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OptiSystem Publication References – 2011

Listing of scientific papers, technical journals, periodicals, and conference publications which reference the use of OptiSystem.

[1] Vitasek, J. , Latal, J. Hejduk, S., Bocheza, J., Koudelka, P. , Skapa, J., Siska, P., Vasinek, V. ; Atmospheric turbulences in Free Space Optics channel. 34th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), pp. 104 – 107 (18-20 Aug. 2011)

[2] Ma Yonghong, Zhang Pan, Feng Liwei; Comparison and Analysis of PON’s Access Architectures for Smart Grid Applications. 2011 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), pp. 1-3 (23-25 Sept. 2011)

[3] Wu Shijuan,Wu Baojian,Wen Feng; Magnetic-field sensitivity of the interference structures based on non-uniform magneto-optic gratings. Infrared and Laser Engineering, CNKI Journal (2011-11)

[4] YANG Xu,SONG Lu,WANG Wei,WANG Shengda; Research and Simulation on Modulation Techniques in High-speed Optical Transmission. Semiconductor optoelectronics, CNKI Journal (2011-06)

[5] Elfaki, S, Khider, I., Omer, M., Almomen, F., Abduallah, A. Evaluation of Bit Error Rate (BER) in WLAN IEEE 802.11a with radio over fiber (RoF) downlink system. High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), pp 153-158 (19-21 Dec. 2011)

[6] Xiaobin Lu, Tiefeng Xu, Taijun Liu, Xiangyue Ying, Yan Ye, Yifeng Sun, Xiupu Zhang; Reduction of inter-modulation distortion in directly modulated lasers by RF pre-distortion, 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC), pp. 4437 – 4439 (9-11 Sept. 2011)

[7] Mokhtari, A., Akbari, M. The group delay ripple effects on the performance of phase-modulator based microwave-photonic filter. 2011 18th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), pp. 162 – 166 (8-11 May 2011)

[8] Ab-Rahman, M.S., Khairuddin, A.A., Aziz, S.A.C.; Optical Moderator Improves Flexibility Feature of Fiber-to-the Home Network, Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (19), 3372-3380 (2011)

[9] Faridus, M.F.,,Wahid, M.H.A., Sabani, N., Rostam, R.; SOA characterization for AND logic operation on SOA based NOLM, 2011 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics (RSM), pp. 372-376 (28-30 Sept. 2011)

[10] Xiangyue Ying, Tiefeng Xu, Taijun Liu, Qiuhua Nie; Simulation and analysis of optical generation of millimeter-wave with imbalanced MZM, 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC), pp.1020 – 1023 (9-11 Sept. 2011)

[11] Qin Jiang-Xing, Xi Li-Xia, Zhang Xiao-Guang, Tian Feng; Polarization mode dispersion compensation in a novel dual polarization differential quadrature phase shift keying system, Chinese Phys. B 20 114201 (2011)

[12] Erich Kasper, Jinzhong Yu, Xun Li, Xinliang Zhang, Jinsong Xia, Junhao Chu, Zhijiang Dong, Bin Hu, Yan Shen; Theoretical and simulation analysis of the fiber optical parametric amplifier (FOPA) with cascaded structure, Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011: Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, Proc. SPIE 8333, 83330K (2011)

[13] Karasek, M., Honzatko, P., Vojtech, J., Radil, J.; Multi-wavelength conversion at 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s based on 2 pumps FOPA, 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), pp. 1 – 4 (26-30 June 2011)

[14] MUTHANA Y. ALDOURI, S.A. ALJUNID, R. BADLISHAH AHMAD, HILAL A. FADHIL; Bit error rate (BER) performance of return-to-zero and non-return-to-zero data signals optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) system based on AND detection scheme in fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks, Optica Applicata, Vol. XLI, No. 1, pp. 173-181 (2011)

[15] M.S. Ab-Rahman, L. Al-Hakim Azizan, S.A.C. Aziz, K. Jumari; The Eye Diagram Analysis of Restoration Scheme in FTTH-PON, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol 11, Issue 5, pp. 840-847 (2011)

[16] Chuan Qi Li, Zhi Guo Shen, Hui Chen, Xu Zhou; An SOA-Based Scheme for MAI Suppression in OCDMA, Journal Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 403 – 408), pp. 2196-2199 (2011)

[17] Moghaddasi, M., Rahman, S.B.A.; Comparison between NRZ and RZ OOK modulation format in chromatic dispersion compensation in both electrical and optical compensator, 2011 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications (ISBEIA), pp. 494 – 497 (25-28 Sept. 2011)

[18] Zan-shan Zhao, Pei-li Li, Jia-jin Zheng, Ting-ting Pan, Shi-jie Huang and You-hong Luo; All-optical ultra-wideband doublet signal source based on the cross-gain modulation in a semiconductor optical amplifier, Optoelectronics Letters, Volume 8, Number 2, pp. 89-92 (2011)

[19] Fen Liu, Bao-jian Wu and Xin Lu; Coupled-mode theory for magneto-optical fiber Bragg grating under non-uniform magnetic field, Optoelectronics Letters, Volume 7, Number 5, pp. 354-357 (2011)

[20] Z. Pan, B. Châtelain, M. Chagnon, and D. V. Plant, Volterra Filtering for Nonlinearity Impairment Mitigation in DP-16QAM and DP-QPSK Fiber Optic Communication Systems in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper JThA040.

[21] Bijayananda Patnaik, Prasant Kumar Sahu; Long-haul 64-channel 10-Gbps DWDM system design and simulation in presence of optical Kerr’s effect, ICCCS ’11 – Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0464-1 (2011)

[22] Zhao Zanshan,Li Peili,Pan Tingting,Huang Shijie,Luo Youhong; SOA-based all optical ultra-wideband pulse amplitude modulation, Study on Optical Communications, CNKI Journal (2011-06)

[23] Al-Khafaji, H.M.R., Aljunid, S.A., Fadhil, H.A. Performance enhancement of SAC-OCDMA system using modified-AND subtraction detection, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE), pp. 412 – 415 (4-7 Dec. 2011)

[24] Unal, M., Hacisalihoglu, Y., Unverdi, N.O. Gain flattening in a Raman amplifier, 2011 IEEE 19th Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU), pp. 1204 – 1207 (20-22 April 2011)

[25] S.F. Shaukat, U. Ibrahim and Saba Nazir; Monte Carlo Analysis of Broadband Passive Optical Networks, World Applied Sciences Journal 12 (8): pp. 1156-1164 (2011)

[26] N. Ahmed, S. A. Aljunid, R. B. Ahmad, Hilal A. Fahdil and M. A. Rashid; Development of narrow band spectral-sliced wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system and its performance in optical access networks, International Journal of Physical Sciences Vol. 7(10), pp. 1599 – 1606 (2 March, 2012)

[27] Huang Yonglin, Zheng Jingwen; A novel fiber Bragg grating-based OADM, Study on Optical Communications, CNKI Journal (2011-03)

[28] Mirbadin, A., Mohammad, A.B.; Performance analysis of DCO OFDM and DCO WOFDM systems in MMF optical links, 2011 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PacRim), pp.388 – 393 (23-26 Aug. 2011)

[29] M. H. Morsy-Osman, L. Chen, and D. V. Plant, Joint Mitigation of Laser Phase Noise and Fiber Nonlinearity Using Pilot-Aided Transmission for Single-Carrier Systems in 37th European Conference and Exposition on Optical Communications, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper Tu.3.A.3.

[30] Daniel M. PatacaI; Julio C. R. F. OliveiraII; Antonio A. JuriolloIII; Adolfo F. HerbsterIV; Mônica de Lacerda RochaV, Transmission of a 20 Gb/s NRZ OOK signal throughout a 390 km fiber link and a cascade of 11 x 50 GHz filters and 9 x EDFAs, J. Microw. Optoelectron. Electromagn. Appl., vol.10, no.1, São Caetano do Sul (June 2011)

[31] Min Zhou, Jianxin Ma, Chongxiu Yu, Xiangjun Xin, Huiying Huang, Lan Rao, Yu Zhan, Hao Liang, Transmission performance of quadruple frequency optical millimeter-wave with single and dual carrier data modulations, 2011 IEEE 13th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), pp. 538 – 543 (25-28 Sept. 2011)

[32] Daohai Tan and Xiaogang Chen; Investigation of transmission performance of single sideband radio over fiber link, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 276 012091 (2011)

[33] Beninca, M.O.L., Pontes, M.J., Segatto, M.E.V., Design of a wideband hybrid EDFA with a Fiber Raman Amplifier, 2011 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave & Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), pp. 282 – 285 (29 Oct 2011 – 1 Nov 2011)

[34] Muzahim Ibrahim AZAWE and Ragaad Habib SAIED, Strong optical injection locked semiconductor laser for a high bit rate chaotic optical communications, Turk J Phys 35, pp. 153 – 160 (2011)

[35] Salehi, Mohammad Reza; Abiri, Ebrahim; Kazemi, Keyvan; Dezfouli, Mehran; Power Assigning Method for Increasing the Number of Users in Time-spreading Optical CDMA Systems, Journal of Optical Communications. Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 57–65 (April 2011)

[36] Abdullah S. Karar, John C. Cartledge, James Harley, and Kim Roberts, Electronic Pre-Compensation for a 10.7-Gb/s System Employing a Directly Modulated Laser, J. Lightwave Technol. 29, pp. 2069-2076 (2011)

[37] Behjati, M., Abdollahi, S.R., Al-Raweshidy, H.S.; Photonic sampled and electronically quantized analogue to digital conversion in access networks, 2011 3rd International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), pp. 1 – 6 (5-7 Oct. 2011)

[38] Wan Rizal Hazman Wan Ruslan, Sevia Mahdaliza Idrus, Arnidza Ramli, Norhafizah Ramli, Abu Sahmah Mohd Supa’at, Farizal Mohd Nor, Terrestrial Free Space Optic Propagation Analysis Considering Malaysia Weather Condition, Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 54 Special Edition (Jan. 2011)

[39] Yogesh Bhomia, Harjeet Kaur, Ashok Kajla; Design & Analysis of Parameters of Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3)1×2 Digital Optical Switch using Visual Basics Script with Buffer Layer, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Electrical & Electronics 2011, pp. 164-167 (2011)

[40] Shengpeng Wan, Xingdao He; A novel OCDMA receiver with all-optical auto-correlation peak clock extraction by using Fabry–Perot filter and optical hard-limiter, Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (15 February 2012)

[41] Abdallah, W., Hamdi, M., Boudriga, N.; An all optical configurable and secure OCDMA system implementation using loop based optical delay lines, 2011 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), pp. 1 – 6 (26-30 June 2011)

[42] Marija D. Mraković and Petar S. Matavulj; Analysis of Coexisting GPON and NG-PON1 (10G-PON) Systems, Telfor Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 43-48 (2011)

[43] Abdollahi, S.R., Al-Raweshidy, H.S., Nilavalan, R.; Pipeline time-interleaved all-photonic sampling and quantization analogue-to-digital converter, 2011 3rd International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), pp. 1 – 7 (5-7 Oct. 2011)

[44] Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Analysis of Amplifiers Gain Configuration and Load Line Effect on Optical Ring, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7(11): pp. 1644-1647 (2011)

[45] Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman; Analysis of Gain Profile in Optical Ring Network, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7(11): pp. 1653-1658 (2011)

[46] Ma Yonghong, Zhang Pan, Zhang Chongxiang; A Simplified Full-Duplex Wavelength Interleaved DWDM Hybrid Access Radio-Over-Fiber System , 2011 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), pp. 1 – 3 (23-25 Sept. 2011)

[47] Jifang Qiu, Zuoshan Yin, Kai Sun, Chen, L.R., Rochette, M., Jian Wu, Lingjuan Zhao, Wei Wang; Wavelength tolerance of an all-optical multi-logic gate based on XPM in a HNLF, 2011 16th OptoeElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), pp. 573 – 574 (4-8 July 2011)

[48] Chenwei Wu, Chaoqin Gan, Xuejiao Ma, Dengfeng Yang; A novel design of WDM-PON networking, IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing (CCWMC 2011), pp. .237 – 240 (14-16 Nov. 2011)

[49] Oshiba, S., Kasai, Y.; Miura, H.; Akiyama, M.; RZ pulse-width dependence of impulse radio UWB over combined fiber and wireless link, 2011 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics Conference, 2011 Asia-Pacific, MWP/APMP, pp. 198 – 201 (18-21 Oct. 2011)

[50] Shufen Zhou; Shuqin Guo; Jianfen Wang; Pan Zhuang; Limiao Zhu; All-Optical Logic XOR Gate Exploiting XPM and Polarization Rotation in Single Highly Nonlinear Fiber, 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA), Vol. 2, pp. ): 401-403 (28-29 March 2011)

[51] Amin Malekmohammadi;, 20 Gb/s Absolute Polar Duty Cycle Division Multiplexing-Polarization Division Multiplexing (AP-DCDM-PolDM) Transmission System, ICSNC 2011, The Sixth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, pp. 209-212 (23 Oct 2011)

[52] Bing Linlin; Lei Jianming; Lu Li; Zou Xuecheng;, Comprehensive Assessment of New Modulation Techniques in 40Gb/s Optical Communication Systems, 2011 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 276 012054 (2011)

[53] Kaur, J.; Sharma, N.;, Effects of Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) on NRZ, RZ and CSRZ modulation formats in single channel light-wave system2011 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications (ETNCC), pp. 61-64 (22-24 April 2011)

[54] Isaac A. M. Ashour, Sahbudin Shaari; Hossam M. H. Shalaby, P. Susthitha Menon; Investigation of in-band transmission of both spectral amplitude coding/optical code division multiple-access and wavelength division multiplexing signals, Opt. Eng. 50, 065001 (Jun 01, 2011)

[55] Mahdiraji, G.A.; Abas, A.F.; Effect of optical filtering on the performance of 40 Gbps DCDM systems, 2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Photonics (ICP), pp.1-4 (17-19 Oct. 2011)

[56] LIU Xiao-lin, ZHENG Jian-li; Optical fuse research and design based on SOA, Optical Communication Technology (2011-06)

[57] CHEN Hui, ZHU Yi-qing, ZHAO Lan-lan; Effect of Input Signal Power on EDFA Gain Slope, Optical Fiber & Electric Cable and Their Applications (2011-01)

[58] ZHANG Jun-yi, ZHU Na, CHEN Xuan, HAN Xiao-yan; The design of single-channel Tb/s orthogonal ASK/DQPSK optical label switching system, Optical Communication Technology (2011-11)

[59] Ashour, I.A.M., Shalaby, H.M.H, Shaari, S, Menon, P.S.; Simulation of MQC code of SAC/Optical CDMA and WDM hybrid overlay system, 2011 4th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO), pp.1-5 (19-21 April 2011)

[60] Junita, M.N., AlJunid, S.A., Abd, T.H., Anuar, M.S., Arief, A.R., Rahim, R.A.; Performance of SAC-OCDMA system utilizing subcarrier multiplexing technique for high capacity access network, 2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Photonics (ICP), pp.1-5 (17-19 Oct. 2011)

[61] Redhwan Q. Shaddad, Abu Bakar Mohammad, Abdul Aziz M. Al–Hetar, Sevia M. Idrus; Performance Analysis of Hybrid Optical–Wireless Access Network Physical Layer, Shaddad Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 55, Special Edition 01 (May 2011)

[62] Qi Jing, Yong Qing Huang, Yan Gan Zhang, Ming Lun Zhang, Li Dong Me; A New Automatic Demultiplexing Method for NRZ-OOK Polarization-Division Multiplexed System, Advanced Materials Research, pp. 204-210 (Feb 2011)

[63] Q. Zhuge, C. Chen, and D. V. Plant; Impact of Intra-Channel Fiber Nonlinearity on Reduced-Guard-Interval CO-OFDM Transmission, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper OWO3.

[64] Ze Li; Hao Chi; Xianmin Zhang; Shilie Zheng; Xiaofeng Jin; Jianping Yao; A reconfigurable photonic microwave channelized receiver based on an optical comb, 2011 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics & Microwave Photonics Conference, 2011 Asia-Pacific, MWP/APMP, pp.296-299 (18-21 Oct. 2011)

[65] Srinivas, T.; Archana, K.; Sompur, V.P.; Simulation and performance analysis of OCDMA systems based on 2-D W/T codes, 2011 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), pp.1-4 (16-18 Dec. 2011)

[66] Lei Deng, Minming Zhang, Deming Liu, Yinbo Qian, Kang Yang; OFDMA-based LAN emulation in long-reach hybrid PON system, Optics Communications Volume 284, Issue 3, pp. 740-746 (1 February 2011)

[67] Ashour, I.A.M.; Shalaby, H.M.H.; Menon, P.S.; Code development for simultaneous in-band transmission of both S AC-Optical CDMA and WDM channels, 2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Photonics (ICP), pp.1-4 (17-19 Oct. 2011)

[68] Khu Vu; Madden, S.; Erbium doped tellurium dioxide planar waveguide amplifiers with 2.8dB/cm internal gain, 2011 8th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), pp.317-319 (14-16 Sept. 2011)

[69] Vitasek, J.; Latal, J.; Hejduk, S.; Bocheza, J.; Koudelka, P.; Skapa, J.; Siska, P.; Vasinek, V.; Atmospheric turbulences in Free Space Optics channel, 2011 34th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), pp.104-107 (18-20 Aug. 2011)

[70] Vyas, D.; Roy, K.C.; Katariya, A.; Performance & Benefits of Optical Code Division Multiplexing Access, 2011 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), pp.611-613 (3-5 June 2011)

[71] Jie Pan, Chi-Hao Cheng; Wiener–Hammerstein Model Based Electrical Equalizer for Optical Communication Systems, J. Lightwave Technol. 29, pp. 2454-2459 (2011)

[72] Yifeng Sun; Tiefeng Xu; Taijun Liu; Xiangyue Ying; Yan Ye; Qiuhua Nie; Characteristics analysis of millimeter wave signals produced with optical carrier suppression in ROF systems, 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC), pp.4199-4202 (9-11 Sept. 2011)

[73] Wei Nai; Decun Dong; A cost effective multi-services WDM-PON employing DPSK/FSK orthogonally modulated downstream and OOK remodulated upstream, IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing (CCWMC 2011), pp.232-236 (14-16 Nov. 2011)

[74] Fang, Nian, Li, Jie, Wang, Lu-tang. Huang, Zhao-ming. Yang, Ye; Simulation of distributed optical fiber disturbance detection system based on Sagnac/Mach-Zehnder interferometer and cross-correlation location, Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition), Vol 15, Issue 2, pp. 115-118 (2011-04-01)

[75] Feng Zhang, Wen-De Zhong, Zhaowen Xu, Tee Hiang Cheng, Craig Michie, Ivan Andonovic; A Broadcast/Multicast-Capable Carrier-Reuse WDM-PON, J. Lightwave Technol. 29, 2276-2284 (2011)

[76] Qi Jing, Yong Qing Huang, Yan Gan Zhang, Xue Guang Yuan, Ping Li; Automatic Demultiplexing Method for NRZ-OOK and RZ-OOK Polarization-Division Multiplexed System, Advanced Materials Research, pp. 219-220 (2011)

[77] Abd, T.H.; Aljunid, S.A.; Fadhil, H.A.; Ahmad, R.A.; Saad, N.M.; A new technique for reduction of Multi-Access Interference in SAC-OCDMA system using different optical filters, 2011 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology and Applications (ISWTA), pp.146-150 (25-28 Sept. 2011)

[78] Xiaoli Yin; Jinglun Tu; Yulu Chen; Quanxin Yuan; Yuhang Dai; Generation of tunable radio frequency UWB signal based on optical pulse shaping, IET International Conference on Communication Technology and Application (ICCTA 2011), pp.703-706 (14-16 Oct. 2011)

[79] Sa, L.M.; Nogueira, R.; Andre, P.; Simplified technique for the design of multichannel dispersion compensation FBG, 2011 IEEE EUROCON – International Conference on Computer as a Tool, pp.1-4 (27-29 April 2011)

[80] Oliveira, J.R.F.; Freitas, A.P.; Moura, U.C.; Rosa, E.S.; Diniz, J.C.M.; Oliveira, J.C.R.F.; Romero, M.A.; Advanced modulation formats and receiver filtering analysis of optical WDM systems with optimized distributed Raman amplifiers, 2011 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave & Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), pp.705-709 (29 Oct 2011-1 Nov 2011)

[81] Abd, T.H.; Aljunid, S.A.; Fadhil, H.A.; Ahmad, R.B.; Rashid, M.A.; New code for spectral-amplitude coding optical code-division multiple-access systems, Electrical, 2011 International Conference on Control and Computer Engineering (INECCE), pp.481-485 (21-22 June 2011)

[82] Xi Li-Xi et al; Semiconductor optical amplifier used as regenerator for degraded differential phase-shift keying signals, 2011 Chinese Phys. B 20 024214

[83] Jie Pan and Chi-Hao Cheng; Nonlinear Electrical Predistortion and Equalization for the Coherent Optical Communication System, J. Lightwave Technol. 29, pp. 2785-2789 (2011)

[84] C. Chen, Q. Zhuge, and D. V. Plant; Reduced-Guard-Interval CO-OFDM with Overlapped Frequency-Domain CD and PMD Equalization, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper OWE7.

[85] Ahmed, N.; Aljunid, S.A.; Fadil, A.; Ahmad, R.B.; Rashid, M.A.; Hybrid OCDMA/WDM system using complementary detection technique for FTTH access networks, 2011 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA), pp.227-230 (25-28 Sept. 2011)

[86] R.Q. Shaddad, A.B. Mohammad, A.M. Al-hetar; Analysis of physical layer performance of hybrid optical–wireless access network, Optics Communications, Volume 284, Issue 20, pp. 4894-4899 (15 September 2011)

[87] Jie Pan, Chi-Hao Cheng; Nonlinear Electrical Compensation for the Coherent Optical OFDM System, J. Lightwave Technol. 29, 215-221 (2011)

[88] Jin, Sheng-cai; Zhang, Ai-ling; Microwave photonic bandpass filter based on spectrum slicing and phase modulator, Optoelectronics Letters, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp.113-116 (2011)

[89] Rameez Asif, Chien-Yu Lin, Bernhard Schmauss; Impact of channel baud-rate on logarithmic digital backward propagation in DP-QPSK system with uncompensated transmission links, Optics Communications, Volume 284, Issue 24, pp. 5673-5677 (1 December 2011)

[90] Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Multifunctional Features of Optical Cross Add and Drop Multiplexer (OXADM), Device Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 5(2): pp. 184-193 (2011)

[91] Vítor Ribeiro, António Teixeira, Mário Lima; Experimental validation of a chromatic dispersion monitoring technique using optical asynchronous sampling and double sideband filtering, Optical Fiber Technology, Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 135-137 (March 2011)

[92] Tejkal, V.; Filka, M.; Sporik, J.; Reichert, P.; Munster, P.; The influence of binary modulations in passive optical network based on WDM, 2011 34th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), pp.141-144 (18-20 Aug. 2011)

[93] Abd, T.H.; Aljunid, S.A.; Fadhil, H.A.; Ahmad, R.A.; Saad, N.M.; Suppression of the Phase Induced Intensity Noise based on the Dynamic Cyclic Shift code for SAC-OCDMA access networks, 2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Photonics (ICP), pp.1-5 (17-19 Oct. 2011)

[94] Abda, T.H.; Aljunid, S.A.; Fadhil, H.A.; Ahmad, R.A.; Saad, N.M.; Modeling and simulation of Multi Diagonal code with zero cross correlation for SAC-OCDMA networks, ), 2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Photonics (ICP), pp.1-5 (17-19 Oct. 2011)

[95] Nascimento, V.V.; de Oliveira, J.C.R.F.; Ribeiro, V.B.; Borndonalli, A.C.; Dynamic EDFA gain spectrum equalizer using temperature controlled optoceramic filter array, 2011 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave & Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), pp.273-276 (29 Oct 2011-1 Nov 2011)

[96] M.S. Ab-Rahman, S.A.C. Aziz & K. Jumari; Ideal and non Ideal Condition Analysis based on Protection Scheme in Distribution Fiber for Immediate Split Ftth-pon, Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (6), pp. 1026-1032 (2011)

[97] Gan, Chao-qin, Cao, Ya-nan; Novel architecture of WDM/OCDMA-PON based on SSFBG and wavelength re-modulation technology, Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition), Vol 15, Issue 2, pp. 96-100 (2011-04-01)

[98] Abdollahi, SR, Al-Raweshidy, H, Nilavalan, R; Fully photonic analogue to digital conversion technique for super broadband digitized radio over fibre link, 16th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications, Newcastle, UK, pp. 72 – 75 (20 – 22 Jul 2011)

[99] Fady I. El-Nahal, Abdel Hakeim M. Husein, Radio over fiber access network architecture employing RSOA with downstream OQPSK and upstream re-modulated OOK data, Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (14 October 2011)

[100] Abdollahi, S.R.; Al-Raweshidy, H.S.; Radhi, N.; Nilavalan, R.; Non-uniform wavelength allocation in all-photonic digitized-radio over fibre access network,” 2011 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), pp.1-4 (3-7 Oct. 2011)

[101] Jianxin Ma; 5 Gbit/s Full-Duplex Radio-Over-Fiber Link With Optical Millimeter-Wave Generation by Quadrupling the Frequency of the Electrical RF Carrier, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol.3, No.2, pp.127-133 (February 2011)

[102] M.S. Ab-Rahman, A. Premadi, H. Fadziati, S. Shaari; Flexible Topology Migration in Optical Cross Add and Drop Multiplexer Metropolitan Ring Network: The Next Proposal, Information Technology Journal (2011)

[103] Abdollahi, S.R.; Al-Raweshidy, H.S.; Nilavalan, R.; Ahmadinia, A.; An integrated transportation system for baseband data, digital and analogue radio signals over fibre network, 2011 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), pp.2003-2008 (4-8 July 2011)

[104] Surinder Singh; An approach to enhance the receiver sensitivity with SOA for optical communication systems, Optics Communications, Volume 284, Issue 3, pp. 828-832 (1 February 2011)

[105] Abdollahi, S.R.; Al-Raweshidy, H.S.; Ahmadinia, A.; Nilavalan, R.; An All-photonic Digital Radio over Fiber architecture, 2011 IEEE Swedish Communication Technologies Workshop (Swe-CTW), pp.62-67 (19-21 Oct. 2011)

[106] Liboiron-Ladouceur, O.; Raponi, P.G.; Andriolli, N.; Cerutti, I.; Hai, M.S.; Castoldi, P.; A Scalable Space–Time Multi-plane Optical Interconnection Network Using Energy-Efficient Enabling Technologies [Invited], IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol.3, No.8, pp.A1-A11 (August 2011)

[107] Fady I. El-Nahal; Bidirectional WDM-Radio over Fiber System with Sub Carrier Multiplexing Using a Reflective SOA and Cyclic AWG, (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 93-96 (2011)

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