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OptiFiber Publication References – 2018

The following is a list of scientific papers, technical journals, periodicals, and conference publications which reference the use of OptiFiber.  These references were collected from internal sources, customer submitted papers, and scientific articles via Google Scholar – and to the best of our knowledge, make use of our OptiFiber software package. If you locate any mistakes, please notify us immediately by contacting info@optiwave.com.


Al-Mansoori, M. H., et al. “Widely tunable multiwavelength Brillouin-erbium fiber laser with triple Brillouin-shift wavelength spacing.” Optical Fiber Technology 41 (2018): 21-26.


Hutauruk, Sahat Mauliate, Fauza Khair, and Dodi Zulherman. “Analisis Unjuk Kerja Perancangan Dispersion Flattened Fiber (DFF) Single Mode Step Index pada Optifiber 2.2.” Conference on Electrical Engineering, Telematics, Industrial technology, and Creative Media (CENTIVE). 2018.


Presty, Wibi Hayomi. Simulasi dan analisis karakteristik rugi-rugi pada model serat optik single mode step index menggunakan software optifiber 2.2. Diss. Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, 2018.


Mahajan, Ankush, Nagaraju Bezawada, and Madhan Thollabandi. “Accurate Analytical Model for Calculation of Multipath Interference in Bend-insensitive Fibers.” Novel Optical Materials and Applications. Optical Society of America, 2018.


Habeb, R. S. “Design of Zero Dispersion Optical Fiber at Wavelength 1.3 m.” JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 27.4 (2018): 54-68.


Wartapane, Rusdi, and Nur Aminah. “PENGUJIAN, PENGUKURAN, DAN ANALISIS NILAI REDAMAN AKIBAT PENGKOPELAN (COUPLING) SERAT OPTIK PADA SALURAN TRANSMISI OPTIK.” Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNP2M). 2018.


Li, Bin, et al. “P-cycle based protection scheme with cycle multiplexing and capacity balance for multicast service in substation communication network.” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 102 (2018): 340-348.


Wöhrle, Tanja. “Naturheilkundliche Behandlung von chronischer Diarrhö.” Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 263.06 (2018): 29-31.


Zahir, Ebad, et al. “85 Channel DWDM Performance Analysis and Comparison of 9.52 Tb/s Transmission for 3056 Km using DP-QAM16 with Cascaded Fiber Link and Optical Phase Conjugation.” 2018 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Material and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2). IEEE, 2018.


Mermelstein, Marc D. “Laser linewidth dependence to the transverse mode instability (TMI) nonlinear gain in kW-class fiber amplifiers (Erratum).” Fiber Lasers XV: Technology and Systems. Vol. 10512. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018.


Hayashi, Natsumi, et al. “A GaN‐Based VCSEL with a Convex Structure for Optical Guiding.” physica status solidi (a) 215.10 (2018): 1700648.


Mansell, Bruce, et al. “Evaluation of the Primary Filtration Process at the Lancaster Water Reclamation Plant.” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 2018.13 (2018): 2534-2557.






Hossain, Md Bellal, Etu Podder, and Apurba Adhikary. “Optimized hexagonal photonic crystal fibre sensor for glucose sensing.” Advances in Research (2018): 1-7.


Mínguez, Jesús, Dorys C. González, and Miguel A. Vicente. “Fiber geometrical parameters of fiber-reinforced high strength concrete and their influence on the residual post-peak flexural tensile strength.” Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018): 906-922.


Zhao, Xin, et al. “High-resolution, dynamic fiber Bragg grating sensing base on dual-comb spectroscopy with a single fiber laser.” 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). IEEE, 2018.


Diaa, M., et al. “Undetectable Tapping Methods for Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON).” 2018 14th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO). IEEE, 2018.


Royhan, Muhammad. “Sistem Pengaman Beda Tegangan pada Motor Fase 3 dengan Rangkaian Terintegrasi dengan Inverter.” Conference on Electrical Engineering, Telematics, Industrial technology, and Creative Media (CENTIVE). 2018.


Palodiya, Vikram. “Dispersion characteristics of novel class multi-clad dispersion shifted hollow core fibers for WDM optical systems.” Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (IJPAP) 56.01 (2018): 76-79.


Yu, Jiun-Yann, et al. “Fiber-bundle illumination: realizing high-degree time-multiplexed multifocal multiphoton microscopy with simplicity.” Scientific reports 8.1 (2018): 14863.


Vicente, Miguel A., et al. “CT-Scan study of crack patterns of fiber-reinforced concrete loaded monotonically and under low-cycle fatigue.” International Journal of Fatigue 114 (2018): 138-147.




Gress, Steven P., and John D. Dyson. “Testing, Design and Full-Scale Operation of the First Installed Pile Cloth Media Disk Filters for Combined Tertiary and Wet Weather Treatment.” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 2018.7 (2018): 5191-5202.


Vicente, Miguel A., et al. “CT-Scan study of crack patterns of fiber-reinforced concrete loaded monotonically and under low-cycle fatigue.” International Journal of Fatigue 114 (2018): 138-147.


Gress, Steven P., and John D. Dyson. “Testing, Design and Full-Scale Operation of the First Installed Pile Cloth Media Disk Filters for Combined Tertiary and Wet Weather Treatment.” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 2018.7 (2018): 5191-5202.


Burhanuddin, Auliya. “Cover CENTIVE 2018.” Conference on Electrical Engineering, Telematics, Industrial technology, and Creative Media (CENTIVE). 2018.


Sivakumar, A., et al. “Effect of shock waves on dielectric properties of KDP crystal.” Journal of Electronic Materials 47.8 (2018): 4831-4839.


Chen, Xi, et al. “TDHQ Enabling Fine-Granularity Adaptive Loading for SSB-DMT Systems.” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30.19 (2018): 1687-1690.


Cruz-Rubio, José Manuel, et al. “Trends in the Use of Plant Non-Starch Polysaccharides within Food, Dietary Supplements, and Pharmaceuticals: Beneficial Effects on Regulation and Wellbeing of the Intestinal Tract.” Scientia Pharmaceutica 86.4 (2018): 49.


Subramanian, S. R. “Anti-arbitration injunctions and their compatibility with the New York convention and the Indian law of arbitration: future directions for Indian law and policy.” Arbitration International 34.2 (2018): 185-217.


Feng, Da, Weiqiang Sun, and Weisheng Hu. “Overlapping shared segment protection in store-and-transfer WDM networks under sliding scheduled traffic model.” Optical Switching and Networking 29 (2018): 1-14.


Chiang, Tying-Wei. “Anti-Arbitration Injunctions in Investment Arbitration: Lessons Learnt from the India v. Vodafone Case.” Contemp. Asia Arb. J. 11 (2018): 251.


Hittel, John Paul, et al. “System and method for cloud-service asset management for portable computer test tools.” U.S. Patent No. 9,959,181. 1 May 2018.


Rieder, Anne, et al. “Quantification of 1, 3-β-D-glucan from yeast added as a functional ingredient to bread.” Carbohydrate polymers 181 (2018): 34-42.


Almeida, Ana Catarina Leite. Comparticipação de Medicamentos em Portugal: Evolução e Impacto Social. MS thesis. 2018.


Pardo Peña, Carlos Mauricio, Andrés Felipe Castillo, and Hernan David Yepez. “Propuesta De Enlace De Fibra Óptica Entre Bogotá Y Santa Marta.”


Ma, Rui, et al. “Space Coding Schemes for Multiple Human Localization With Fiber-Optic Sensors.” IEEE Sensors Journal 18.11 (2018): 4643-4653.