Webinar: OptiSystem Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensors

LiDAR Systems Non-Linear Optics, & More

a photonic crystal fiber sensor graph

Video Recording

Join Optiwave for an informative & instructional webinar on Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensors.


Photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is well-suited for sensing applications like LiDAR simulation and design. It is a flexible platform for tailoring modal dispersion, confinement, and birefringence. In this webinar, we demonstrate how the vector finite element method (VFEM) mode solver of OptiMode software can be used for accurate and efficient design, simulation, and analysis of PCFs used in sensor applications. Two examples of hybrid plasmonic-PCF bio-chemical and temperature sensors are demonstrated.


How can I learn more about photonic crystal fiber sensors?

We have designed a helpful ecosystem to assist users from different backgrounds in using OptiSystem. As a new user, you can go through our videos to get a quick overview of everything OptiSystem can do, from LiDAR sensors to standard Gaussian optical filters. Additionally, you can also head over to our community forums to quickly have your questions answered directly by subject experts and enthusiasts.

Can I try out LiDAR simulation and design for free?

Yes! With Optiwave, you get an extensive 30-day demo that allows you to try out OptiSystem’s powerful features and see if it is a good fit for your organization or personal needs.

Do I need a powerful PC to design photonic crystal fiber sensors?

OptiSystem’s minimum system requirements are lenient. You only need 1GB of disk space and 8GB of RAM to start up the program and begin designing. Learn about our recommended system requirements here.