’s OptiMode redefines optical design, providing a comprehensive solution for engineers, researchers, and professionals seeking cutting-edge tools for waveguide design and modal analysis.

“OptiMode has been a game-changer in our customers’ optical design endeavours. The platform’s modal analysis capabilities have provided teams with insights, allowing them to fine-tune waveguide structures with precision. OptiMode is undoubtedly a valuable addition to any toolkit, significantly enhancing the efficiency and quality of waveguide designs.” — Scott Newman, Product Manager, Optiwave

For more information about OptiMode and Optiwave’s optical design solutions, visit www.optiwave.com or email support@optiwave.com

About Optiwave Systems Inc.

Optiwave (www.optiwave.com) is a leading provider of engineering design software products for photonic, biophotonic, and system design engineers.  Optiwave provides a comprehensive variety of optical component and system design tools to thousands of leading high-technology businesses and academic institutions. An established community of engineers and scientists in over seventy countries supports Optiwave’s hallmark of achievements in Canadian business for 30 years.

Optiwave is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, with an established distribution network throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia.