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    • #32179

      Hi all,
      I am trying to find the signal to noise ratio of the output of a photonically sampled ADC. For the SNR calculation I have used a matlab component. On the start of the project, the project gives one value, and each time I rerun the project, the value of SNR differs by a small amount.
      Can anyone suggest the problem with the simulation.
      I am also attaching the osd and matlab file.

    • #32185
      umer syed

      hi jamal,
      the .osd file you have attached does not open;

      can u please upload screen shot of your .osd file.

      the variation in the results can be the random ness of the components. i suggewst you to check random seed of each component in your .osd file and untick them all. this will remove randomness of your components.

      with regards

    • #32187
      umer syed

      hi jamal,
      i think you have posted the replicated query in another post;

      MAtlab Electrical Component

      please do not posted same posts repeatedly, as it makes the improper discussion, discusion on one post will lead to some conclusion

      with regards

    • #32189
      love kumar

      yah i agree with umer syed .. after disabling random seed of very component will make you result more stable .. moreover shot noise of photo detectoer may the the one of reason ..

    • #32200

      Please find the attached screenshot

    • #32201

      See if this osd file opens

    • #32204
      aasif bashir dar

      hi jamal,

      i am unable to open the .osd file you have attached in optwave 14, i dont know why i am unable to open the attached file s on forum with my software package.

      be patient , some one will open youe .osd file.

      with regards

    • #32212

      Okay thanks
      Meanwhile, please find the screenshot attached

    • #32217

      Umer Syed thank you for the suggestion.
      I have unchecked all the random seed options from the components, but I am still getting a slight variance in the output SNR

    • #32261
      Aabid Baba

      Hello jamal,
      Please can you tell us what exactly is the MATLAB module you are using and what operation does it have..?
      Normally if one comes across such problems in optisystem it is believed to do with enabling/disabling “generate random seed” option. For now you can disable the generate random seed option and see how it works..

    • #32340
      Naazira Badar

      Hi all…
      yes, the random seed in the components of the system is the only reason the results vary in different simulations. Given the parameters are constant, the results stay same no matter how many times you simulate provided the random seed of components is disabled.


      • #32369
        Aabid Baba

        Hello naazira,
        Yeah that may be reason most probably and in fact is most often.
        Anyway thank you

    • #32432

      Thank you Umer , Kumar, Naazira and Aabid
      The trick works. By disabling random seed of each component, the simulation is giving a constant answer every time it is run.

      • #32492
        Aabid Baba

        Hello jamal,
        You are welcome anytime. The problem had to be because of generate seed thing. Once you disable it your results will become static and moreover very consistent.

    • #32265
      Jojo Mathew

      Hello to the man who is raising the queries related to the matlab electrical component. I am also working on the project that requires the interface with the electrical components from the matlab. If you have any solution then please share. Also explain why such problems arise.


    • #32279
      Jojo Mathew

      hello jamal,

      i am unable to open the .osd file you have attached in optwave 14, i dont know why i am unable to open the attached files on forum with my software package. Can you please tell me the version of the software that you are using?

      Have patience , some one will open youe .osd file.

      with regards

    • #32531
      Naazira Badar

      You are welcome, Jamal.


    • #32579

      Hi All

      A basic thing that everyone working on optisystem should know that we need to remove the random seed (uncheck) in order to get the static result.
      Jojo Mathew regarding ur query that u want to interface electrical component with the optisystem. i would like to know that do u want to interface a matlab code or just any existing electrical component in optisystem?

      Best regards


    • #32600
      Naazira Badar

      Hi Burhan..

      I believe he is trying to interface a MATLAB component.

      Hi Jojo.. Well , what exactly are the issues you are facing? Please elaborate.


    • #32605

      Hi Naazira Badar and Jojo Mathew

      yeah i was actually enquiring about that and jojo if u r asking about interfacing an electrical component with optisystem we have already discussed in various other topics but still i would repeat here that u need to right the matlab code and then add a matlab component in the design and double click on the component to import the m.file u can do that by writing the path of that file in the option asking about path and in run command part u have to mention the name of m.file followed by semicolon. then load matlab and run. this is how we interface matlab rest if u r referring to something else please convey.



      • #32757

        HI ALL
        very well explained by burhan. Thanks burhan for sharing such an important information on how to interface a MATLAB code with Optisystem. Down the line everyone would require it and you have put in very simple words. Cannot get simpler than this.
        Thanks and regards

    • #32607
      Naazira Badar

      Hi Burhan..

      Yes. You have guided him right in interfacing MATLAB with Optisystem. (y)


    • #32610

      Hi Naazira

      Thanks a lot.A fruitful discussion is always appreciated.



    • #32612
      Naazira Badar

      You’re welcome, Burhan.


    • #32753

      Jojo Mathew, the problem was there because some components have ‘random seed’ option in their properties. Just untick the option so that you get same result each time you run the simulation

      I am also using optisystem 14.
      Please find the attached osd. file
      Or let me know your email address, I shall send via email then.

    • #32755

      Jojo Mathew
      The problem arises because of the ‘random seed’ parameter in the properties of a few components. Just un-tick this option and you will get one answer each time you run the simulation

      I am attaching my osd. file again
      I am using optisystem 14.
      If you are still unable to download the file , let me know if I should email you.

    • #32760

      Just confirming:
      The sampled electrical signal that we get in matlab is in Watts ?

    • #32796

      Hi jamal

      I believe jojo mathew raised a different query to which we were replying. And the random seed issue is already solved as is evident from previous comments on this post.



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