- This topic has 46 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 10 months ago by
Naazira Badar.
March 21, 2016 at 3:31 am #33416
jyoti raina
Spectatorhi all…i have a question plz help me..
i have to divide my signal and give it to two photodiodes or two receivers…now i am in dilemma that should i use splitter or the fork component because i read both divide the signal…now can u people tel me vch one will gv good results..the forkmor the splitter..? and why…?
Thanking u in advnce -
March 21, 2016 at 3:50 am #33421
SpectatorHELLO JYOTI..
As far as your query is concerned well there is a difference between using fork and splitter in your design…if you want your signal to be duplicated without any loss then its better to use fork…and in other case the term split itself suggests that the signal is splitted…
it splits the signal power and also losses are associated when using a splitter..
I hope u understand the difference.. hope it helps you..
Thanks & regards-
March 21, 2016 at 1:15 pm #33499
jyoti raina
Spectatorhi fayiqa…thanx for replying..i have understood the difference now..it was very helpful..
thanx again-
March 21, 2016 at 1:44 pm #33511
SpectatorHELLO JYOTI..
You are welcome anytime..I hope your doubts are clear now..
Thanks & regards
March 21, 2016 at 3:55 am #33423
Aabid Baba
ParticipantHello jyoti,
As mentioned by fayiqa the major difference lies in the application. It depends on the system design. I am posting a link where the topic has been already discussed and i hope you get an idea about the usage of two components. Please refer to this link for further information. I hope you find it helpful.
March 21, 2016 at 1:19 pm #33500
jyoti raina
Spectatorhi aabid sir…i am grateful for ur time and concern..the links u provided were very helpful and it really helped me a lot in understanding the difference between the splitter and the fork…i shud use splitter instead of fork as per my needs….but anyway thanx ol 4 ur replies and help..i am thankful
April 3, 2016 at 9:41 am #34866
Aabid Baba
Participantyou are welcome jyoti. The forum is for the same purpose. Cheers!
March 21, 2016 at 4:35 am #33425
Naazira Badar
ParticipantHi jyoti raina..
That is a good question you asked.
Well as already mentioned, a fork replicates a signal, and I think it is used for making our simulation tests easier. Suppose you want to check results at two different types of receivers, you don’t need two separate simulations. Instead, you could use a fork.. and give the two signals to two different receivers and analyse results in just one simulation.On the other hand, a splitter, as the name suggest, divides power /signal into many .
I hope I am clear.
March 21, 2016 at 1:23 pm #33504
jyoti raina
Spectatorhi naazira ma’am…thanx for ur reply..it was very helpful indeed and i hv got the difference btween the two…i am using the splitter nw in my circuit rather than fork..because i need two users..anyway thnx a lot
March 21, 2016 at 4:36 am #33426
Dr. Dhiman Kakati
ParticipantHello Jyoti Raina,
I think you are referring to balance photo detector. so for this you can use a X-Coupler at the input side of the photodetectors. I have attached herewith a snapshot fo the same. Thanking you..Regards,
March 21, 2016 at 4:47 am #33429
Dr. Dhiman Kakati
Participantplease find attachment here.
March 21, 2016 at 1:26 pm #33505
jyoti raina
Spectatorhello dhiman i am thankful to u..i am using splitter…u are mentioning power coupler…can i also use it in my circuit??
it has two inputs and two outputs…what shud i connect to the second input because from fiber only one signal comes…please explain it to me..thanking in advance-
March 25, 2016 at 2:33 am #33784
Dr. Dhiman Kakati
ParticipantHi Jyori Raina,
If you require one input and two output in cross coupler then just put an optical null at the other input, and in case of two input one output you need not do anything just connect the upper output port to the required destination. Thanking you..
March 21, 2016 at 4:45 am #33428
Naazira Badar
ParticipantHi Dhiman..
Yes, that could also be one aspect of using it.
Also, could you please try uploading your attachments again? Those are not available in your comment.Regards
March 21, 2016 at 4:49 am #33431
Dr. Dhiman Kakati
ParticipantHi Nazira Please have a look into reply #33429
March 21, 2016 at 5:05 am #33434
Thanks for sharing the snapshots…
But here i want to ask u that Does coupler serve us the same way that fork does..??
From theoretical aspects, a coupler has two output ports, one used for transmitted power and the other for coupled power although some is reflected back as reflected power so there is possibly going to be losses associated with the usage of coupler which may deteriorate the results…
Thanks & regards-
March 21, 2016 at 5:32 am #33442
Dr. Dhiman Kakati
ParticipantHi Fayiqa,
the working of coupler and fork is different, you can refer to the “Optisystem component library” pdf for this.A Fork Copies the input signal into two output signals. This tool allows you to duplicate the input signal to the output ports.
It can be used in electrical as well as in optical domain where you need to generate a duplicate copy. there is nothing like power loss in case of coupler.and you are right about the working of cross coupler it have some loss.
Dhiman Kakati-
March 21, 2016 at 12:50 pm #33488
I understand that..actually your snapshots confused me a bit.. Jyoti had inquired about fork and splitter and you had mentioned about power coupler so i thought you are relating power coupler with the functioning of the fork component..
So that was the reason i asked if both of the components had same functionality..Anyways thanks for explaining..
Thanks & regards -
March 21, 2016 at 11:49 pm #33520
Dr. Dhiman Kakati
ParticipantYou are most welcome Fayiqa,
March 21, 2016 at 5:29 am #33441
burhan num mina llah
ParticipantHello All
As far as the definition of splitter and fork is concerned its just that splitter splits the power while as the fork duplicate the incoming power with same power in the outputs. But dhiman i also wanna ask this that dows coupler perform in a similar way as that of a fork . As of now we have know a coupler as to combine the power in one of the outputs for the inputs being from transmitter and the combining signal.
March 21, 2016 at 1:02 pm #33493
SpectatorHI BURHAN..
I agree with you the work of coupler is to combine the power in one of the outputs for the inputs being from transmitter and the combining signal… It was a bit confusing but i hope Dhiman had put it in other context..
Anyways i hope Dhiman clears it..
Thanks & regards -
March 21, 2016 at 1:28 pm #33506
jyoti raina
Spectatorhi burhan mam…i am thankful for ur kind reply…i undrstood the difference..i also agree with u..can u tel me why to use power coupler in my circuit..?//
April 3, 2016 at 12:03 am #34697
Dr. Dhiman Kakati
ParticipantHello burhan num mina llah,
Cross Coupler for combining or splitting optical signals. the process is cores of two identical parallel fibers are so close to one another that the one wave can “leak” from one fiber core into the other core. This allows an exchange of energy, The amount of energy exchange is dependent upon the proximity of the two cores, d, and the length over which this exchange takes place, L. It is easy to see that if the coupling length is long enough, a complete transfer of energy can take place from one core into the other. If the length is longer still, the process will continue, shifting the energy back into the original core. By selecting the proper length, any given power transfer ratio can be realized. This is how a 50/50 or a 10/90 coupler is made.
In reality, energy transfers back and forth between the two fibers many times over the coupling region (also called the Interaction Length). The transfer rate is a function of wavelength, so if a wavelength is used that is different from the design wavelength, the energy transfer (or coupling ratio) will be different. As an example, assume that two different wavelengths are launched into the two input ports of a coupler.In case of fork no such mechanism is involved. Regenerate the signal at the two output point.
March 21, 2016 at 11:26 am #33473
love kumar
Participanthii jyoti… as discuss by all fork is used for replicating the signal where as splliter is to divide the power level .. for example if you are using a 1:2 splitter you will get a power/2 at each output port of the the spillter as compared to input ..where is in fork u will get same power level .. one for thing i want to add that splitter is generally used in PON(Passive Optical Network)… hope you are getting the point
March 21, 2016 at 1:30 pm #33508
jyoti raina
Spectatorhi love kumar…thanx fr replying..nice to see please helping here..its wonderfulll
March 21, 2016 at 1:06 pm #33495
Ranjeet Kumar
ParticipantHi all,
As we know Firk Copies the input signal into different output signals without any loss. This tool allows you to duplicate component output ports.
Splitter component splits evenly the signal input power to N output ports.
The s-parameters for the splitter are:S = {10Log(1/N)-Alpha}<0 degree
Where is the parameter insertion loss (dB), N is the number of output ports and i is
the output port index.-
March 21, 2016 at 1:33 pm #33509
jyoti raina
Spectatorthanx ranjeet fr replying..what for shall i use s-parameters and where do i get these..??
March 22, 2016 at 5:00 am #33529
burhan num mina llah
ParticipantHi Jyoti Raina
you are welcome. regarding your query about the coupler. dear i don’t know your circuit as such so i don’t know weather u require coupler or fork or splitter. it depends on the requirement in ur design.
March 23, 2016 at 2:24 am #33579
jyoti raina
Spectatorthanx burhan mam..i am thankful fr ur help.
i am actualy alsomconfuded abt working of fork and coupler…i dnt knw if they can be used for sme purpose like Dhiman sir has mentioned in previous comment.. i hope splitter wil gv good results instead of using fork..i hv gone through links also suggesting to use splitter instead of fork bcz of practical applications..
thnx agn
March 23, 2016 at 4:39 am #33587
Ranjeet Kumar
ParticipantHi jyoti,
You are welcome.
We couldnot use s-parameters in optisystem software, i have just suggest you the difference between splitter and fork.
Sometimes we need theoretical and mathematical theory for explanation in publishing research works. So, i have tried to explain that.
thank you for consideration and highlighting the topics. -
March 23, 2016 at 9:22 am #33605
jyoti raina
Spectatorhi ranjeet sir..m thankful to u for ur kind reply n time..
actually m new to the optiwave tool and i thought it was some parameter i was not setting while simulation.. i thought it is compulsory fr good results n thats why i asked abt it.
bt it s ok i hv used splitter nw and thanx to all ur suggestions..they helped a lot for understanding the basic diffrnce between the two..thanx agn -
March 24, 2016 at 10:46 am #33726
burhan num mina llah
ParticipantHi jyoti raina
You are most welcome. Feel free to ask for help in this forum. It is meant for that purpose only.
March 24, 2016 at 12:56 pm #33734
Sanjeev kumar
ParticipantHello friends
As where as i concerned to the above posted matter. i always saw that whenever we combine the data like in DWDM or SCM we use the concept of power combiner and power splitter at receiver whereas fork is always used to analysis for testing reason like what signal the component is actual generating so that it could be analysed at the receiver whether the sent signal is matching with the transmitter signal(analysed suing fork) or not. thank you-
March 25, 2016 at 2:59 am #33794
jyoti raina
Spectatorhello sanjeev sir..thanx for replying.
wht i hv understood from all the discussion is that we should try to use fork only if we hv to compare..for practical purposes we should use splitter..
there was also talk of power coupler bt i dont think my design requires its use.. splitter works fine although thr is sm loss pertaining to usage of spliiter..
anyway it was good discussion. thanx to ol
March 24, 2016 at 1:49 pm #33745
Ranjeet Kumar
ParticipantYou are most welcome Jyoti Raina Ma’m.
Thank you for appreciation and conscent, i will try to suggest as per my ability.-
April 3, 2016 at 11:24 pm #35125
jyoti raina
Spectatormy pleasure ranjeet sir..
March 25, 2016 at 1:09 am #33768
Ranjeet Kumar
ParticipantKK Jyoti,
It’s need to worry about.
These all discussions will help you to learn and understand optisyetem quickly and efficiently.
Thanks to “https://optiwave.com/forums” for such a wonderful platform for beginners as well as experts to learn a new topic as well as get command on previous topics.-
March 25, 2016 at 2:44 am #33790
jyoti raina
Spectatorhi ranjeet sir..good morning.
yes it has helped me a lot lot..i hv understood many things and changed my design parameters to get good results.
thanx to ol people who hv helped me over here.. n its true its a learning curve for beginners like me..i appreciate aol the help i get from people here..thanx agn
March 25, 2016 at 3:23 am #33803
ParticipantHi Jyoti Raina,
Indeed this forum is a great learning curve for all of us…. Cheers optiwave team…
Sahil Singh
April 2, 2016 at 3:47 pm #34676
jyoti raina
Spectatorindeed sir…i gt lot of help here..
April 2, 2016 at 3:52 pm #34680
Ankita Sharma
ParticipantHi all,
This forum is really helpful to all..
Thanks & Regards
Ankita Sharma-
April 2, 2016 at 3:56 pm #34683
jyoti raina
Spectatoryes ankita,,it realy is helpful..at least i can say that..
April 3, 2016 at 1:00 am #34701
aasif bashir dar
Participanthi joyti raina,
splitter —> technically speaking divides the power of input equally at the output.
i.e : if 10mW input is given to 1:4 splitter , the output power will be 2.5 mW (10mW/4)each
fork —> technically speaking replicate es the power of input to each of the output.i.e : if 10mW input is given to 1:4 fork , the output power will be 10 mW each.
thus you need to use them as per the design needs
with regards
April 3, 2016 at 2:24 am #34719
ParticipantHi Jyoti Raina,
Infact a very valid point put forward by Asif Bashir with a very good explanation and a nice example… I completely agree that you need to use them as per your design needs…
Sahil Singh-
April 3, 2016 at 11:25 pm #35126
jyoti raina
Spectatorthanx sahil sir..
April 3, 2016 at 3:37 am #34735
aasif bashir dar
Participanthi all,
i hope the dision ended with that fork cretes copies of the input and the splitter divides the input equally
April 5, 2016 at 7:30 am #35620
Naazira Badar
ParticipantWell Asif..it had to end on that ; as you had rightly mentioned it in the first place. (y)
Naazira Badar.
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