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OptiSystem Publication References – 2021

The following is a list of scientific papers, technical journals, periodicals, theses, and conference publications that reference the use of OptiSystem.  These references were collected from internal sources, customer submitted papers, and scientific articles via Google Scholar – and to the best of our knowledge, make use of our OptiSystem software package. If you locate any mistakes, please notify us immediately by contacting info@optiwave.com.

  1. NH PATEL, A GADI, DRM KAHRIZI A FBG Based Sensor based Temperature monitoring system-using OptiSystem. researchgate.net
  2. L Jinyang, Z Xuefang, B Meihua, Y Guowei, … (2021) Co-simulation of optical chaotic secure communication systems in MATLAB and OptiSystem. Opto-Electronic …, oejournal.org, doi:10.12086/oee.2021.210146, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  3. A Kharbouche, Z Madini, … (2021) Analysis of realistic DS-OCDMA/VLC for V2X communication using optisystem. 2021 7th International …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 3 (1.50 per year)
  4. S Murshid, A Atieh, M Tu, S Harish, … (2021) Simulation of SDM channels using OptiSystem. 2021 Photonics North …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 3 (1.50 per year)
  5. H Qingchun, C Kaida, X Jing (2021) Modeling of detection techniques for FMCW lidar using OptiSystem. Journal of Physics: Conference …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1939/1/012066, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  6. MS Noori, RKZ Sahbudin, MS Abood, … (2021) Study the effect of the Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) in optical fiber-based on OptiSystem. … , System and Service …, ieeexplore.ieee.org
  7. HMH Shenoda, NAR Abd-Elazez, … (2021) Performance analysis of Integrating Wireless Sensor Network with Li-Fi Wireless Communication Technology using OptiSystem Simulation Tool. … Africa Conference on …, ieeexplore.ieee.org
  8. A Chauhan, R Verma, A Joshi, … (2021) Design and Performance Analysis for Underground Trains using Optisystem. 2021 International …, ieeexplore.ieee.org
  9. MA Aziz, SK Idris (2021) An optisystem simulation for visible light Communication system performance using Mach Zehnder modulation. INOTEK 2021, inotek.utem.edu.my
  10. 刘劲杨, 周雪芳, 毕美华, 杨国伟, 王天枢 (2021) 光混沌保密通信系统在 MATLAB 与 OptiSystem 中的协同实现. 光电工程, cn.oejournal.org, doi:10.12086/oee.2021.210146, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  11. NF Naim, MAHM Hashim, SS Sarnin, N Ya’acob, … (2021) Design of L-Band Multiwavelength Laser for TDM/WDM PON Application. Baghdad Science …, iasj.net, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  12. N Jha, S Sidhishwari (2021) Analysis of Dispersion Compensation Techniques Used in Optical Fiber Communication. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-15-5546-6_74, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  13. R Thummar, D Dhadhal (2021) Performance analysis of 64 channel DWDM system using single mode fiber at different power levels and frequency spacing. Journal of Physics: Conference …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1804/1/012153, cited by 13 (6.50 per year)
  14. S Chattopadhyay, S Gupta, S Biswas, … (2021) Performance analysis of PPM variants in free space optics (FSO) communication system. 2021 10th International …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  15. MA Yaseen, AK Abass, SM Abdulsatar (2021) Improving of wavelength division multiplexing based on free space optical communication via power comparative system. Wireless Personal …, Springer, doi:10.1007/s11277-021-08216-6, cited by 13 (6.50 per year)
  16. BK Mohammed, DRMM Abdulmajeed (2021) Development a Deterministic Six-State Quantum Protocol (6DP) Using Optisystem Simulator. Design Engineering
  17. D Dhadhal, R Thummar, V Mishra (2021) Simulative analysis of 32×40 DWDM systems for return to zero modulation schemes using variation in channel spacing. Journal of Physics …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1804/1/012154, cited by 6 (3.00 per year)
  18. R Joy, A Lavingia, K Lavingia (2021) Performance evaluation of transmission distance and bit rates in inter‐satellite optical wireless communication system. Int J Adv Technol Eng Sci (IJATES), cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  19. JA Abdalla (2021) Analysis of passive optical network., eprints.uthm.edu.my
  20. S De, AAB Raj (2021) Photonics radar modeling and simulation in opti-system platform for high resolution target detection. 2021 International Conference on Smart …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 3 (1.50 per year)
  21. جمال عزيز عبد الحسين, … Simulation Design of Ϝiber Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor Based On Optical Fiber Interferometric Technology. مجلة …, 2021, edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq
  22. DKT Senthil Kumar, AM Immadisetty, … (2021) Structural Health Monitoring Of Power Line Using Bragg Sensor. Webology (ISSN: 1735 …, webology.org
  23. AAB Raj (2021) Tunable Dual-Band RF Exciter-Receiver Design For Realizing Photonics Radar. 2021 International Conference on System …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 10 (5.00 per year)
  24. HJ Kbashi, V Sharma, S Sergeyev (2021) Dual-wavelength fiber-laser-based transmission of millimeter waves for 5G-supported Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) links. Optical Fiber Technology, Elsevier, cited by 18 (9.00 per year)
  25. JA Abdulhussein, FS Zainulabdeen, … (2021) Simulation Design of Ϝiber Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor Based On Optical Fiber Interferometric Technology.. Journal of College of …, search.ebscohost.com
  26. R Sharma, AK Gupta, S Kaur, … (2021) Performance Analysis of DCF Compensation Techniques. 2021 2nd International …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  27. M Faheem, IK Verma, P Nag, S Goswami, … (2021) Performance Analysis of Indoor Visible Light Communication System Using NRZ-OOK Modulation Technique. Advances in Smart …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-15-9938-5_43, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  28. N Taspınar, M Alhalabi (2021) Performance investigation of long-haul high data rate optical OFDM IM/DD system with different QAM modulations. Journal of electrical engineering, sciendo.com, doi:10.2478/jee-2021-0026, cited by 6 (3.00 per year)
  29. DE Mohsen, AM Hammadi, … (2021) Design and implementation of 1.28 tbps dwdm based rof system with external modulation and dispersion compensation fiber. Journal of Physics …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1963/1/012026, cited by 12 (6.00 per year)
  31. NC Emmanuel, P Thakur, G Singh (2021) Free-Space Optical Link Optimization in Visible Light Communication System., researchsquare.com
  32. JV Aravind, S Kumar, S Prince (2021) Performance Analysis of UWOC using SISO and SIMO Techniques. Journal of Physics: Conference …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1964/6/062025
  33. R Sumathy, A Muthukumar (2021) Wavelength division multiplexing transmission using multimode erbium doped fiber amplifier with elevated refractive index profile. Optical and Quantum Electronics, Springer, doi:10.1007/s11082-021-02774-6, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  34. NS Sadzali, NAM Nor, … (2021) Performance Analysis of FSO Systems using Different Modulation Techniques under the Influence of Atmospheric Turbulence. 2021 8th International …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 3 (1.50 per year)
  35. E Korkmaz, NÖ Ünverdı (2021) Benchmarking on Performances of Active and Passive Optical Networks. 2021 29th Signal Processing and …, ieeexplore.ieee.org
  36. NF Naim, ANAA Azlan, MF Ibrahim, … (2021) Design of Multiwavelength EDF-Raman Lasers Utilizing Mach-Zehnder Interferometer. Journal of Physics …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2075/1/012012
  37. T Siegel, SP Chen (2021) Investigations of free space optical communications under real-world atmospheric conditions. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, doi:10.1007/s11277-020-07724-1, cited by 31 (15.50 per year)
  38. N Garg, A Ahmad (2021) Performance of an Outdoor Optical Wireless Communication Channel Through Gamma-Gamma Turbulence at Different Frequency. … Technologies: Select Proceedings of TEMT 2019, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-15-5463-6_49, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  39. Y Qingmin, Z Qi (2021) Simulation Research of Optical Fiber Communication System Based on LED. 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on …, ieeexplore.ieee.org
  40. UU Kazancili, NÖ Ünverdı (2021) Pulse Generator Applications in Radio Over Fiber Communication Systems. 2021 29th Signal Processing and …, ieeexplore.ieee.org
  41. AB Sert (2021) Modeling of Gigabit Passive Optical Networks. 2021 29th Signal Processing and Communications …, ieeexplore.ieee.org
  42. J Yan, L Miao, S Che (2021) Research on application of laser in interferometric fiber optic gyroscope for excellent scale factor stability. AOPC 2021: Micro-optics and MOEMS, spiedigitallibrary.org, doi:10.1117/12.2601889.short
  43. SH Ab Aziz, NAM Nor, SA Zabidi (2021) Performance analysis of free space optics link under the effect of rain attenuation. 2021 8th International …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 7 (3.50 per year)
  44. AH Köse, NÖ Ünverdı (2021) Comparision of Doped Optical Fiber Amplifiers. 2021 29th Signal Processing and …, ieeexplore.ieee.org
  45. MM Abdul Mounim, AN Mohammed Design and Implementation of 200 G Passive Optical Network. researchgate.net
  46. MMA Eid, AS Seliem, ANZ Rashed, … (2021) High modulated soliton power propagation interaction with optical fiber and optical wireless communication channels. Indones J Electr Eng …, academia.edu, cited by 55 (27.50 per year)
  47. MALIA ALI (2021) Study of WDM-FSO System for Optical Signal Transmission Under Harsh Condition.. Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics: Concepts in …, search.ebscohost.com
  48. R Gao, J Hu, J Li, J Zhang, Q Liu, X Li, … (2021) Arbitrary Waveform Generation Technology Based on Dual-polarization Dual-drive Mach-Zehnder Modulator. 2021 Asia …, ieeexplore.ieee.org
  49. F Ghali, B Fassi, S Driz (2021) Pointing error angle effect on the performance of 10 Gbps ultra-long satellite optical wireless communication. 2021 Palestinian International …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  50. I Yau, SM Sani, AD Usman, AMS Tekanyi, … (2021) Design of radio over plastic optical fibre for broadband indoor access network. FUOYE Journal of …, researchgate.net, cited by 3 (1.50 per year)
  51. TK Panda, AB Mukesh Kumar Behera, G Kumari, … (2021) Performance Analysis of Duobinary and CSRZ Modulation Formats on Self-Phase Modulation Effect in Optical Communication Network Using Fiber Bragg Grating …. Next Generation of …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-16-0666-3_51
  52. MAIB Rahmat, HJ Lee, E Pradana, … (2021) Development of power over fiber for medical devices application. 2021 IEEE 19th …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  54. A Fares, K Saouchi, F Brik, MO Saouchi, … (2021) Performance of 60 GHz DPSK-RoF-WDM System Using Optical DSB-SC for Long Distance Networks. 2021 IEEE 1st …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  55. MM Abbood, HM Al-Tamimi, BJ Hamza, … (2021) Dispersion compression for different optic communication systems using DCF and FBG. AIP Conference …, pubs.aip.org, cited by 7 (3.50 per year)
  56. AF Sayed, FM Mustafa, AAM Khalaf, MH Aly (2021) Symmetrical and post dispersion compensation in WDM optical communication systems. Optical and Quantum …, Springer, doi:10.1007/s11082-020-02663-4, cited by 14 (7.00 per year)
  57. AO Aldhaibani, KSB Sahaq, SA Binajjaj, … (2021) Performance Analysis of 5G Millimeter Waves over Free Space Optics System. Journal of Physics …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1962/1/012022, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  58. P Mohapatra, G Singh, A Singh, … (2021) Performance analysis of a hybrid FSO–FO link with smart decision making system under adverse weather conditions. Journal of Optical …, degruyter.com, doi:10.1515/joc-2021-0146, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  59. C Zhang, J Luo, L Fu, H Wang, … (2021) Time filtering method to detect asymmetry and mitigate time asynchronization of two-way fiber time transfer technique. Optical Design and …, spiedigitallibrary.org, doi:10.1117/12.2601455.short
  60. M Gautam, S Sahu (2021) Performance Analysis of Digital Modulation Formats in FSO. … , Deep Learning and Computational Intelligence for …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-16-0289-4_25
  61. I Dankwa, FA Katsriku, AB Amewuda, GG Yamoah, … Performance Evaluation of Chromatic Dispersion Compensation Techniques in Single Mode Fibre for Radio over Fibre Applications. Science&, ajol.info
  62. F Ali, M Shakeel, A Ali, W Shah, MS Qamar, … (2021) Probing of nonlinear impairments in long range optical transmission systems. Journal of Optical …, degruyter.com, doi:10.1515/joc-2020-0018
  63. D Ghanshala, N Panwar, P Tewari (2021) Free Space Optical Wireless Communication using Lasers Array for Data Transmission. … Conference on Intelligent …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  64. AAA Shabaneh (2021) Design of a Strain Sensor Based on Cascaded Fiber Bragg Grating for Remote Sensing Monitoring. open science index 15 2021, researchgate.net
  65. NA Albakay, A Alothaim, I Barshushi (2021) Bit Error Rate Monitoring for Automatic Bias Control of Quadrature Amplitude Modulators. International Journal of …, researchgate.net
  66. M Singh, J Malhotra (2021) Performance investigation of a 3.84 Tb/s WDM-based FSO transmission system incorporating 3-D orthogonal modulation scheme. Photonic Network Communications, Springer, doi:10.1007/s11107-021-00927-x, cited by 9 (4.50 per year)
  67. IV Bogachkov, NI Gorlov, ET Kitova, … (2021) Application of Brillouin scattering in optic-fiber sensors. Journal of Physics …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2091/1/012070, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  68. MM Kareem, SAS Lafta, HF Hashim, RK Al-Azzawi, … (2021) Analyzing the BER and optical fiber length performances in OFDM RoF links. Indonesian Journal of …, cited by 20 (10.00 per year)
  69. R Gupta, ML Meena (2021) Long-distance optical communication network with linear chirped fiber Bragg grating. … Intelligence and Smart Systems: Proceedings of …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-33-4893-6_17, cited by 7 (3.50 per year)
  70. I Bogachkov, N Gorlov, E Kitova (2021) Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensors Based on Principle of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering. … Conference on Applied Innovation in IT, icaiit.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  71. R Ibrahim (2021) Enhancement of Optical Chaos Generator using Double Delayed Feedback: 10.48129/kjs. 17025. Kuwait Journal of Science, journalskuwait.org
  72. N Nair, P Mittal, S Kaur (2021) Design of all-optical D flipflop using SOA-MZI Architecture. 2021 International Conference on …, ieeexplore.ieee.org
  73. N Gupta Wireless Communication using VLC and MIMO Technology. pdfs.semanticscholar.org, cited by 1 (0.00 per year)
  74. P Zhang, Z Tan, Z Ding, L Guo (2021) Simulation Analysis of Balance Detection Technique in Coherent Optical Receiver. Optics and Photonics Journal, scirp.org, cited by 3 (1.50 per year)
  75. E Ehsan, R Ngah, NAB Daud (2021) Design and implementation of DP-DQPSK DWDM transmission system by using direct detection. Periodicals of Engineering and …, pen.ius.edu.ba, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  76. V Sharma, HJ Kbashi, S Sergeyev (2021) MIMO-employed coherent photonic-radar (MIMO-Co-PHRAD) for detection and ranging. Wireless Networks, Springer, doi:10.1007/s11276-021-02605-2, cited by 9 (4.50 per year)
  77. AA Almukhtar, AK Abass, MH Ali (2021) Optimization and performance evaluation of C+ L band wavelength division multiplexing based on free space optical communication. Journal of Physics: Conference …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1795/1/012069, cited by 4 (2.00 per year)
  78. R Zhang (2021) Preliminary Study of Secure-Enhanced Coherent Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing System Based on DNA Encoding. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on …, dl.acm.org, doi:10.1145/3503047.3503095
  79. MMA Eid, V Sorathiya, S Lavadiya, … (2021) Wide band fiber systems and long transmission applications based on optimum optical fiber amplifiers lengths. Journal of Optical …, degruyter.com, doi:10.1515/joc-2021-0020, cited by 44 (22.00 per year)
  80. S Parween, A Tripathy (2021) Remote Monitoring of Temperature Using Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor. Digital Democracy–IT for Change: 53rd Annual …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-16-2723-1_5, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  81. K Thandapani, M Gopalswamy, … (2021) Performance analysis of WDM free space optics transmission system using MIMO technique under various atmospheric conditions. Journal of Optical …, degruyter.com, doi:10.1515/joc-2021-0038, cited by 5 (2.50 per year)
  82. BK Mohammed, … (2021) Performance Evaluation for Deterministic Six State Quantum Protocol (6DP) using Quantum. … on I-SMAC (IoT in Social …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  83. N Tyagi, P Kumar (2021) Performance evaluation of dual drive dual parallel mach zehnder modulator based radio over fiber link for wireless networks. 2021 7th International Conference on …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  84. HI Abdow, AK Mandpura (2021) Performance Study of Free Space Optical System Under Varied Atmospheric Conditions. Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-16-0965-7_64
  85. SH Alnajjar, FAR Arif (2021) Performance Optimization of Hybrid ROFSO Link Using Hybrid Optical Amplifiers (RAMAN\EDFA) for Long-Haul Transmission with the C-band and L-band …. IOP Conference Series: Materials …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1094/1/012061, cited by 4 (2.00 per year)
  86. B Behera, SK Varshney, MN Mohanty (2021) Demonstration of a 4× 3× 10 Gbps WI-WDM transmission over MDM link using ring-core FMF. Advances in Intelligent Computing …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-16-0695-3_56, cited by 4 (2.00 per year)
  87. PMA Shah, SS Qureshi, RA Butt, … (2021) Orthogonal frequency division multiple access passive optical network for 5G deployment. Journal of Engineering …, scholar.archive.org
  88. SM Abdulsatar, MA Saleh, AK Abass, MH Ali, … (2021) Bidirectional hybrid optical communication system based on wavelength division multiplexing for outdoor applications. Optical and Quantum …, Springer, doi:10.1007/s11082-021-03252-9, cited by 16 (8.00 per year)
  89. SM Aovuthu, G Immadi, … (2021) Experimental studies on the effects of fog and haze on free‐space optical link at 405 nm. Microwave and Optical …, Wiley Online Library, doi:10.1002/mop.32662
  90. RO Okeke, VE Idigo, MO Akemi, … (2021) Passive optical network: a fibre to the ‘X’approach. European Journal of …, ej-eng.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  91. R Chowdhury, AKM Choyon (2021) Design of novel hybrid CPDM-CO-OFDM FSO communication system and its performance analysis under diverse weather conditions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.15751, arxiv.org, cited by 4 (2.00 per year)
  92. H Kaur, A Umary (2021) Design and Performance Analysis of DWDM Optical Link for High-Speed Optical Communication. International Conference on Energy Systems, Drives …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-99-3691-5_26
  93. M Swain, A Tripathy Performance analysis of PDM-CO-OFDM in FSO communication system under various weather conditions. academia.edu
  94. R Chowdhury, AKMSJ Choyon (2021) Design and performance analysis of spectral-efficient hybrid CPDM-CO-OFDM FSO communication system under diverse weather conditions. Journal of Optical Communications, degruyter.com, doi:10.1515/joc-2021-0113, cited by 15 (7.50 per year)
  95. ANZ Rashed, WF Zaky, HM El-Hageen, … (2021) Technical specifications for an all-optical switch for information storage and processing systems. The European Physical …, Springer, doi:10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01841-x, cited by 34 (17.00 per year)
  96. AM Al-Hetar, AA Abdulgabar (2021) 10 Gbps MMW UFMC-Based Backhaul with FiWi Access Network. Advances on Smart and Soft Computing …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-15-6048-4_26
  97. PK Sahu (2021) OFDM-FSO communication system analysis. Advances in Intelligent Computing and Communication …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-16-0695-3_53, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  98. ZA Shikha, SKD Nath, N Sikder, IB Sohn, … (2021) Demonstration of a 4 Gb/s Wavelength Division Multiplexing Based Li-Fi Network. 2021 International …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  99. H Khalil, F Qamar, R Shahzadi, A Shahzad, M Ali, … (2021) Performance analysis of modulation formats for next generation RoF systems. IEEE …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 11 (5.50 per year)
  100. NS Effendi, Y Natali, C Apriono (2021) Study of Dispersion Compensation with Dispersion Compensating Fiber in 10 Gbps Single-Mode Fiber. … International Conference on …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  101. HA Bakarman, A Alsaqaf, M Ba’Afiah, … (2021) Planning, Design and Simulation of a Network Access Based on FTTH-EPON for Hadhramout University. Journal of Physics …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1962/1/012004, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  102. SE Zuhair, SH Alnajjar, FAR Arif (2021) Performance analysis of WDM-hybrid RFoFSO\FO system under different weather conditions utilizing a hybrid optical amplifier. IOP Conference Series …, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1105/1/012035, cited by 3 (1.50 per year)
  103. Z Saraç, B Kurt, C Erdemir (2021) A New Hybrid Peak Detection Methods for Fiber Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor. 2021 29th Signal Processing and …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  105. F GHALI, S DRIZ, B FASSI High Speed Transmissions over RoF-OCDMA Networks using ZCZ Spreading Code. researchgate.net
  106. JS Ojo, FO Dare (2021) Analysis and impact of digital modulation techniques on LTE over fibre for 5G systems applications.. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, iopscience.iop.org, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1874/1/012004, cited by 3 (1.50 per year)
  107. S Kheris, B Bouabdallah (2021) Analysis three dispersion compensation techniques using DCF. Journal of Optical Communications, degruyter.com, doi:10.1515/joc-2020-0220, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  108. G Sharma (2021) Comparative Analysis of DCF based Dispersion Compensation Techniques in Optical Fiber Communication Link using Different Input Transmitter Conditions at 10 …. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics …, turcomat.org, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  109. P Spalevic, B Jaksic, A Markovic, M Smilic, V Simic Modeling, simulation and analysis of signal transmission through DWDM system. theoretical research, researchgate.net
  110. DVN Jha, DS Rani (2021) Extinction Ratio and the Fiber Optic Transmission Networks. Available at SSRN 3845228, papers.ssrn.com, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  111. S Kumar, S Prince (2021) Study of Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Link Performance for Different Water Channels. International Conference on Optical and Wireless …, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-981-19-1645-8_4
  112. T Khirham, AK Rahman, S SK, T FK, … (2021) Impact of Rain Attenuation in Borneo using Free Space Optics Propagation.. International …, search.ebscohost.com
  113. S Kumar, S Prince, GS Kumar (2021) Investigation on effects of system parameters on transmission depth in underwater wireless optical communication. Photonic Network Communications, Springer, doi:10.1007/s11107-021-00924-0, cited by 7 (3.50 per year)
  114. FN BASSOUNG, EA Ndanga, J Ndoumbe Performance Analysis of a Passive FTTH-PON System Using Hybrid OTDM/WDM Multiplexing. researchgate.net
  115. S Sharma, S Roy (2021) Design of all-optical parallel multipliers using semiconductor optical amplifier-based Mach–Zehnder interferometers. The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, doi:10.1007/s11227-020-03543-0, cited by 13 (6.50 per year)
  117. A Ermolaev, M Shevchenko, … (2021) Features of the data transmission system using optical dispersion-managed soliton pulses. 2021 International …, ieeexplore.ieee.org, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  118. G Sharma, A Agarwal (2021) CoMPARATIVE ANALYSIS of oPTICAL TRANSMISSIoN SYSTEM USING dCf-UNIfoRM fBG BASEd TECHNIQUES WITH NRZ ANd RZ ModULATIoN. Journal of Indian Research (ISSN …, jir.mewaruniversity.org
  119. M Hassan, A Arif (2021) Optimal Analysis of 40 Gbps Dispersion Compensated Optical Fiber System. Engineering Proceedings, mdpi.com
  120. NI Hamadamen (2021) Performance Evaluation of WDM Optical Fiber Communication System in the Presence of PMD. UKH Journal of Science and Engineering, journals.ukh.edu.krd, cited by 1 (0.50 per year)
  121. AH Ali, S Mutashar, AM Hammadi (2021) grating at 15 Gbits/s. Indonesian Journal of …, researchgate.net, cited by 4 (2.00 per year)
  122. JM Gong, YS Zhang, ZH Zhu, F Liu, … (2021) Cascaded Raman wavelength converter based on germanium doped microstructure fiber. AOPC 2021 …, spiedigitallibrary.org, doi:10.1117/12.2606595.short
  123. F Zhang, H Zhang, P Zhang, Y Qi, W Li (2021) Optical domain despreading method of optical time-domain reflectometer using spread spectrum technology. Optical engineering, spiedigitallibrary.org, doi:10.1117/1.OE.60.5.055103.short, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
  124. Z Yi, F Wang, L Jin, Y Zhan (2021) Application scheme and performance analysis of free space optical communication technology in INMARSAT. Journal of Optical Communications, degruyter.com, doi:10.1515/joc-2021-0090
  125. N Kathpal, AK Garg (2021) Parametric analysis of self-phase modulation in single-tone RoF system. Journal of Optical Communications, degruyter.com, doi:10.1515/joc-2018-0101, cited by 2 (1.00 per year)
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