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  • #32142
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    Aabid Baba

    Hi sahil singh,
    Well i would like to say that it depends upon the requirement and application aspect of your system design. if you sole purpose is to reduce BER and achieve high quality factor then as asif mentioned rightly you can use modulation techniques like QPSK, DPSK , QAM and its other classes.
    I hope it would help you.


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    Ranjeet Kumar

    Hi sahil,

    If you will use advanced modulation formats like CSRZ, DRZ, MDRZ, DPSK AND QPSK , it will give propagate over larger distance for appreciable Q-factor and minimum BER.
    I have designed 8 channel wdm system using different advanced modulation format mentioned above. I think MDRZ IS best of csrz and drz.
    Here, i am uploading osd file of WDM SYSTEM USING MDRZ modulation format.
    HOPE THIS will help you to understand things more properly.

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    aasif bashir dar

    hi sahil,

    i suggest you use phase modulation schemses like psk, dpsk, qpsk,

    with regards


    In reply to: 67% RZ dpsk

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    Ranjeet Kumar

    I think both are different 67% rz DPSK means duty cycle of RZ is 67% but In CSRZ carrier is suppressed and rz having 50% duty cycle.


    gulkaran bajwa

    hello everyone, i need a simulation setup of ROF bidirectional transmission system with RSOA using DPSK(optisystem 7). i don’t understand how can i use RSOA for my uplink transmission (OOK). please guys help me out.


    In reply to: 67% RZ dpsk

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    aasif bashir dar

    let me differentiate 66%rz-dpsk and 67%CSRZ-dpsk for u.

    66%rz-dpsk: means that the duty cycle of return to zero (RZ) modulation format is 66%.hence we can have N%rz-dpsk depending on duty cycle of RZ data format.

    CSRZ-dpsk:means the amount of the carrier that is suppressed in the process of modulation.67%CSRZ-dpsk thus means that carrir is suppressed by 67% of its original strength.

    thus these are completely opposite of one another.

    with regards


    In reply to: 67% RZ dpsk

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    Alessandro Festa

    I am sorry, i did not read carefully that yoy meant 66 dpsk and 67 RZ dpsk…I apoligize for my answer.




    In reply to: 67% RZ dpsk

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    Hi Debanjan,

    They are not necessarily the same. 66% DPSK can be using any return-to-zero modulation format such as RZ and CSRZ as far as I am concerned. I suggest you study the basic concept and the definition of these signal formats to better understand their differences. For example, you can go with the paper “Advanced modulation formats for fiber optic communication systems” by Mauro and go through the references if necessary, or you can simply google each format.



    In reply to: 67% RZ dpsk

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    Debanjan Sarkar

    thank you. and what about 66% dpsk and 67% rz dpsk .are they same? can any one suggest me any paper or book so that i clear my doubt regarding these things?


    In reply to: 67% RZ dpsk

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    Debanjan Sarkar

    Thank you both of you.
    I have one more confusion..i have one example in .osd of 66% RZ dpsk. Is it same as 67% RZ dpsk??


    Topic: 67% RZ dpsk

    in forum SYSTEM

    Debanjan Sarkar

    Is 67% RZ-DPSK signal same as CSRZ-DPSK Signal ??
    Thank you

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    Hi Naazira,

    You can use Quadrature modulator after the DPSK sequence generator. In order to do so, you need to use pulse generators before Quadrature Modulator to convert the M-ary output of the sequence generator into electrical signal and make it compatible with the input signal type that QM can have.



    Naazira Badar

    Hi all,
    Has anyone used DPSK sequence generator ? It provides two outputs.I-Phase and Q-Phase. How am I supposed to combine those so that the resultant electrical signal acts as one of the inputs to MZ-modulator?

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    Hi Shahid,

    Q is QPSK is short for “quadrature”, meaning each symbol represents two bits. If this is true, you can implement a simple DPSK system and then change the bits per symbol and symbol rate in the modulation blocks and in global parameters according to DQPSK. You may use MZM to modulate electrical signal into optical signal and upconvert it.


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    Can I start with a DPSK system and then modify it later for DQPSK using MZM?
    Any help from the members requested.
