Home Forums SYSTEM how to measure the Phase of the received RF spectrum?

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    • #18010
      K. Esakki Muthu

      How to measure the Phase of the received RF spectrum?

    • #18031
      Damian Marek

      In OptiSystem the electrical signals are represented by real sampled time depended signals. Therefore, the visualizers are not really set up to view the phase of the electric signals.

      Probably the best way to look at the phase of the frequencies is to perform the transform in Matlab and display the complex values in the plot.


    • #18251

      The other suggestion is that you can measure it in indirect way by multiplication with the other signal (i.e. conjugate). But it would be sufficient only for 90 and 180 deg. phase change, I think…

      • #18323
        Damian Marek

        Yes, or by example there may be some complicated way of demodulating the phase (perhaps the phase demodulator), but it might be too complicated. I think the Matlab component would be best suited for this.

    • #18491
      K. Esakki Muthu

      Dear all, can u find any fault with this >osd file> I have made the length as sweep from 1 to 10 km but I am not getting BER for all the sweeps? why? please

      • #18507
        Damian Marek

        The issue results from the modulated and demodulated signal. In your demodulation the electrical signal becomes inverted. A logical 1 is represented by a negative voltage or current and the logical 0 is represented by a 0 voltage or current.

        To fix it just add an Electrical Abs component or you can change the decision instant in the BER Analyzer.


    • #18549
      K. Esakki Muthu

      thank you Damian, let me try it. one more question.. I have an osd file of size 120 Mb, now the problem is I could not open it anymore? how to open it?

      • #18570
        Damian Marek

        That is a pretty large file. Generally that only happens when you save a bunch of “monitor” data. Did you set the program to save the monitor data?

        What is the error you get when you try to open the file?

    • #18591
      K. Esakki Muthu

      Error Message:< failed to open from the storage`.>

      • #18628
        Damian Marek

        Is the project file the same as you attached above “Project21.osd”? What changes did you make to it if any?


    • #18596

      Agree with Damian, I would recommend to erase/re-write if possible when the size starts increasing that much…

    • #18600
      Heitor Galvao

      If you try to simulate try using the monitor tool tool you turn off some monitors and studies specifically a monitor you need a good amount of RAM, see this topic: https://optiwave.com/forums/topic/twdm/

    • #18601
      K. Esakki Muthu

      thank you all.

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