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OptiSystem Publication References – 2013

Listing of scientific papers, technical journals, periodicals, and conference publications which reference the use of OptiSystem.

[1] F. Almasoudi, K. Alatawi, and M. A. Matin, “1.05 Tb/s Optical-OFDM Using ROF over 3600 km,” Optics and Photonics Journal, vol. 3, p. 318, 2013.

[2] P. Venugopal, Y. Karthik, and A. Jariwala Rudra, “10Gbps Optical Line Using Electronic Equalizer and its Cost Effectiveness,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology (0975-4024), vol. 5, no. 4, 2013.

[3] A. O. Aldhaibani, S. Yaakob, R. Q. Shaddad, S. M. Idrus, M. Z. Abdul Kadir, and A. B. Mohammad, “2.5 Gb/s hybrid WDM/TDM PON using radio over fiber technique,” Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, vol. 124, no. 18, pp. 3678–3681, 2013.

[4] S. Oshiba, H. Miura, Y. Ohara, and H. Shimasaki, “3. 3 Gbps 3TDM IR signal transmission for UWB over Combined Fiber and Wireless Link,” in OptoElectronics and Communications Conference and Photonics in Switching, 2013, p. 3.

[5] F. I. El-Nahal, “A bidirectional radio-over-fiber system using differential phase-shift keying signals for downstream and remodulated OOK for upstream,” Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, vol. 124, no. 20, pp. 4682–4684, 2013.

[6] A. M. Khan, J. Zhang, Y. ZHAO, Y. Khan, M. IDREES, L. WANG, and M. Ahmed, “A Cost-effective and Rayleigh Backscattering Noise-resilient Design of Single Fiber Centralized Light Source WDM-PON with Improved Receiver Sensitivity,” Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 749–756, 2013.

[7] A. M. Khan, J. Zhang, Y. ZHAO, Y. Khan, A. Latif, and J. Han, “A Cost-effective and Spectrally-efficient Design of Centralized Light Source WDM-PON using Aggregated 160 Gbit/s DQPSK Modulation for Downstream and Re-modulated IRZ for Upstream Transmission.”

[8] X. Chen, Z. Liu, C. Jiang, and D. Huang, “A Filterless Optical Millimeter-Wave Generation based on Frequency 16-tupling,” in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 2013.

[9] B. Liu, L. Chen, and J. Xiao, “A frequency-domain equalizer based on least mean square algorithm for direct-detection optical OFDM transmission system,” in 2012 International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, 2013, pp. 876802–876802.

[10] Z. Zhu, S. Zhao, Q. Tan, W. Jiang, Y. Li, and X. Li, “A Linearized Optical Single-Sideband Modulation Analog Microwave Photonic Link Using Dual Parallel Interferometers,” Photonics Journal, IEEE, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 5501712–5501712, 2013.

[11] P. Sreedevi and N. Vijayakumar, “A low complex real photonic OFDM for Radio-over-Fiber system,” in Advanced Nanomaterials and Emerging Engineering Technologies (ICANMEET), 2013 International Conference on, 2013, pp. 543–546.

[12] S. Bai, X. Chen, X. Chen, and X. Yang, “A Method of Optical Ultra-Wide-Band Pulse Generation Based on XPM in a Dispersion Shifted Fiber,” in Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering, 2013, pp. 275–283.

[13] T. H. Abd, S. A. Aljunid, and H. A. Fadhil, “A new code design for spectral amplitude coding optical CDMA systems using fiber bragg-grating,” Journal of Optics, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 110–115, 2013.

[14] T. Liang, Q. He, H. Li, and L. He, “A novel adaptive synchronization algorithm for intermediate frequency architecture CO-OFDM system,” Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, vol. 124, no. 18, pp. 3406–3411, 2013.

[15] L. Yan, B. ZHU, G. Liu, and F. HU, “A novel chromatic dispersion monitoring technique for 16/64-QAM system based on asynchronous amplitude histogram,” Optoelectronics Letters, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 229–232, 2013.

[16] S. Bai, Z. Duan, and X. Chen, “A Novel NRZ/RZ Format Converter Based on Polarizer Modulator,” in International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Electronics Information, 2013.

[17] R. Q. Shaddad, A. B. Mohammad, A. M. Al-Hetar, and S. A. Al-Gailani, “A novel optical single-sideband frequency translation technique for transmission of wireless MIMO signals over fiber-wireless system,” Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 47, pp. 347–354, 2013.

[18] J. Ma and H. Liang, “A novel optical transmission link with DHT-based constant envelope optical OFDM signal,” Optics Communications, vol. 300, pp. 33–37, 2013.

[19] P. Singh and G. Singh, “A Novel Path Tracing Scheme In All-Optical Networks Using Benes Network,” International Journal of Signal Processing (SPIJ), vol. 7, no. 1, p. 66, 2013.

[20] N. Gupta, D. Dhawan, and P. Jain, “A Novel Physical Security in Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Network (WDM-PON) Using Broadband Light Source,” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 207–210, 2013.

[21] J. Ma, M. Zhou, Y. Zhan, H. Liang, and C. Yu, “A novel ROF link scheme with frequency quadrupling optical millimeter-wave carrying dual-stream of 10Gbit/s 16-QAM signals,” Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 46, pp. 81–87, 2013.

[22] Y. Lin, J. Tao, X. Yuan, Y. Zhang, and J. Zhang, “A Novel Structure of 4-PolSK System Using on Free-Space Optical Communications,” in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 2013.

[23] Z. Zhu, S. Zhao, Y. Li, X. Chu, X. Wang, and G. Zhao, “A Radio-over-Fiber system with frequency 12-tupling optical millimeter-wave generation to overcome chromatic dispersion,” Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of, vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 919–922, 2013.

[24] C. Wu, C. Gan, and X. Ma, “A reliable wavelength division multiplexing metro-access network realizing crosstalk-free transmission between uplink and downlink,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 549–561, 2013.

[25] O. S. Sunish Kumar, C. V. Shyam David, P. P. Menon, and V. K. Jayasree, “A statistical modeling of QoS in an Optical Burst Switched network,” in Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, 2013, pp. 1–6.

[26] C.-H. Chang and A. Amrullah, “A Steady-Gain C-band EDFA for Multi-Wavelength Fiber Optical Transport Networks,” International Journal of Optoelectronic Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 6–11, 2013.

[27] N. A. Al-Shareefi, S. I. S. Hassan, F. Malek, R. Ngah, S. A. Aljunid, S. A. Abbas, and N. Anida, “A study in OCS millimeter-wave generation using two parallel DD-MZMs,” in Communications (MICC), 2013 IEEE Malaysia International Conference on, 2013, pp. 418–421.

[28] C. T. Yen and W. B. Chen, “A Study of Bipolar Walsh-Hadamard Coding Method in Optical CDMA Networks,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 284, pp. 2667–2671, 2013.

[29] Y. Song, C. Gan, Y. Gong, and B. Chen, “A Survivable WDM-PON Architecture Using Optical Carrier Suppression Technique,” J. Opt. Commun., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 357–360, 2013.

[30] A. HUSSIAN, X. Xin, A. HUSSAIN, A. Latif, A. MUNIR, Y. Khan, and M. IDREES, “A Symmetric 10Gbps/λ Colorless WDM-PON⋆,” Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 881–888, 2013.

[31] R. Mehra, S. Jaiswal, and H. K. Dixit, “All optical half adder design based on semiconductor optical amplifier,” in Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN), 2013 Tenth International Conference on, 2013, pp. 1–5.

[32] S. Golmohammadi, V. Akbar Nejad, K. Abbasian, and A. Rostami, “All-optical multi-wavelength header recognition using superimposed Bragg gratings based correlators,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 56–63, 2013.

[33] L. Huang, W. Hong, and G. Jiang, “All-optical power equalization based on a two-section reflective semiconductor optical amplifier,” Optics express, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 4598–4611, 2013.

[34] R. Asif, M. K. Islam, and M. Zafrullah, “All-optical signal processing of fiber impairments in dual-polarization 112 Gbit/s m-ary QAM coherent transmission,” Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 57–62, 2013.

[35] F. Wang and E.-M. Xu, “All-optical UWB doublet pulses generation by using a delay interferometer,” Optics Communications, vol. 297, pp. 38–42, 2013.

[36] H. Zhou, J. He, Z. Cao, and L. Chen, “All-optical wavelength conversion scheme to reduce the crosstalk among the two multiplexed channels for polarization multiplexing system,” Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 549–555, 2013.

[37] R. Mehra, S. Jaiwal, and H. K. Dixit, “All-optical XOR gate using SOA based Mach-Zehnder Interferometer,” in International Conference on Communication and Electronics System Design, 2013, p. 87600A–87600A.

[38] A. S. Verma, A. K. Jaiswal, and M. Kumar, “An Improved Methodology for Dispersion Compensation and Synchronization in Optical Fiber Communication Networks,” paper was published in International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Volume, vol. 3.

[39] J. A. Susai and S. Robinson, “Analysing the Transmission Performance of the Optical Soliton System,” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISSN, pp. 2250–2459.

[40] S. Zakaria, “Analysis and reduction of stimulated raman scattering in DWDM fibre optic communication system,” Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2013.

[41] A. Nasim, S. A. Aljunid, S. Junid, and R. Badlishah, “Analysis OCDMA system bit-error-rate using NAND detection at different data rate,” 2013.

[42] P. P. Hema and A. Sangeetha, “Analysis of four channel CWDM Transceiver Modules based on Extinction Ratio and with the use of EDFA,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology (0975-4024), vol. 5, no. 3, 2013.

[43] S. Selvendran and A. Sivanantharaja, “ANALYSIS OF FOUR WAVE MIXING UNDER DIFFERENT ALL OPTICAL MODULATION FORMATS,” Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, vol. 22, no. 3, 2013.

[44] V. S. Yadav, P. K. Vatsal, and R. Kumar, “Analysis of Four-Wave-Mixing Effects in Up Stream Transmission Using SOA as Transmitter,” International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 745–748, 2013.

[45] P. N. Kumar, A. Sangeetha, and G. Srikanth, “Analysis of Optical Time Division Multiplexing Using Packet Interleaving Scheme,” International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, vol. 3, no. 4, p. 414, 2013.

[46] S. Saha, P. Majumder, and M. Soundarya, “Analysis of SRS Effects at Different Number of Channels and Power Levels and on the Performance of DWDM System,” IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development|, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 1245–1249, 2013.

[47] S. Ilic, B. Jaksic, M. Petrovic, A. Markovic, and V. Elcic, “Analysis of Video Signal Transmission Through DWDM Network Based on a Quality Check Algorithm,” Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, vol. 3, no. 2, p. pp–416, 2013.

[48] S. Anand, P. K. Raghav, and D. Kumar, “Analysis on dispersion compensation using Post FBG with EDFA,” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 1809–1813.

[49] A.-K. Hamza Mohammed Ridha, S. A. Aljunid, S. Junid, A. Amphawan, H. Adnan, D. Fadhil, and M. S. Anuar, “APD gain effect on SAC-OCDMA system using modified-and detection technique,” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 467–471, 2013.

[50] Y. Lixia and L. Ji, “Application of Simulation in Optical Fiber Communication Teaching Reform,” China Educational Technology & Equipment, vol. 24, p. 049, 2013.

[51] M. S. Ab-Rahman, “Application review of add drop multiplexer through OXADM device,” Scientific Research and Essays, vol. 8, no. 45, pp. 2194–2207, 2013.

[52] S. H. Murshid, M. F. Finch, and G. L. Lovell, “Architecture of an all optical de-multiplexer for spatially multiplexed channels,” in SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, 2013, pp. 872014–872014.

[53] H. Qiong, “Based on the Study of Phase-modulated With Balanced Detection in Radio-Over-Fiber Link,” Guangxi Communication Technology, vol. 1, p. 006, 2013.

[54] A. M. Alhassan, N. Badruddin, N. M. Saad, and S. A. Aljunid, “Beat noise mitigation through spatial multiplexing in spectral amplitude coding OCDMA networks,” in Photonics (ICP), 2013 IEEE 4th International Conference on, 2013, pp. 169–171.

[55] Z. Song, H. Qi, J. Guo, C. Wang, and G. Peng, “Characteristics research of self-amplified distributed feedback fiber laser,” in Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference 2013, 2013, p. 89240Y–89240Y.

[56] M. Singh and K. Kaur, “Coherent Detection WDM Optical OFDM System,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 2, no. 12, pp. 4793–4797, 2013.

[57] E. A. El-Fiky, Z. El-Sahn, and H. Shalaby, “Coherent long reach OIDMA-PONs enabled by electronic dispersion compensation,” in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 2013.

[58] A. Morsy, Z. El-Sahn, H. Shalaby, and others, “Coherent OIDMA technique for next generation long reach PONs,” in CLEO: Applications and Technology, 2013.

[59] S. MAO, B. ZHU, Y. WANG, L. ZHANG, L. XIA, and F. HU, “Coherent reception technology based on DSP in 100 Gbit/s DP-QPSK system,” Laser & Infrared, vol. 12, p. 017, 2013.

[60] F. I. El-Nahal and M. A. Salha, “Comparison between OQPSK and DPSK Bidirectional Radio over Fiber Transmission Systems,” Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 129–133, 2013.

[61] M. Saqlain, U. Illahi, J. Iqbal, and A. Ehsan, “Comprehensive Study Analysis of Novel Mapping Multiplexing (NMM) Technique for Long Haul Optical Fiber Transmission Systems,” European Scientific Journal, vol. 9, no. 30, pp. 371–379, 2013.

[62] H. S. Mohammed, S. A. Aljunid, H. A. Fadhil, and T. H. Abd, “Computer and communication Engineering, University of Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia,” in Open Systems (ICOS), 2013 IEEE Conference on, 2013, pp. 199–202.

[63] X. J. Feng and Y. F. Li, “CO-OFDM Technology Long Distance Transmission System,” Advanced Materials Research, vol. 663, pp. 609–615, 2013.

[64] Y. Khan, M. Idress, N. A. Khan, J. Khan, and S. Latif, “Cost Effective Architecture for Symmetric Full-duplex Colorless WDM-PONs Using DPSK Downstream and OOK Re-modulated Upstream Data Signals,” International Journal of Emerging Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 28–35, 2013.

[65] R. Q. Shaddad, A. B. Mohammad, A. M. Al-Hetar, and S. A. Al-Gailani, “Cost-effective 2.5 Gb/s bidirectional WDM PON using single optical source at the central office,” in Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA), 2013 IEEE 9th International Colloquium on, 2013, pp. 63–66.

[66] Q. Zhuge, M. H. Morsy-Osman, and D. V. Plant, “Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., McGill Univ., Montreal, QC, Canada,” Lightwave Technology, Journal of, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1158–1169, 2013.

[67] S. D. H. Z. W. Jiaqing and D. Tianyu, “Design and Realization of a Radio-over-Fiber System Based on Self-Homodyned 60 GHz Receiver,” Acta Optica Sinica, vol. 5, p. 009, 2013.

[68] D. D. C. D. L. Xiaomin and L. C. L. Jiang, “Design and Realization of an All-Optical Signal Optimization Structure,” Chinese Journal of Lasers, vol. 6, p. 041, 2013.

[69] K. Gupta, T. Mukhopadhyay, and A. Goyanka, “Design and simulation of a chirped Fiber Bragg Grating based demultiplexer for ultra dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing based Passive Optical Networks,” in Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems (ANTS), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, 2013, pp. 1–5.

[70] V. Abedifar, S. A. Shahkooh, A. Emami, A. Poureslami, and S. A. Ayoughi, “Design and Simulation of a ROADM-based DWDM Network,” in Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2013 21st Iranian Conference on, 2013, pp. 1–4.

[71] B. Patnaik and P. K. Sahu, “Design and study of high bit–rate free–space optical communication system employing QPSK modulation,” International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 3–8, 2013.

[72] X. Q. Z. R. M. Yixin and H. Zhensong, “Design of RF Transmitter-receiver Front End for ETC. RSU,” Research & Progress of SSE, vol. 1, p. 014, 2013.

[73] H. A. Thana, “Development of novel ocdma codes for FTTH network,” Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2013.

[74] A. S. Karar, “Digital Signal Processing for Directly Modulated Lasers in Optical Fiber Communications,” Queen’s University, Kingston, On, 2013.

[75] L. Xie, Y. Qin, and H.-Y. Chen, “Direct fluorescent measurement of blood potassium with polymeric optical sensors based on upconverting nanomaterials,” Analytical chemistry, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 2617–2622, 2013.


[77] P. PAVITHRA, P. PRAKASH, and M. G. MADHAN, “DISPERSION COMPENSATION USING DELAY LINE FILTER (DLF) WITH 2X2 COUPLER,” presented at the International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering, pp. 73–78.

[78] S. Z. M. Hasan, V. Kalavally, R. Parthiban, T. Win, and M. Premaratne, “Economic and system impact of hybrid Raman–EDFA amplification in a 40$\times$ 40Gbps optical transmission network with DPSK modulation,” Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 10–15, 2013.

[79] U. C. de Moura, J. R. Oliveira, J. C. Oliveira, and A. C. Cesar, “EDFA adaptive gain control effect analysis over an amplifier cascade in a DWDM optical system,” in Microwave & Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), 2013 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International, 2013, pp. 1–5.

[80] M. M. Ismail, M. A. Othman, Z. Zakaria, M. H. Misran, M. A. Said, H. A. Sulaiman, M. N. Zainudin, and M. A. Mutalib, “EDFA-WDM optical network design system,” Procedia Engineering, vol. 53, pp. 294–302, 2013.

[81] U. Tiwari, K. Thyagarajan, M. R. Shenoy, and S. C. Jain, “EDF-based edge-filter interrogation scheme for FBG sensors,” Sensors Journal, IEEE, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1315–1319, 2013.

[82] M. H. Ali, F. Abdullah, M. Z. Jamaludin, M. H. Al-Mansoori, T. F. Al-Mashhadani, and A. K. Abass, “Effect of EDF position on the performance of hybrid dispersion-compensating Raman/EDF amplifier,” in Photonics (ICP), 2013 IEEE 4th International Conference on, 2013, pp. 187–189.

[83] V. Nath, N. Jain, and S. Dogra, “EFFECT OF FIBER DISTANCE ON VARIOUS SAC-OCDMA DETECTION TECHNIQUES,” IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 290–293, 2013.

[84] F. Ullah, A. Khan, N. N. Qadri, and M. MasoodSarfraz, “Effect of Four Wave Mixing on AP-DCDM-WDM Fiber Optic System with Different Power per Channel,” International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business (IJIEEB), vol. 5, no. 3, p. 11, 2013.

[85] S. Sugumaran, N. Sharma, S. Chitranshi, N. Thakur, and P. Arulmozhivarman, “Effect of Four-wave Mixing on WDM System and its Suppression Using Optimum Algorithms,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology (0975-4024), vol. 5, no. 2, 2013.

[86] C. Jiang, X. G. Chen, and Z. X. Liu, “Effect of Modulation Index of Mach-Zehnder Modulator on Single Sideband Radio over Fiber System,” Advanced Materials Research, vol. 756, pp. 2350–2353, 2013.

[87] M. Mamta and M. M. Bharti, “Effect of using Equalizer on Performance of single channel CO-OFDM system,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 228–235, 2013.

[88] A. LATIF, A. HUSAIN, I. Aqureshi, A. MUNIR, and I. AFRIDI, “Effective dispersion management in Chirp-Managed Directly Modulated Laser based Reach colorless DWDM-PONs with remodulation,” SINDH UNIVERSITY RESEARCH JOURNAL (SCIENCE SERIES), vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 239–246, 2013.

[89] M. Ju, S. Xiao, W. Sun, M. Bi, Z. Zhou, and T. Qi, “Effects of Optical Filters on 10-Gb/s RSOA-Based Upstream Transmission in WDM-PON System,” in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 2013, p. AF2F–60.

[90] N. Kaur, M. Sarangal, and others, “Effects of using RZ and NRZ modulation formats for TDM-PON system on Transmission Characteristics for Downstream Signals,” International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 645–649.

[91] F. Hossain and Z. Afroze, “Eliminating the effect of fog attenuation on FSO link by multiple TX/RX system with travelling wave semiconductor optical amplifier,” in Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2013 International Conference on, 2013, pp. 267–272.

[92] S. A. Aljunid, H. A. Fadhil, M. S. Anuar, and others, “Encoder-decoder design for SAC-OCDMA using Flexible Cross Correlation (FCC) code algorithms,” in Photonics (ICP), 2013 IEEE 4th International Conference on, 2013, pp. 166–168.

[93] G. Pandey and A. Goel, “Enhanced colorless and broadcast capable symmetrical 10-Gbps bidirectional transmission in WDM-PON using RSOA and EAM,” Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, vol. 124, no. 23, pp. 6245–6249, 2013.

[94] S. A. Al-Gailani, A. B. Mohammad, and R. Q. Shaddad, “Enhancement of free space optical link in heavy rain attenuation using multiple beam concept,” Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, vol. 124, no. 21, pp. 4798–4801, 2013.

[95] A. M. Alhassan, N. Badruddin, N. M. Saad, and S. A. Aljunid, “Enhancing the Performance of Coherent Sources SAC OCDMA Networks via Spatial Multiplexing,” Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 471–480, 2013.

[96] M. V. P. Satao, “E-Resource for Technical Institute & Engineering Colleges a Boon to libraries & information Centers in India,” IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 1–5, 2013.

[97] G. K. Rodrigues, V. G. A. Carneiro, A. R. da Cruz, and M. T. M. R. Giraldi, “Evaluation of the strong turbulence impact over free-space optical links,” Optics Communications, vol. 305, pp. 42–47, 2013.

[98] N. Mohamed, S. M. Idrus, A. B. Mohammad, S. Yaakob, N. M. Yusoff, S. M. Sam, and N. Ahmad, “Experimental demonstration of a downlink remote optical local oscillator for radio over fiber system,” in Photonics (ICP), 2013 IEEE 4th International Conference on, 2013, pp. 93–95.

[99] K. Zhang, W. Wang, W. Zhao, X. Xie, and F. QIAN, “Experimental research of optical preamplifier receiver for RZ-DPSK based on delay interferometer,” in ISPDI 2013-Fifth International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging, 2013, p. 89060Q–89060Q.

[100] Q. Shao, C. Gan, and R. Wang, “Extensible optical access network enabling multistage protections and data aggregation based on tangent rings,” International Journal of Communication Systems, 2013.

[101] W. Zhong, X. Li, A. Alphones, and C. Yu, “Fiber Nonlinearity Tolerance of APSK Modulated DFT-S OFDM Systems,” Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, vol. 25, no. 23, pp. 2304–2307, 2013.

[102] G. Zhao, S. Zhao, Z. Yao, W. Meng, X. Wang, Z. Zhu, and F. Liu, “Forward spectral filtering parallel quantum key distribution system,” Optics Communications, vol. 298, pp. 254–259, 2013.

[103] Q. Shu, L. Chen, Z. Cao, and L. Chen, “Frequency domain pilot interval allocation optimization for compatible single-sideband modulation orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission with direct detection,” Optical Engineering, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 045006–045006, 2013.

[104] C. Shuqing, Z. Zhiwei, and L. Ying, “Frequency octupling for 0.1 THz full-duplex Terahertz over fiber,” China Sciencepaper, vol. 4, p. 006, 2013.

[105] L. Nadeem and R. Asif, “FSK signal generation with wavelength reuse capability in 8 Gbit/s radio over fiber systems,” Frontiers of Optoelectronics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 303–311, 2013.

[106] M. M. J. Martini, C. E. S. Castellani, M. J. Pontes, M. R. Ribeiro, and H. J. Kalinowski, “Gain flattening analysis for Raman+ EDFA hybrid amplifiers using recycled pump power for WDM systems,” in 8th Ibero American Optics Meeting/11th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Applications, 2013, pp. 8785C2–8785C2.

[107] Q. MA, P. Li, J. Zheng, D. SHEN, M. ZHAO, W. ZHOU, and Z. ZHAO, “Generation of an ultra-wideband triplet signal based on semiconductor optical amplifier,” Optoelectronics Letters, vol. 9, pp. 161–164, 2013.


[109] R. Udayakumar, V. Khanaa, and K. P. Kaliyamurthie, “High Data Rate for Coherent Optical Wired Communication using DSP,” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 4772–4776, 2013.

[110] M. S. B. Ab-Rahman and I. M. Mohamed, “High efficient Fibre Plant Utilization by Multiple PON infrastructure based on Frequency Re-use Approach for Scalable FTTH Networks,” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 91–95, 2013.

[111] V. Sharma and G. Kaur, “High speed, long reach OFDM-FSO transmission link incorporating OSSB and OTSB schemes,” Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, vol. 124, no. 23, pp. 6111–6114, 2013.

[112] M. Syuhaimi and I. Mohamed, “Highly Utilized Fiber Plant with Extended Reach and High Splitting Ratio Based on AWG and EDFA Characteristics,” ETRI Journal, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 786–796, 2013.

[113] J. R. Oliveira, U. C. Moura, J. C. Oliveira, and M. A. Romero, “Hybrid distributed Raman/EDFA amplifier with hybrid automatic gain control for reconfigurable WDM optical networks,” Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 602–616, 2013.

[114] M. E. Abdalla, S. M. Idrus, and A. B. Mohammad, “Hybrid TDM-WDM 10G-PON for high scalability next generation PON,” in Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2013 8th IEEE Conference on, 2013, pp. 1448–1450.

[115] A. O. Aldhaibani, S. A. Aljunid, H. A. Fadhil, and M. S. Anuar, “Hybrid wavelength division multiplexing/time domain multiplexed (WDM/TDM) using radio over fiber technique with 16QAM at 2.5 Gbps,” International Journal, vol. 8, no. 18, pp. 897–900, 2013.

[116] A. K. PANDEY, “IJSER,” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 1765–1770, 2013.

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