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OptiSystem Publication References – 2019

The following is a list of scientific papers, technical journals, periodicals, theses, and conference publications that reference the use of OptiSystem.  These references were collected from internal sources, customer-submitted papers, and scientific articles via Google Scholar – and to the best of our knowledge, make use of our OptiSystem software package. If you locate any mistakes, please notify us immediately by contacting info@optiwave.com.



  1. Abass, AK, Mohammed J Abdul-Razak, Haneen H Mohammed, Suad M Kadhim, and Mohammed A Salih. “Optical Fiber Amplifiers: Optimization and Performance Evaluation.” DIYALA JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES 12, no. 1 (2019): 66-72.
  2. Abdullah, MFL, R Talib, Khaldoon Anmar Omar, Abdullah Ali Qasim, Anas Malik Abdulrahman, and Abdullah Dawood. “Simulation of Undersea Optical Communication System Using DCF and SSF.” Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference on Information Science and Communication Technology (ICISCT), 2019.
  3. Ab-Rahman, Mohammed Syuhaimi, Farhat M Shaltami, I-Shyan Hwang, and Abdlhameed Almabrok Swedan. “Analysis of 10 Gbps Soa-Based Optical Network Unit with Low Seeding Power That Uses Feedback Seeding Scheme.” Optik 183 (2019): 602-11.
  4. Adiati, Rima Fitria, Apriani Kusumawardhani, and Heru Setijono. “Analysis of Signal to Noise Ratio and Bit Error Rate Parameters of Optical Fiber Communication Backbone in Lamongan-Kebalen Segment.” Paper presented at the Third International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and Its Applications (ISPhOA 2018), 2019.
  5. Adiya, Munkhbayar, Hiroki Kishikawa, and Nobuo Goto. “Efficient Decoding Method for M-Ary OAM Shift Keying in FSO Link.” Paper presented at the 2019 24th Microoptics Conference (MOC), 2019.
  6. Adiya, Munkhbayar, Nyam-Erdene Odbayar, Hiroki Kishikawa, Nobuo Goto, and Ganbold Shagdar. “Waveguide-Type Optical Circuits for the Recognition of Optical 8psk-Coded Labels.” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58, no. SJ (2019): SJJA01.
  7. Agarwal, Vipul, Monika Agarwal, Prakash Pareek, Vijayshri Chaurasia, and SK Pandey. “Ultrafast Optical Message Encryption–Decryption System Using Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Based XOR Logic Gate.” Optical and Quantum Electronics 51, no. 7 (2019): 221.
  8. AGOSSOU, Mawutin Martien Carlos, Léopold DJOGBE, Fréjus SANYA, Patrick SOTINDJO, Antoine VIANOU, and Christelle AUPETIT-BERTHELEMOT. “Modulation RZ-DPSK Optique Pour Le Réseau D’accès Optique Passif Multiplexé En Longueurs D’onde (WDM-Pon).” Afrique SCIENCE 15, no. 4 (2019): 96-105.
  9. Ahlawat, Deepti, Payal Arora, and Suresh Kumar. “Performance Evaluation of Proposed WDM Optical Link Using EDFA and FBG Combination.” Journal of Optical Communications 40, no. 2 (2019): 101-07.
  10. Ahmadian, Amir, Mehdi Khatir, and Ghafar Darvish. “Design of Wide-Band Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier Using Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Fiber.” [In eng]. Research. Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology 24, no. 0 (2018): 865-68.
  11. Ahmed, Ashad, Aloukik Singh, Akansha Singh, and Sanmukh Kaur. “Performance Analysis of WDM-MIMO Free Space Optical System under Atmospheric Turbulence.” Paper presented at the 2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2019.
  12. Ahmed, Hassan Yousif, Medien Zeghid, Waqas A Imtiaz, and Anissa Sghaier. “Two Dimensional Fixed Right Shift (Frs) Code for Sac-Ocdma Systems.” Optical Fiber Technology 47 (2019): 73-87.
  13. Ahmed, Hassan Yousif, Medien Zeghid, Waqas A Imtiaz, Yahia Sharief, and Anissa Sghaier. “A Tradeoff for Dispersion Compensating Fibers (DCFs) Deployment in Sac-Ocdma Environment Using 2d-Fixed Right Shift (2d-Frs) Code.” Optik 185 (2019): 746-58.
  14. AISSAOUI, Amel, and Latifa HACINI. “Performance Comparison of Different SAC-OCDMA-FSO Detection Techniques in Presence of Atmospheric Losses.” Paper presented at the 2019 6th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Applications (ISPA), 2019.
  15. Ajmani, Manisha, Preeti Singh, and Pardeep Kaur. “Hybrid Dispersion Compensating Modules: A Better Solution for Mitigating Four-Wave Mixing Effects.” Wireless Personal Communications 107, no. 2 (2019): 959-71.
  16. Akbar, Taufik, Akhmad Hambali, and Brian Pamukti. “Analisis Performansi Ber Pada Jaringan Optik Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Menggunakan Penguat Hybrid Raman EDFA.” eProceedings of Engineering 6, no. 2 (2019).
  17. AKINTOLA, KG, and EC ELEAZAR. “Design and Performance Analysis of Fiber Optic Network System Using FUTA as Case Study.” Iconic Research And Engineering Journals 3, no. 5 (2019).
  18. Al Junaedi, Anas Machfudy, Sholeh Hadi Pramono, and Fakhriy Hario Partiansyah. “Desain Dan Analisis Sistem Komunikasi FSO Menggunakan Teknik Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM-FSO) Dengan Variasi Format Modulasi Untuk Kawasan Iklim Tropis.” Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB 7, no. 2 (2019).
  19. Alam, Nisa, and Rinku Basak. “Effects of EDFA Parameters on the Performance of a 4-Channel CWDM Optical Communication System.” Trends in Opto-Electro and Optical Communications 4, no. 2 (2019): 33-38.
  20. Albayati, Sayf Waleed, and Serhan Yarkan. “An Adaptive Transceiver Design for Visible Light Communication.” Journal of Technologies and Applied Sciences 2, no. 01 (2019): 01-11.
  21. AL-DAWOODI, ARAS, HEYAM MARAHA, SARA ALSHWANI, ALAAN GHAZI, AHMED M FAKHRUDEEN, SA ALJUNID, SYED ZULKARNAIN SYED IDRUS, ASO AHMED MAJEED, and KAMERAN ALI AMEEN. “Investigation of 8 X 5 Gb/S Mode Division Multiplexing-FSO System under Different Weather Condition.” Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 14, no. 2 (2019): 674-81.
  22. Aldouri, Muthana Y, Maki Mahdi, and Abdulsalam M Saeed. “EDFA Gain Evaluation in WDM Transmitting System of the Free Space Optics FSO.” American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) 54, no. 1 (2019): 122-30.
  23. Al-Gailani, Samir A, Mohd Rizal B Arshad, Osayd M Kharraz, and Redhwan Q Shaddad. “Performance Evaluation of 6-Gbps Hybrid DWDM/Multibeam Free-Space Optical Network in an Unusual Haze.” Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications, 2019.
  24. Al-Hetar, Abdulaziz M, and Abdulnasser Abdulgaleel A Abdulgabar. “10Gbps MMW Backhaul Network Based on Fbmc-Pon-WDM.” Paper presented at the 2019 First International Conference of Intelligent Computing and Engineering (ICOICE), 2019.
  25. Alhorani, Feras Mohammed, and Abdulkarim Assalem. “Ng-Pon2 Network with 120km Fiber Length Using Fiber Bragg Grating FBG.” American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) 57, no. 1 (2019): 35-44.
  26. Ali, Ameer H, Saif H Abdulwahed, and Mohannad AM Al-Ja’afari. “Investigation of the Different Compensation Methods for Single Optical Channel.” Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 14, no. 9 (2019): 3018-22.
  27. Ali, Adnan H, Hayder J Alhamdane, and Begared S Hassen. “Design Analysis and Performance Evaluation of the WDM Integration with Co-OFDM System for Radio over Fiber System.” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 15, no. 2 (2019): 870-78.
  28. Ali, Adnan Hussein, and Alaa Desher Farhood. “Design and Performance Analysis of the WDM Schemes for Radio over Fiber System with Different Fiber Propagation Losses.” Fibers 7, no. 3 (2019): 19.
  29. Ali, Farman, Shabbir Ahmad, Fazal Muhammad, Ziaul Haq Abbas, Usman Habib, and Sunghwan Kim. “Adaptive Equalization for Dispersion Mitigation in Multi-Channel Optical Communication Networks.” Electronics 8, no. 11 (2019): 1364.
  30. Ali, Hosam Abd Elrazek Mohamed, El-Sayed Soliman A Said, and Mohamed Ebrahim Yousef. “Effect of Environmental Parameters on the Performance of Optical Wireless Communications.” International Journal of Optics 2019 (2019).
  31. Ali, Mazin Ali A, Salah Aldeen Adnan, and Sarah Ali Al-Saeedi. “Transporting 8× 10 Gbps WDM Ro-FSO under Various Weather Conditions.” Journal of Optical Communications 41, no. 1 (2019): 99-105.
  32. Ali, Mustafa H, Hiba A Abu-Alsaad, and Ali M Almufti. “Downstream Performance Analysis and Optimization of 2.5 Gbit/Sec GPON-FTTX Using NRZ and RZ Modulation Formats.” Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 14, no. 21 (2019): 7951-59.
  33. Ali, Mustafa H, Ali M Almufti, and Hiba A Abu-Alsaad. “Simulative Analyzing of Covering Suburban Areas with 32× 10 Gbps DWDM-PON FTTH Using Different Dispersion and Power.” Journal of Communications 14, no. 5 (2019).
  34. Ali, Mudhafer H, Mohammed A Saleh, and Ali H Abdulhadi. “Characteristics of Brillouin Fiber Laser under Two Different Techniques.” Journal of Madenat Alelem University College 11, no. 1 (2019): 66-74.
  35. Ali, Meerasha Mubarak, Toijam Sunder Meetei, and Krishnamoorthy Pandiyan. “Configurable Photonic Element: Analysis and Design Towards Reconfigurable Photonic ICS.” Paper presented at the 2019 TEQIP III Sponsored International Conference on Microwave Integrated Circuits, Photonics and Wireless Networks (IMICPW), 2019.
  36. Ali, Tariq A, and Jalal J Hamad Ameen. “Study of Fault Detection Techniques for Optical Fibers.” ZANCO Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 31, no. s3 (2019): 143-49.
  37. Al-janabi, Hussam Dheaa Kamel, Haider Dheyaa Kamil Al-janabi, and Raed Abdulkareem Hasan Al-Bukamrh. “Impact of Light Pulses Generator in Communication System Application by Utilizing Gaussian Optical Pulse.” Paper presented at the 2019 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), 2019.
  38. Al-Shareefi, Nael, Jaafar Aldhaibaini, Sura Abbas, and Hadeel Obaid. “Comparison of Three Different Eou Techniques for Fifth− Generation Mm− W Wireless Networks.” Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics 45, no. 2 (2019): 9-14.
  39. Alsharfa, Raya Majid. “Design and Analysis of Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier for Optical Communication Network.” Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019.
  40. Alshwani, Sara, Ahmed M Fakhrudeen, Mohammed Nasih Ismael, Aras Al-Dawoodi, and Alaan Ghazi. “Hermite-Gaussian Mode in Spatial Division Multiplexing over FSO System under Different Weather Condition Based on Linear Gaussian Filter.” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10, no. 1 (2019): 1095-105.
  41. ALTINKAYNAK, Süleyman, and Veysel Gökhan BÖCEKÇİ. “WDM Üzerinde FBG Tabanlı Sıcaklık Algılama Ve Performans İyileştirilmesi.” Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 30, no. 4: 460-66.
  42. Al-Wahaibi, Fawziya, Rajagopal Nilavalan, and Hamed Al-Rwashidi. “Study the Performance of Optical Millimetre Wave Based on Carrier Suppressed by Using an Inverted Optical Filter.” Paper presented at the Intelligent Computing-Proceedings of the Computing Conference, 2019.
  43. Amano, Tomoki, Hiroki Kishikawa, and Nobuo Goto. “Aggregation of OOK Signals for Modulation Format Conversion to 8QAM Signal Using XPM and XGM.” Paper presented at the Signal Processing in Photonic Communications, 2019.
  44. Amelia, Novi Sebtian, Sholeh Hadi Pramono, and Sapriesty Nainy Sari. “Analisis Performansi Jaringan Next-Generation Passive Optical Network 2 (Ng-Pon2) Menggunakan Teknik Direct Modulation.” Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB 7, no. 5 (2019).
  45. Amin, Md Ziaul, Khurram Karim Qureshi, and Md Mahbub Hossain. “Doping Radius Effects on an Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier.” Chinese Optics Letters 17, no. 1 (2019): 010602.
  46. Amiri, IS, Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed, Hala M Abdel Kader, Amr A Al-Awamry, Ismail A Abd El-Aziz, P Yupapin, and G Palai. “Optical Communication Transmission Systems Improvement Based on Chromatic and Polarization Mode Dispersion Compensation Simulation Management.” Optik (2019): 163853.
  47. Amphawan, Angela, Sushank Chaudhary, and Vincent Chan. “Optical Millimeter Wave Mode Division Multiplexing of Lg and Hg Modes for OFDM Ro-FSO System.” Optics Communications 431 (2019): 245-54.
  48. Arafat, Hefans Akhmed, Eko Fajar Cahyadi, Dodi Zulherman, Dadiek Pranindito, and Min-Shiang Hwang. “Combating Stimulated Raman Scattering Nonlinear Effect on 8-Channels DWDM Systems.” Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019.
  49. Aravindan, N, and A Sivanantha Raja. “Performance Analysis of 200 Mb/S Indoor Visible Light Communication System Using Composite White Light Source.” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 16, no. 4 (2019): 1465-71.
  50. Arya, Raju, and Joseph Zacharias. “Performance Improved Tunable Millimeter‐Wave Signal Generation Employing UFBG Based Aotf with Bit Walk‐Off Effect Compensation.” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 61, no. 5 (2019): 1221-30.
  51. Asha, RS, VK Jayasree, Mhatli Sofien, and Xavier Fernando. “Group Velocity and Third-Order Dispersion Comparison in Externally and Directly Modulated Radio over Fiber Link.” Journal of Optics 48, no. 3 (2019): 332-39.
  52. Atabay, S Eylem, and N Ozlem Unverdi. “Comparison of Optical Filters in Free Space Optical Communication Systems under Various Weather Conditions.” Paper presented at the 2019 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2019.
  53. Aucancela Ilbay, Luis Alberto. “Diseño De Enlaces Troncales De Transmisión Para La Optimización De Tráfico Y Migración Tecnológica En Nodos Prestadores De Servicios Fijos.” Master, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2019.
  54. Aulia, Tsaura Dwi Fitriani, Dwi Astharini, Ahmad Lubis, and Ary Syahriar. “Performance Analysis of Fiber with Solitons Parameters and Fiber Non-Solitons Parameters Using Optisystem.” Paper presented at the 2019 6th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation (ICA), 2019.
  55. Badraoui, Nada, and Tibor Berceli. “Enhancing Capacity of Optical Links Using Polarization Multiplexing.” Optical and Quantum Electronics 51, no. 9 (2019): 310.
  56. Bai, Jie, Longsheng Li, Yan Fu, Haiyun Xin, Xin Miao, and Weisheng Hu. “Joint Optimization of Amplitude Shifting and Clipping for Kk Receiver.” Paper presented at the 2019 18th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), 2019.
  57. Bao, Wei, Meihua Bi, Shilin Xiao, Jiafei Fang, Tiancheng Huang, and Yunhao Zhang. “Lagrange Interpolation Based Extended Kalman Filter for Phase Noise Suppression in Co-OFDM System.” Optics Communications 435 (2019): 221-26.
  58. Baskaran, M, R Prabakaran, and T Santhoshi Gayathri. “Photonic Generation of Frequency 16-Tupling Millimeter Wave Signal Using Polarization Property without an Optical Filter.” Optik 184 (2019): 348-55.
  59. Belardi, Walter, Pier J Sazio, and Laurent Bigot. “Hollow Core Fibers for Optical Amplification.” Optics letters 44, no. 17 (2019): 4127-30.
  60. Bensalem, Mounir, Sandeep Kumar Singh, and Admela Jukan. “Machine Learning Techniques to Detecting and Preventing Jamming Attacks in Optical Networks.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.07537 (2019).
  61. Bhatia, Richa, Saurabh Prakash, and Ekta Saini. “Performance Improvement of 60‐Ghz Wireless Optical Systems with Reverse‐Parallel Hybrid Modulation Scheme.” International Journal of Communication Systems 32, no. 2 (2019): e3848.
  62. Bi, Meihua, Ling Liu, Lu Zhang, Guowei Yang, Miao Hu, Qiliang Li, Shilin Xiao, and Weisheng Hu. “Low Overhead Equalization Algorithm for Simultaneously Estimating Channel and Mitigating Intrinsic Imaginary Interference in Imdd-OQAM-OFDM System.” Optics Communications 430 (2019): 256-61.
  63. Billa, Abdul Bakir, and Md Jahedul Islam. “Performance Analysis of NRZ-OOK, RZ-OOK and 8QAM Modulated Vcsel Based Optical Link.” Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), 2019.
  64. Cadena, Jorge, and María Soledad Jiménez. “Análisis Y Simulación Del Fenómeno De Dispersión Por Modo De Polarización (Pmd) En Fibras Ópticas Itu-T G. 655.” Revista Politécnica 43, no. 2 (2019): 21-28.
  65. Chandrasenan, Archa, and Joseph Zacharias. “Coherent Full Duplex Radio over Fiber System with Multiple Signal Transmission.” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 61, no. 2 (2019): 365-73.
  66. Chao, HE, WANG Ruyan, TAN Zefu, and Tan Xiang’an. “OFDMa-PON with MQAM Downlink for Flexible Allocation.” Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 30, no. 6 (2019): 1090-95.
  67. Chatterjee, Binshati, and Sanjoy Mandal. “Z-Domain Modeling Approach of a Multilayer Sextuple-Coupled Micro-Ring Resonator with 1× 5 Input–Output Bus Waveguides as Optical Filters.” Applied optics 58, no. 28 (2019): 7868-77.
  68. Chatterjee, Rishab, Kaushik Joarder, Sourav Chatterjee, Barry C Sanders, and Urbasi Sinha. “Qkdsim: An Experimenter’s Simulation Toolkit for Qkd with Imperfections, and Its Performance Analysis with a Demonstration of the B92 Protocol Using Heralded Photon.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.10061 (2019).
  69. Chatti, Ichraf, Faîçal Baklouti, Faouzi Chekir, and Rabah Attia. “Comparative Analysis of MIMO-Based FSO and MIMO-Based Mgdm Communications.” Optical Review 26, no. 6 (2019): 631-43.
  70. Chatti, Ichraf, Faîçal Baklouti, Faouzi Chekir, and Rabah Attia. “Including Nonlinear Spm and XPM Effects on the Optical MIMO Systems.” Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking (SmartNets), 2019.
  71. Chattopadhyay, Diptangshu, and Manisha Bharti. “Implementation of C-Polsk Modulation in FSO Network and Analysis of Its Atmospheric Performance.” Journal of Telecommunications & Information Technology, no. 4 (2019).
  72. Chaudhary, Sushank, Priyanka Chauhan, and Abhishek Sharma. “High Speed 4× 2.5 Gbps-5 Ghz Ami-WDM-Rof Transmission System for Wlans.” Journal of Optical Communications 40, no. 3 (2019): 285-88.
  73. Chaudhary, Sushank, Rudrakshi Kapoor, and Abhishek Sharma. “Empirical Evaluation of 4 Qam and 4 Psk in OFDM-Based Inter-Satellite Communication System.” Journal of Optical Communications 40, no. 2 (2019): 143-47.
  74. Chaudhary, Sushank, Abhishek Sharma, and Vishal Singh. “Optimization of High Speed and Long Haul Inter-Satellite Communication Link by Incorporating Differential Phase Shift Key and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Scheme.” Optik 176 (2019): 185-90.
  75. Chaudhary, Sushank, Xuan Tang, Zabih Ghassemlooy, Bangjiang Lin, Xian Wei, and Shien-Kuei Liaw. “A 3× 25 Mbps WDM-Ro-Vlc System for Amateur Radio Applications.” Paper presented at the 2019 2nd West Asian Colloquium on Optical Wireless Communications (WACOWC), 2019.
  76. Chaudhary, Sushank, Xuan Tang, Abhishek Sharma, Bangjiang Lin, Xian Wei, and Akshita Parmar. “A Cost-Effective 100 Gbps Sac-Ocdma–Pdm Based Inter-Satellite Communication Link.” Optical and Quantum Electronics 51, no. 5 (2019): 148.
  77. Chaudhary, Sushank, Deepika Thakur, and Abhishek Sharma. “10 Gbps-60 Ghz Rof Transmission System for 5 G Applications.” Journal of Optical Communications 40, no. 3 (2019): 281-84.
  78. Chen, Jialong, Maoguo Cai, and Ning Chen. “Application of Optical Physical Layer Network Coding on Passive Optical Interconnection.” Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing (AIAM), 2019.
  79. Chen, Kai-Sheng. “Packet Switching Strategy and Node Architecture of Extended Spectral-Amplitude-Coding Labels in Gmpls Networks.” Applied Sciences 9, no. 7 (2019): 1513.
  80. Chen, Kai-Sheng, Chien-Sheng Chen, and Xiao-Lu Wu. “Two-Code Keying and Code Conversion for Optical Buffer Design in Optical Packet Switching Networks.” Electronics 8, no. 10 (2019): 1117.
  81. Cherifi, A, N Jellali, M Najjar, SA Aljunid, and BS Bouazza. “Development of a Novel Two-Dimensional-Swzcc–Code for Spectral/Spatial Optical Cdma System.” Optics & Laser Technology 109 (2019): 233-40.
  82. Chitravelu, Rimmya, and Ganesh Madhan Muthu. “Performance Analysis of Csrz-Dqpsk Transmitter Configurations for Sbs Tolerance in Single Mode Fiber Link.” Optik 176 (2019): 357-65.
  83. Choi, Su-il, and Nguyen Khac Binh. “Monitoring of Passive Optical Network Using Uniform FBG Optical Sensor.” 디지털콘텐츠학회논문지 (J. DCS) 20, no. 3 (2019): 657-62.
  84. Chowdhury, Tasnuva, and Mohammad Nasir Uddin. “Ocdma System Using Two Code Keying Encryption Introducing a Soa Based Cmux and Cdemux over a WDM System.” AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) 18, no. 1 (2019): 11-17.
  85. Chowdhury, Tasnuva, and Mohammad Nasir Uddin. “Soa Based Cmux and Cdemux Design for Ocdma System.” Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), 2019.
  86. Christine, Michelle, Akhmad Hambali, and Kris Sujatmoko. “Performance Analysis of Radio over Fiber Network for Indoor Telecommunication Application.” Paper presented at the 2019 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob), 2019.
  87. Cong, Wenshan, Lan Yu, Jianghai Wo, Xiong Luo, Anle Wang, and Jin Zhang. “Photonic Generation of Linearly Chirped Microwave Waveform with Tunable Frequency and Bandwidth Multiplication Factor.” Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN2018), 2019.
  88. Cui, Zhang, Tao Yuan, Tong Xinglin, Deng Chengwei, He Wei, Gan Weibing, and Wang Lixin. “Monitoring System of Railway Track Based on Identity Weak Fiber Bragg Grating Array.” 红外与激光工程 48, no. 6 (2019): 622001-0622001 (7).
  89. Dai, Zhan-Heng, Wei-Feng Chen, Li-Min Li, Ruo-Fei Ma, Bo Li, and Gongliang Liu. “Comparative Simulation for Nonlinear Effect of Hybrid Optical Fiber-Links in High-Speed WDM Systems.” Paper presented at the International Conference in Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2019.
  90. Damoue, Zacharia, Ahmed Dooguy Kora, Samuel Ouya, and Cheikh Brahim Rabany. “Modulations and Fading Points.” Wireless Networks 25, no. 8 (2019): 4915-20.
  91. Darmawan, Dadan. “Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Software Optisystem Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Mata Pelajaran Instalasi Jaringan FTTH Di Kelas Xi Tja Smk Ut Pgii Bandung.” universitas pendidikan indonesia, 2019.
  92. Darwis, Robi, Octarina Nur Samijayani, Ary Syahriar, and Indrawan Arifianto. “Performance Analysis of Dispersion Compensation Fiber on NRZ and RZ Modulation with Difference Power Transmission.” idea 10 (2019): 13.
  93. Das, Bhagwan, Abdul Fattah Chandio, Yahya Sameen Junejo, and BS Chowdhry. “Design of All-Optical 2-Regeneration for 40gb/S NRZ-DPSK System.” Paper presented at the 2019 2nd International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET), 2019.
  94. Das, Binoy, Rahul Mukherjee, Gour Chandra Mandal, and Ardhendu Sekhar Patra. “40 Gbps Downstream Transmission Using Dqpsk and 20 Gbps Upstream Transmission Using Irz Modulation in Full-Duplex WDM-Pon.” Journal of Optical Communications 40, no. 3 (2019): 255-60.
  95. Dawood, Ali A, Tahreer S Mansour, and Laith T Mohammed. “Electronically Implementation and Detection of Pulse Laser from Continuous Laser Diode.” Iraqi Journal of Laser 18, no. 2 (2019): 27-33.
  96. de Sousa, Fabio Barros, Fiterlinge Martins de Sousa, Jorge Everaldo de Oliveira, Lelis Araujo de Oliveira, Fabricio Pinho da Luz, Jackson Moreira Oliveira, Marcio Benedito Caldas Costa, et al. “Numerical Analysis of the Hybrid Photonic Crystal Fiber and Single Mode Fiber/Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor for Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Strain.” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 16, no. 2 (2019): 329-34.
  97. Decena, Bernalyn, Marc Rosales, and Paul Jason Co. “Characterization of Low Cost Wideband Direct Modulation Radio over Fiber Link.” Paper presented at the 2019 International Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology (ISMAC), 2019.
  98. del Río Campos, Carmina, Antonio Consoli, José Manuel del Río Campos, and Paloma R Horche. “Impact on the Chirp Effect of the Shaped Electrical-Driven Current of the Directly-Modulated 1.55 Μm Vcsel in an Optical Fiber Link.” Optics Communications 435 (2019): 326-33.
  99. Dewiani, Dewiani. “Pengaruh Kualitas Jaringan Indihome Terhadap Customer Experience.” JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional) 5, no. 1.1 (2019): 67-72.
  100. Djemmah, Wiam, Sihem Hamdad, and Chahinaz Kandouci. “Otdm Transmission Multiplexing and Demultiplexing for Photonic Packet Switched (Pps) Networks.” Paper presented at the 2019 6th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Applications (ISPA), 2019.
  101. DRIF, Meriem, and Bouchra BENABDELOUAHED. “Contribution À La Compensation De La Dispersion Chromatique En Utilisant Des Fibres Compensatrices Et Des Fibres De Bragg.”
  102. Dubey, Arjun, and Davinder Prakash. “Performance Improvement of FSO Communication System Using MIMO Technique.” FOG 4, no. 6.78209: x10-6.
  103. Durodola, MO, and J Ilouno. “The Impact of Non-Reflective Events in Optical Fiber Communication Cables.” Advances in Research (2019): 1-6.
  104. El Yahyaoui, Moussa, Ali El Moussati, Ghaïs El Zein, and Kamel Haddadi. “New Millimeter Wave Generation Scheme for MIMO-OFDM Based Radio-over-Fiber System.” Optics Communications 442 (2019): 101-05.
  105. Eleazar, K.G. Akintola ; E. C. “Design and Performance Analysis of Fiber Optic Network System Using FUTA as Case Study.” Iconic Research And Engineering Journals 3, no. 5 (2019): 30-35.
  106. El-haj, Amani Bakri Mohammed. “Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Optical Amplifier for Wavelength Division Multiplexing Transmission.” Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2019.
  107. El-Nahal, Fady, and Norbert Hanik. “Technologies for Future Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Networks.” IET Optoelectronics 14, no. 2 (2019): 53-57.
  108. Essa, Essa Ibrahim, Ahmad Ayied Ahmad, Mshari A Asker, and Fidan T Sedeeq. “Transmission Power Optimization of High Speed 32 Channels× 12.8 Tbps CWDM Based on Multi-Span Ssmf Using RZ Modulation Format.” Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences 7, no. 3 (2019): 1546-54.
  109. Fajkus, Marcel, Martin Novák, Jan Nedoma, E Hrubesova, Pavel Mec, and Radek Martinek. “Parameter Analysis of a Pair of Bragg Gratings with Overlapping Spectra for Power Measurement of Small Deformations.” Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 13, no. March-April 2019 (2019): 168-74.
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  115. Garg, Amit Kumar, Vijay Janyani, Ghanshyam Singh, Tawfik Ismail, and Hossam Selmy. “Dedicated and Broadcasting Downstream Transmission with Energy-Efficient and Latency-Aware Onu Interconnection in WDM-PON for Smart Cities.” Optical Fiber Technology 52 (2019): 101949.
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  164. Kakati, Dhiman, and Subhash C Arya. “A Full-Duplex Pilot-Assisted Dp-16-Qam Co-OFDM System for High-Speed Long-Haul Communication.” Paper presented at the 2019 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication (IESC), 2019.
  165. Kakati, Dhiman, and Subhash C Arya. “Performance of 120 Gbps Single Channel Coherent Dp-16-Qam in Terrestrial FSO Link under Different Weather Conditions.” Optik 178 (2019): 1230-39.
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  170. Kassegne, Djima, Simranjit Singh, S Sanoussi Ouro‐Djobo, and Barerem‐Melgueba Mao. “Influence of Nonlinear Effects on 6.4 Tb/S Dual Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulated Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexed System.” International Journal of Communication Systems 32, no. 12 (2019): e4021.
  171. Kathpal, Namita, and Amit Kumar Garg. “Comparative Analysis of Capacity Oriented Integrated Ami Modulation Technique for the Deployment of Radio over Fiber System.” International Journal of Information Technology (2019): 1-10.
  172. Kaur, Abhijot, Neeraj Sharma, and Jatinder Singh. “Performance Analysis of Free Space Optical Communication Systems for High-Speed Trains.” Paper presented at the 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2019.
  173. Kaur, Avneet, and Surbhi Sharma. “Performance Enhancement of Passive Optical Communication Link with Co-Simulation Approach.” Wireless Personal Communications 108, no. 4 (2019): 2631-38.
  174. Kaur, Gurjit, Disha Srivastava, Prabhjot Singh, and Yaman Parasher. “Development of a Novel Hybrid Pdm/OFDM Technique for FSO System and Its Performance Analysis.” Optics & Laser Technology 109 (2019): 256-62.
  175. Kaur, Gurpreet, Tanveer Singh Toor, Amandeep Kaur, and Rupinderjit Singh. “Performance Analysis of OFDM-FSO System Using Circular Polarization Modulator.” Journal of Engineering and Economic Development 5, no. 2 (2019): 23-29.
  176. Kaur, Palvinder, Karamdeep Singh, Shivinder Devra, Gagandeep Kaur, and Maninder Lal Singh. “Evaluation of Gain Spectrum of Silica-Based Single/Dual-Pumped Thulium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (Tdfa) by Optimizing Its Physical and Pumping Parameters in the Scenario of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexed Systems (DWDM).” Journal of Optical Communications 40, no. 4 (2019): 353-62.
  177. Kaur, Sanmukh, and Rakesh Goyal. “Analysis of Terrestrial FSO Link Performance Considering Different Fog Conditions and Internal Parameters of the System.” Paper presented at the 2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2019.
  178. Kaur, Sanmukh, and Raj Kamal Kapur. “Performance Analysis of Optical Distribution Network for Ng-Pon.” Journal of Optics 48, no. 4 (2019): 606-15.
  179. Kaur, Sanmukh, and Yugnanda Malhotra. “Performance Evaluation and Comparative Study of Novel High and Flat Gain C+ L Band Raman+ Eydfa Co-Doped Fibre Hybrid Optical Amplifier with Eydfa Only Amplifier for 100 Channels Sd-WDM Systems.” Optical Fiber Technology 53 (2019): 102016.
  180. Kaur, Shubhneet, and Ameeta Seehra. “Comparison of Ber and Q-Factor in an Is-Owc System Using WDM with Different Modulation Techniques.” Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), 2019.
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  182. Keshavarz, Heidar, S Esmail Hosseini, and Habibollah Abiri. “Low-Drift Am–Pm Based Optical Single-Sideband Modulator without 2nd-Order Sideband with Adjustable Optical Carrier-to-Sideband Ratio.” Optics Communications 438 (2019): 126-31.
  183. Khan, Mohd Mansoor, and Ramesh Kumar Sonkar. “An Ion-Ion Interaction Analysis-Based Performance Estimation of Thulium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers in S-Band Including Amplified Spontaneous Emission.” Paper presented at the Optoelectronic Devices and Integration VIII, 2019.
  184. Khan, Mohd Mansoor, and Ramesh Kumar Sonkar. “Numerical Modeling and Simulations on Splitting of Chirped Optical Pulses in Heavily Doped Thulium Fiber Amplifiers through Modal Instability Analysis.” Paper presented at the Quantum and Nonlinear Optics VI, 2019.
  185. Khan, Mohd Mansoor, and Ramesh Kumar Sonkar. “Performance Estimation of Thulium Doped Fiber Amplifiers in S-Band Including Amplified Spontaneus Emission: Ion-Ion Interaction Analysis.” Paper presented at the TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2019.
  186. Kifayat, Numan, Mohammad Kaleem, Khurram Aziz, and Muhammad Ishaq. “Optical Buffer Design Based on Soa and DCFBG.” Journal of Optical Communications 40, no. 3 (2019): 289-94.
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  188. Kishikawa, Hiroki, Masaki Uetai, and Nobuo Goto. “All-Optical Modulation Format Conversion between OOK, Qpsk, and 8QAM.” Journal of Lightwave Technology 37, no. 16 (2019): 3925-31.
  189. Kishikawa, Hiroki, Masaki Uetai, and Nobuo Goto. “Modulation Format Conversion between Qpsk, OOK and 8QAM Using Optical Nonlinear Effects.” Paper presented at the 2019 24th Microoptics Conference (MOC), 2019.
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  200. Kurniasari, Puspa, and Muhammad Ardiansyah. “Analisis Dan Perancangan Jaringan Akses Dengan Media Transmisi Fiber Optic Single Mode Di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya Kampus Palembang.” Jurnal Rekayasa Elektro Sriwijaya 1, no. 1 (2019): 30-38.
  201. Kusumawardhany, Eva Faliha, Sigit Kusmaryanto, and Sapriesty Nainy Sari. “Analisis Perbaikan Kinerja Jaringan Transmisi Fiber Optic Core Ekstensi M-820 Pt. Telekomunikasi, Tbk Witel Malang.” Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB 7, no. 2 (2019).
  202. Laarfi, Ahmed. “Improving the Sdm System; Separation of Rings Formed at the Output End, and for the First Time, the Sdm System Becomes One of the Tools of Specialized Photonics Software Systems Ie Optiwave!” Paper presented at the Frontiers in Optics, 2019.
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  204. Li, Guang, and Jianqing Li. “Microwave Photonics‐Based All Optical Wavelength Conversion of Nyquist‐Dp‐16QAM for Flex‐Grid Optical Networks with 112 Gbps.” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 61, no. 1 (2019): 195-204.
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  206. Li, He, Shanghong Zhao, Tao Lin, Kun Zhang, Wei Jiang, Guodong Wang, and Xuan Li. “Photonic Phase Shifter with Full Tunable Range and Multi-Band Frequency-Conversion Feature Based on a Pdm-Dpmzm.” Optical Review 26, no. 6 (2019): 681-92.
  207. Li, Jing, Tigang Ning, Li Pei, and Jingjing Zheng. “Photonic Generation of Triangular-Shaped Waveform Signal with Adjustable Symmetrical Coefficient.” Journal of Modern Optics 66, no. 13 (2019): 1457-65.
  208. Li, Rimiao, Shishun Liu, and Ping Li. “Performance Analysis of 40 Gb/S DWDM School Lan Modulation Mode.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Green Communications and Networking, 2019.
  209. Li, Xingfeng, Chaoqin Gan, Yujie Chen, Hubao Qiao, and Yuqi Yan. “Dual-Fiber-Ring Architecture Supporting Discretionary Peer-to-Peer Intra-Communication and Bidirectional Inter-Communication in Metro-Access Network.” IEEE Access 7 (2019): 52360-70.
  210. Li, Xingfeng, Chaoqin Gan, Kaiyu Gou, and Yuchao Zhang. “A Novel WDM-Man Enabling Cross-Regional Reconfiguration and Comprehensive Protection Based on Tangent-Ring.” Optics Communications 430 (2019): 416-27.
  211. Li, Xingfeng, Chaoqin Gan, Yuqi Yan, and Hubao Qiao. “Grid Architecture of a Metro-Access Optical Network to Support Discretionary Peer-to-Peer Intracommunication and Intercommunication between Onus.” IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 11, no. 3 (2019): 130-39.
  212. Lin, Wei, Chaoqin Gan, Yuanyuan Chen, Yaqin Guo, and Nianfei Zhan. “Three-Dimensional Grid Architecture Supporting Discretionary Direct Communication among Optical Network Units in Metro-Access Networks.” Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 11, no. 12 (2019): 613-23.
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  214. Liu, Anliang, Haichao Wei, Zhenyu Na, and Hongxi Yin. “A Hybrid Twdm-Rof Transmission System Based on a Sub-Central Station.” Paper presented at the International Conference in Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2019.
  215. Liu, Changqiao, Xiaofeng Jin, Xiangdong Jin, Xianbin Yu, Qinggui Tan, and Guoyong Wang. “Signal Frequency Chirp of Photonic Time-Stretch System Due to Nonlinear Dispersion.” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31, no. 6 (2019): 443-46.
  216. Liu, Hanbing, Chenglong Lin, Mingtuan Lin, Yuandong Zhou, and Peiguo Liu. “A Single-Channel Anti-Saturation Method Based on Lms Algorithm and Fiber Delay Line.” Paper presented at the 2019 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium-Fall (PIERS-Fall), 2019.
  217. Liu, Jie, Jianfei Liu, Xujun Fan, Jia Lu, and Xiangye Zeng. “An Equalization Method Based on Knn for GPON with Pam4.” Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN2018), 2019.
  218. Liu, Ruifeng, Shuaijun Duan, Huayan Sun, and Laixian Zhang. “Performance Analysis of Laser Communication System Based on Circular Polarization Modulating Retro-Reflector.” Paper presented at the 2019 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC), 2019.
  219. Liu, Wen, Jianxin Ma, and Zicui Zhang. “Full-Duplex Mobile Fronthaul Link for Low-and High-Frequency Hybrid Network Architecture with Colorless Rru Based on Analog Radio over Fiber Technology.” Optical Engineering 58, no. 6 (2019): 066101.
  220. Lizeth, Karina, and Samaniego Macas. “Diseño Y Simulación De Una Red WDM Inducida Al Efecto No Lineal De La Fibra Denominado Cross Phase Modulation.” Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, 2019.
  221. Lohar, Nitin K, and Subrat Kar. “Dynamic Configuration of Optical Physical Layer Using Sdn and Optical Network Description Language.” Paper presented at the 2019 IEEE 11th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN), 2019.
  222. Lv, Jidong, Nian Fang, and Lutang Wang. “Location Method Based on Support Vector Machine for Distributed Sagnac Fiber Sensing System.” Paper presented at the 2019 18th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), 2019.
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  225. Mahajan, Shubham, Davinder Prakash, and Harjeevan Singh. “Analysis of Free Space Optical System under 4-Channel Spectrum Slicing Wavelength Division Multiplexing (Ss-WDM).” Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research, 2019.
  226. Mahawar, Nirmala, and Ajay Khunteta. “Design and Performance Analysis of WDM Optical Communication System with EDFA-DCF and FBG for Dispersion Compensation Using $8\Mathrm {X} 5$ Gbps Data Rate.” Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), 2019.
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  228. Mahmood, Hussein Ahmed, and KY Rumyantsev. “Effect of FBG Compensated Dispersion on Scm/Ask Radio over Fiber System.” Paper presented at the 2019 12th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI), 2019.
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  236. Mansoor, Mehwish, Nadeem Shahzad, Fawad Javaid, and Usman Ahmed. “Simcso: Improvement of Owc Link under Snow Attenuation.” Paper presented at the 2019 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital systems (C-CODE), 2019.
  237. Manzoor, Habib Ullah, Tareq Manzoor, Ashiq Hussain, Moustafa H Aly, and Sanaullah Manzoor. “Fwm Reduction Using Different Modulation Techniques and Optical Filters in DWDM Optical Communication Systems: A Comparative Study.” Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering 43, no. 3 (2019): 479-88.
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  252. Miglani, Rajan, and Jagjit Singh Malhotra. “Performance Enhancement of High-Capacity Coherent DWDM Free-Space Optical Communication Link Using Digital Signal Processing.” Photonic Network Communications 38, no. 3 (2019): 326-42.
  253. Mishra, Bishal, Lubna Gajal, and Sanmukh Kaur. “Analyzing the Performance of Terrestrial FSO Link for Different Internal Parameters of the System.” Paper presented at the 2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2019.
  254. Mishra, Darpan, Manoranjan Minz, Ramesh Kumar Sonkar, and Mohd Mansoor Khan. “Bandwidth Optimization of Germanium-Doped Silicon Optical Modulator for High-Speed Applications.” Paper presented at the Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics V, 2019.
  255. Mishra, Tanooja, Abhinav Gautam, and Amitesh Kumar. “Performance Analysis of Microwave Photonic Filter for Digital Modulation Scheme.” Paper presented at the 2019 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), 2019.
  256. Mohamed, Abd El-Naser, Ahmed Rashed, M Zaky, Ahmed Elsaket, and Mohamed Gaheen. “Simulative Study of Wavelength Division Multiplexing Fiber Bragg Grating in Nuclear Reactors Monitoring.” Menoufia Journal of Electronic Engineering Research 28, no. 2 (2019): 1-16.
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  260. Montoya Alba, David Esteban, Jhonatan Mcniven Cagua Herrera, and Gustavo Adolfo Puerto Leguizamón. “Design of a Flattening Filter Using Fiber Bragg Gratings for EDFA Gain Equalization: An Artificial Neural Network Application.” Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina 29, no. 2 (2019): 25-36.
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  271. Narimane, Hadjadji, and Hamdi Rachid. “Nonlinear Compensation in 32 Gbauds Pm-16QAM and Pm-Qpsk Coherent Optical Systems.” Paper presented at the 2019 6th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Applications (ISPA), 2019.
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  275. Nema, Shubham, Sagar Oza, Akshay Parmar, Dhaval Shah, and Suryansh Singh. “Implementation of Wavelength Diversity Technique in Free-Space Optical Link.” In Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 241-51: Springer, 2019.
  276. Nguyen, Dong-Nhat, Jan Bohata, Jan Spacil, Daniel Dousek, Matej Komanec, Stanislav Zvanovec, Zabih Ghassemlooy, and Beatriz Ortega. “M-Qam Transmission over Hybrid Microwave Photonic Links at the K-Band.” Optics Express 27, no. 23 (2019): 33745-56.
  277. Nguyen, Dong-Nhat, Stanislav Zvanovec, and Zabih Ghassemlooy. “Mitigation of Dispersion and Turbulence in a Hybrid Optical Fibre and Free-Space Optics Link Using Electronic Equalisation.” Optik 196 (2019): 163154.
  278. Nguyen, Khac Binh, and Su-Il Choi. “Fault Monitoring in Passive Optical Networks Using Burst-Mode FBG Optical Sensor.” Paper presented at the 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), 2019.
  279. Niaz, Ambreen, Farhan Qamar, Mudassar Ali, Romana Farhan, and Muhammad Khawar Islam. “Performance Analysis of Chaotic FSO Communication System under Different Weather Conditions.” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 30, no. 2 (2019): e3486.
  280. Nisar, Kottakkaran Sooppy, Himali Sarangal, and Simrandeep Singh Thapar. “Performance Evaluation of Newly Constructed Nzcc for Sac-Ocdma Using Direct Detection Technique.” Photonic Network Communications 37, no. 1 (2019): 75-82.
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  285. Oliveira, Jackson Moreira, Hudson Afonso Batista Silva, Fabio Barros Sousa, Jorge Everaldo Oliveira, and Marcos Benedito Caldas Costa. “Design of All-Optical and Logic Gate at 20 Gb/S Based on Soa-Mi with Optimum Injection Current and Length of Twa-Soa.” Scientia Plena 15, no. 7 (2019).
  286. OLUWAJOBI, FESTUS IDOWU, NGUYEN DONG-NHAT, NAFIZAH KHAN, and AMIN MALEKMOHAMMADI. “Novel Four-Level Manchester Coding Technique for Optical Access Networks.” Paper presented at the 2019 18th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), 2019.
  287. Oluwajobi, Festus Idowu, Dong-Nhat Nguyen, and Amin Malekmohammadi. “Performance Evaluation of Four-Level Modified Manchester Modulation Format for High-Speed Optical Transmission Systems.” IET Communications 13, no. 15 (2019): 2344-51.
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  290. Pamukti, Brian, and Akhmad Hambali. “40 Gb/S Balanced Parallel Scheme in Dispersion Compensating Fiber Performance for DWDM in the Long Haul Network.” Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT), 2019.
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  303. Purohit, Pragya, ML Meena, and JB Sharma. “Analysis of Dispersion Compensation in Wavelength Division Multiplexing System for 8* 20 Giga Bits Per Second Optical Fiber Link.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Communication Networks and Application, 2019.
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  447. Гимадиева, Алина Равилевна, and Ленар Маликович Фасхутдинов. “Волоконные Брэгговские Структуры В Специальных Типах Двулучепреломляющих Волокон.” Paper presented at the ОРГАНИЗАТОРЫ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ, 2019.
  448. Засс, ВМ. “Исследование Работы Сверхдлинных Однопролетных Линий Связи Методом Моделирования.” Международный научно-исследовательский журнал, no. 5 (83) Часть 1 (2019): 22-25.
  449. Зырянова, Элина Сергеевна. “Исследование Явления Четырехволнового Смешения При Передаче Многоканальных Сигналов В Оптических Системах Связи.” Paper presented at the Современные проблемы телекоммуникаций, 2019.
  450. Киреев, Константин Валерьевич, Михаил Викторович Герасимов, Денис Васильевич Пьянзин, Сергей Николаевич Ушаков, Игорь Александрович Волков, and Константин Николаевич Нищев. “Модель Оптоэлектронного Генератора С Применением Вычислительной Фотоники.” Фотон-экспресс, no. ВКВО (2019).
  451. Микитюк, Яна Владимировна, and Сергей Васильевич Молчанов. “Построение Оптической Локальной Помехоустойчивой Сети Связи.” Вестник Балтийского федерального университета им. И. Канта. Серия: Физико-математические и технические науки, no. 2 (2019).
  452. Молчанов, Сергей Васильевич, and Светлана Олеговна Калекина. “Применение Когерентного Временно-Частотного Мультиплексирования Для Повышения Производительности Атмосферной Оптической Системы Связи.” Вестник Балтийского федерального университета им. И. Канта. Серия: Физико-математические и технические науки, no. 2 (2019).
  453. Морозов, Олег Геннадьевич, and Вадим Игоревич Артемьев. “Бортовая Система Контроля Состояния Износа Токоприёмников Электропоезда Метрополитена.” Фотон-экспресс, no. ВКВО (2019).
  454. Семенчук, ЕС. “Схемы Компенсации Дисперсии Оптического Сигнала В Волоконно-Оптических Системах Связи.” Редакционная коллегия: 145.
  455. Соловьев, Владимир Александрович, Степан Степанович Ярощук, Алексей Владимирович Федотов, and Виктор Евгеньевич Конохов. “Сравнительный Анализ Лазерного И Радиолокационного Методов Измерения Начальной Скорости Снаряда.” Известия Тульского государственного университета. Технические науки, no. 9 (2019).
  456. Чаймарданов, Павел Александрович. “Разработка Программного Обеспечения Для Имитационного Моделирования Волоконно-Оптических Систем Передачи.” Фотон-экспресс, no. ВКВО (2019).
  457. Щербакова, Анна Алексеевна, Виталий Германович Полосин, and Мария Николаевна Морозова. “Расчет Оптимальной Длины Оптического Пути Проточной Кюветы В Информационно-Измерительной Спектрометрической Системе Исследования Бензинов.” Измерение. Мониторинг. Управление. Контроль, no. 3 (29) (2019).
  458. 최수일. “동일한 FBG 광센서를 이용한 수동형 가입자망의 모니터링.” 한국디지털콘텐츠학회 논문지 20, no. 3 (2019): 657-62.
  459. 丛雯珊, 余岚, 沃江海, 王亚兰, and 王安乐. “基于级联 Mzm 倍频系数可调高频微波信号光产生方法.” 光子学报 48, no. 3 (2019): 0307002.
  460. 代瑞楠. “基于多种调制方式的相干 FSO 系统仿真研究.” 南京邮电大学, 2019.
  461. 刘玉红, 程其娈, 谭佐军, and 陈建军. “采用相干技术的高分辨光谱检测系统设计.” 红外与激光工程 48, no. 4 (2019): 417005-0417005 (6).
  462. 刘皎, and 何建强. “偏振复用 Co-OFDM 传输系统研究.” 电子测量技术, no. 19 (2019): 23.
  463. 刘雪丽. “1550nm 窄线宽全光纤脉冲激光器的研究.” 哈尔滨工业大学, 2019.
  464. 吴国轩. “低噪声 EDFA 和光纤液面定位传感器光源稳定驱动设计.” 电子科技大学, 2019.
  465. 吴涛, 庞涛, 汤玉泉, 杨爽, 史博, 李俊, and 张志荣. “应用于 Rdts 系统的 Mopa 全光纤脉冲激光器.” 中国激光 46, no. 11 (2019): 1101009.
  466. 周慧丽. “光码分多址系统中地址码的设计与研究.” 广西师范大学, 2019.
  467. 周维. “基于微波光子学的频率测量技术研究.” 电子科技大学, 2019.
  468. 孙悦. “空间激光通信网络中的全光再生关键技术研究.” 中国科学院大学 (中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所), 2019.
  469. 孙悦, 黄新宁, 温钰, and 谢小平. “空间激光通信网络中的全光相位再生技术.” 红外与激光工程 48, no. 9 (2019): 918003-0918003 (9).
  470. 孙梦吉. “光调制格式识别技术研究.” 北京交通大学, 2019.
  471. 孟阳. “少模光纤通信系统中光性能监控关键技术探究.” 南京邮电大学, 2019.
  472. 宋晓强. “高速 Dp-Qpsk 相干光通信系统的研究.” 内蒙古大学, 2019.
  473. 川上哲志, 小野貴継, 納富雅也, and 井上弘士. “ナノフォトニック・ニューラルネットワークアクセラレータ向け統合評価環境.” 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A 102, no. 6 (2019): 182-93.
  474. 巩稼民, 任帆, 薛孟乐, 侯玉洁, 李思平, 蔡庆, and 丁哲. “一种可调谐的宽带喇曼波长转换器.” 激光技术 43, no. 2 (2019): 222-26.
  475. 张丰, 李培丽, 刘阳, and 沈聪. “基于级联 Mzm 光学回路产生高性能微波频率梳.” 中国激光 46, no. 11 (2019): 1101006.
  476. 张程慧. “微波光子宽带信号变频技术研究.” 浙江大学, 2019.
  477. 张翠, 陶渊, 童杏林, 邓承伟, 何为, 甘维兵, and 王立新. “基于全同弱光纤 Bragg 光栅阵列的铁路轨道监测系统.” 红外与激光工程 48, no. 6 (2019): 622001-0622001 (7).
  478. 张若嶒. “多载波的产生与应用技术研究.” 北京邮电大学, 2019.
  479. 彭泉生, and 陈新桥. “基于 OFDM 调制的双向 Twdm-PON 系统设计.” 中国传媒大学学报 (自然科学版), no. 2 (2019): 11.
  480. 曹倩玉. “光生微波关键技术研究.” 电子科技大学, 2019.
  481. 朱宇, 石磊, 魏家华, 朱秋立, 杨汝, and 赵顾颢. “基于波分复用的空间量子-经典信号同传系统设计.” 激光与光电子学进展 56, no. 8 (2019): 082702.
  482. 李晓芳. “自由空间光通信大气信道自适应补偿及接收技术研究.” 山东大学, 2019.
  483. 李梦园. “偏振复用短距离光传输技术的研究.” 北京交通大学, 2019.
  484. 杜莹雪. “基于 Gaussian 结构芯片上光网络的串扰性能分析及优化.” 西南大学, 2019.
  485. 杨东. “基于 Optisystem 的光纤通信实验项目的设计.” 大学物理实验, no. 3 (2019): 15.
  486. 杨国伟, 叶玮胜, 毕美华, 滕旭阳, 曾然, and 胡淼. “基于二维投影直方图导频辅助的相干光正交频分复用系统公共相位误差噪声补偿算法.” 光学学报 39, no. 11 (2019): 1106001.
  487. 林涛, 李兰兰, and 刘少杰. “基于相位和强度调制的微波测频技术研究.” 激光技术 43, no. 3 (2019): 401-05.
  488. 沈聪. “基于调制器的可调谐微波频率梳产生技术的研究.” 南京邮电大学, 2019.
  489. 洪赞扬, 王天亮, and 王金华. “基于并联调制器的高倍频毫米波信号生成.” 激光技术 43, no. 2 (2019): 275-79.
  490. 潘建. “WDM 系统的多波长色散补偿研究.” 沈阳工业大学, 2019.
  491. 王中玥. “共轭孪生波光纤通信系统非线性建模及仿真研究.” 南京邮电大学, 2019.
  492. 王启恒. “小型化低噪声高增益光放大技术研究.” 陕西师范大学, 2019.
  493. 王平, 杜永成, 杨立, and 金方圆. “基于重叠网格技术和 Vof 模型的潜艇热尾流浮升扩散规律的数值与实验研究.” 红外与激光工程 48, no. 4 (2019): 404002-0404002 (9).
  494. 王敬, 王娅欣, 党绪文, 李顺, 苏大银, and 张克非. “两种抑制光通信中四波混频效应的改进方法.” 电子设计工程, no. 7 (2019): 28.
  495. 王斓. “光子天线的理论与关键技术研究.” 北京邮电大学, 2019.
  496. 纪文珺, 刘开贤, and 陈新桥. “基于马赫-曾德尔调制器的 16 倍频光毫米波的产生研究.” 光通信技术, no. 1 (2019): 12.
  497. 薛园园. “相干光通信系统中反射式调制器的理论和实验研究.” 电子科技大学, 2019.
  498. 袁喆, 刘开贤, and 陈新桥. “基于单个马赫曾德尔调制器产生射频光残留边带的研究.” 现代传输, no. 6 (2019): 20.
  499. 赵峰, 蔡卫童, 张龙龙, 芦雨, and 武申申. “基于平衡探测的微波光子链路线性化分析.” 光学学报 39, no. 11 (2019): 1104001.
  500. 赵钢明, 张春蕾, and 张晨希. “基于 Rsoa 再调制的 Rof 与 OFDM PON 混合系统仿真.” 光通信研究 45, no. 4 (2019): 25.
  501. 郑俊文. “基于多载波光源生成结构的 Rof-WDM-PON 系统研究.” 广东工业大学, 2019.
  502. 郝义龙. “高斯型掺铒光纤光源设计及研究.” 哈尔滨工程大学, 2019.
  503. 靳永超, 陈雄斌, 毛旭瑞, 闵成彧, 潘天豪, and 陈弘达. “调制度对可见光通信系统性能的影响.” 中国激光 46, no. 5 (2019): 0506001.
  504. 韩一石, 谢胜超, 付晨远, 赵蓓丝, and 雷珂珂. “频率可调的双路相位编码微波信号系统.” 光子学报 48, no. 10 (2019): 1006001-01.
  505. 韩成哲, 丛雯珊, 刘冉冉, and 王安乐. “基于并联 Mzm 的载频 8 倍频线性调频信号光产生方法.” 光学与光电技术 17, no. 3 (2019): 95.
  506. 高凡. “光传输系统中掺铒光纤放大器的研究与设计.” 广西师范大学, 2019.
  507. 鲁伊莎, and 陈新桥. “基于部分响应信号的新型 4-Pam 调制格式的研究.” 信息通信, no. 11 (2019): 31.
  508. 鲍莹莹. “基于保偏光纤光栅的可调 Ocsr 准单边带调制技术.” 北京交通大学, 2019.