Basic Concepts

What is a Main Window

The main window of OptiGrating is a multi-document interface which allows you to
open several grating projects simultaneously.

You can also use a Multiple Window view. It is important to remember that you get different tools, exporting curves, and printing options that are specific for each active window, i.e. the window you are currently using. In the Multiple Window view, the project window is split in two. The Input View window, with all edit boxes, is on the left; the graph is on the right. If your active window is Input view, you cannot print, export a curve, or use any of the tools. In order to be able to do all those operations, you have to click in the window containing the graph.

What is a Workspace

In OptiGrating, you can save your multiple graph windows as a workspace. When you use the Save Workspace option, you are saving not only multiple windows but also all the information (settings, position and size of the windows, etc.) stored in those windows. When you open a saved workspace, you actually open all of the projects or views saved in that workspace.

What is a Template

A template is a collection of settings and options that work together to govern the overall appearance of a project. Templates can be applied at any time when you are working with OptiGrating. When you want to apply a template, you have to define the files you want to  open with that template.

How to Clone Views

To facilitate your work, OptiGrating allows you to clone views. You can create as many windows as you want and arrange them in an order that best suits your style of work. It is important to remember that all windows share the same document and that they are displaying the same data but from different view points. If you decide to recalculate, i.e. change the data, all windows will be redrawn.

How to view graphs effectively

In each window that contains a 2D graph, there are four different curves. You can see one or more of those curves by using the color buttons on the small toolbar. To activate the buttons, click the graph at the top of the Multiple Window view. You can access a pop-up menu by clicking the right mouse button in a particular window. The pop-up menu that opens shows you the graph tools you can use in this window.

Saving IFO data files

By default, *.ifo data files are saved with all graphs (with the exception of 3D Propagation graphs). The next time you load the file, you will immediately see the graphs, i.e. no re-calculation will be done. A Data file, with the graphs included, is about a hundred KB. If you disable the Save Display Data to *.IFO File check box in the General Settings dialog box, your files will be about 10KB. However, to see the graphs, you will have to re calculate every time you open the file.

Using Pop-up (Context) Menus

You can access a pop-up menu by double clicking the left mouse button in a particular
window. The pop-up menu that opens shows you the tools you can use in this window.
When you use the left mouse button to click inside a window, you automatically make
the window active.

An Overview of Basic Features in OptiGrating

The most important feature applications of OptiGrating are the following:

  • WDM add/drop, narrow and broadband fiber and waveguide filters
  • Fiber Bragg reflectors
  • EDFA gain flattening elements
  • Dispersion compensators for fiber communications
  • Sideband suppression using grating apodization
  • Fiber and waveguide sensors

Using Pre-defined Device Configurations

OptiGrating allows you to use the following pre-defined device configurations:

  • Single fiber with grating(s)
  • Two fiber coupler with grating(s)
  • Asymmetric slab waveguide with grating(s)
  • Two slab coupler with grating(s)
  • Other waveguide with grating(s)

Note: For each device configuration, a mode solver provides a complete list of
waveguide modes. You can design the grating that assists coupling between
selected modes and has control over all device parameters.

Working With Default Device Configurations

All default device configurations have the following common grating options:

  • Grating shape: Rectangular, Sine, From File, or User Defined Funtion
  • Average Index: Uniform, Linear, From File, or User Defined Function.
  • Period chirp: Linear, Quadratic, Square Root, Cubic Root, From File, or User Defined Function
  • Apodization: Gaussian, Hyperbolic Tangent, From File, or User Defined Function
  • Adjustable parameters: Period, Length, Index Modulation or Height, Shift, Order, Tilt Angle, and Number Of Segments

Using Simulated Device Characteristics

OptiGrating simulates device characteristics according to the following calculation

  • Propagation – reflected and transmitted power along the propagation distance in
    the device, calculated for a given wavelength
  • Spectrum – reflected and transmitted power, cumulative phase, group delay, and dispersion versus wavelength, calculated at the input and output ports of the device
  • Pulse response – input pulse intensity spectrum, grating spectrum, output pulse intensity
  • Scan – bandwidth, sidelobe, peak value, peak position, and dispersion at central wavelength versus scan parameter (all the parameters of grating are scanable)