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OptiGrating Publication References – 2018

The following is a list of scientific papers, technical journals, periodicals, and conference publications which reference the use of OptiGrating.  These references were collected from internal sources, customer submitted papers, and scientific articles via Google Scholar – and to the best of our knowledge, make use of our OptiGrating software package. If you locate any mistakes, please notify us immediately by contacting info@optiwave.com.


Tahhan, Shaymaa R., et al. “Impact of Apodization Profile on Performance of Fiber Bragg Grating Strain–Temperature Sensor.” Journal of Communications 14.1 (2018): 53-57.


Alshaikhli, Zahraa S., and Maythem T. Mahdi. “Simultaneous Measurements of Temperature and Strain Sensitivity using two Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors.” (2018): 366-369.


Kumar, Jayant, and Devendra Chack. “FBG based strain sensor with temperature compensation for structural health monitoring.” 2018 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT). IEEE, 2018.


Jahan, MA Ibrar, Rajini V. Honnungar, and R. Versha. “Analysis of FBG sensor for accurate pressure sensing with improved sensitivity.” Materials Today: Proceedings 5.2 (2018): 5452-5458.


Murianti, Diana, Teguh Prakoso, and Aghus Sofwan. “FBG (FIBER BRAGG GRATING) UNTUK DWDM (DENSE WAVELENGTH DIVISION MULTIPLEXING).” TRANSIENT 7.1 (2018): 77-82.


Heck, Maximilian, et al. “Femtosecond-written long-period gratings in fluoride fibers.” Optics letters 43.9 (2018): 1994-1997.


Venkatrao, P., and Bhanu Prashanth SB. “Nonlinear chirped grating based tunable dispersion compensation using strain.” Optik 175 (2018): 181-188.


Minz, Manoranjan, Darpan Mishra, and Ramesh Kumar Sonkar. “Design of a Grating Assisted Mode-Division Multiplexer.” 2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Photonics (ICP). IEEE, 2018.


Mizunami, Toru, Ryuhei Shioya, and Mamoru Minami. “Few-Mode Characteristics of Long-Period Fiber Gratings Made by Tilted Mask Method Measured with Offset Launch.” Signal Processing in Photonic Communications. Optical Society of America, 2018.




Śmietana, Mateusz, Predrag Mikulic, and Wojtek J. Bock. “Nano-coated long-period gratings for detection of sub-nanometric changes in thin-film thickness.” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 270 (2018): 79-83.


Zychowicz, Łukasz, Jacek Klimek, and Piotr Kisała. “Methods of producing apodized fiber Bragg gratings and examples of their applications.” Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska 8 (2018).


Śmietana, Mateusz, et al. “Temperature and refractive index sensing with Al2O3-nanocoated long-period gratings working at dispersion turning point.” Optics & Laser Technology 107 (2018): 268-273.


Mahmood, Hussein A. “DCF with FBG for Dispersion Compensation in Optical Fiber Link at Various Bit Rates using Duobinary Modulation Format.” Engineering and Technology Journal 36.5 Part (A) Engineering (2018): 514-519.


M. Śmietana, P. Mikulic, and W. J. Bock, “Nano-coated long-period gratings for detection of sub-nanometric changes in thin-film thickness,” Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, vol. 270, pp. 79–83, 2018.


Sakhabutdinov, A. Zh, et al. “Fiber-optic acceleration sensor on duplex fiber Bragg structures.” Journal of Computational and Engineering Mathematics 5.4 (2018): 16-32.


Kovařík, Jaromír. “Kompenzace chromatické disperze pomocí Braggovských mřížek.” (2018).


Hnatovsky, Cyril, Dan Grobnic, and Stephen J. Mihailov. “High-temperature stable π-phase-shifted fiber Bragg gratings inscribed using infrared femtosecond pulses and a phase mask.” Optics express 26.18 (2018): 23550-23564.


Mizunami, Toru, Ryuhei Shioya, and Mamoru Minami. “Fabrication and offset-launch measurement of few-mode long-period fiber gratings.” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57.8S2 (2018): 08PB02.


Daryoush, Afshin S. “Highly stable forced optoelectronic oscillators and roadmap to integrated clocks.” Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XV. Vol. 10540. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018.


Albert, Jacques, et al. “Tilted grating sensor.” U.S. Patent Application No. 15/824,692.


Junior, Silva. “Interrogação de sensores a fibra óptica através de métodos computacionais.” (2018).


WANG, Guo-xing, et al. “Study on Characteristics of Tilted Fiber Grating.” DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering mso (2018).


Jasmi, Fareeza, et al. “Ionic conductive polyurethane-graphene nanocomposite for performance enhancement of optical fiber Bragg grating temperature sensor.” IEEE Access 6 (2018): 47355-47363.


Śmietana, Mateusz, et al. “Temperature and refractive index sensing with Al2O3-nanocoated long-period gratings working at dispersion turning point.” Optics & Laser Technology 107 (2018): 268-273.


Ayala Labanda, María Geovanna, Beltrán Cuatín, and María José. Estudio de los filtros ópticos y análisis de su comportamiento mediante simulación. BS thesis. Quito, 2018., 2018.


Čubík, Jakub. “Využití stávajících metropolitních optických sítí pro vedení užitečné informace z optických senzorů.” (2018).


OLIVEIRA, Jackson Moreira. “Portas lógicas totalmente ópticas baseado em interferômetro de Michelson com amplificador óptico semicondutor.” (2018).