OptiFiber Publication References – 2021


The following is a list of scientific papers, technical journals, periodicals, and conference publications which reference the use of OptiFiber.  These references were collected from internal sources, customer submitted papers, and scientific articles via Google Scholar – and to the best of our knowledge, make use of our OptiFiber software package. If you locate any mistakes, please notify us immediately by contacting info@optiwave.com. (Last updated on 30th June 2021)


  1. A Zhu, M Ma, S Guo, S Yu and L Yi, “Adaptive Multi-Access Algorithm for Multi-Service Edge Users in 5G Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE Transactions on … (ieeexplore.ieee.org, 2021), https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9359518/
  2. B Behera, SK Varshney and MN Mohanty, “Demonstration of a 4× 3× 10 Gbps WI-WDM Transmission Over MDM Link Using Ring-Core FMF”, Advances in Intelligent Computing … (Springer, 2021), https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-0695-3_56
  3. C Zhang, F Deng, W Xiong, X Wang, S Yuan and …, “Thermally-driven gold@ poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) core-shell nanotransporters for molecular extraction”, Journal of Colloid and … (Elsevier, 2021), https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021979720313230
  4. CA CASTRO JUAREZ, “DISEÑO E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE FIBRA ÓPTICA PARA LA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL TECNOLÓGICA DE LIMA SUR” (repositorio.untels.edu.pe, 2021), http://repositorio.untels.edu.pe/jspui/handle/123456789/539
  5. D Sindhu Soman and S Bali, “A Comparative Study on the Extent of Pre-Arbitration Intervention by Courts”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell … (annalsofrscb.ro, 2021), https://www.annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/download/7667/5689
  6. DAI Su-fen, “Secure Self-Destruction Scheme for Publicly Posted Composite Documents with Hierarchical Identity-based Encryption”, Computer & Telecommunication (computertelecom.com.cn, 2021), http://www.computertelecom.com.cn/EN/abstract/abstract22067.shtml
  7. I Wijaya, R Setiawan, MI Daniswara and …, “Detektor Formalin Pada Mi Berbasis Fiber Optik dan Internet Of Things”, Proceedings National … (, 2021),
  8. J Alex, NK Kabisch, M Beier, T Gehring and T Fuhrmann, “EXPOPLAN–Webbasiertes Planungs werkzeug für Kläranlagen in warmen und kalten Klimaten”, ewlw.de, http://www.ewlw.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Alex-et-al_2021_EXPOPLAN_Web-basiertes-Planungswerkzeug-fuer-Klaeranlagen.pdf
  9. J Mirza, A Raza, A Atieh, S Iqbal and …, “Self restorable intra data center interconnect based on multimode fiber and free-space optics”, Optical … (spiedigitallibrary.org, 2021), https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/journals/optical-engineering/volume-60/issue-3/036113/Self-restorable-intra-data-center-interconnect-based-on-multimode-fiber/10.1117/1.OE.60.3.036113.short
  10. JK Perin, A Shastri and JM Kahn, “Coherent Data Center Links”, Journal of Lightwave Technology (osapublishing.org, 2021), https://www.osapublishing.org/abstract.cfm?uri=jlt-39-3-730
  12. LIN Long, “Model-based Robust RecognitionAlgorithm for Deep Learning Communication Signals”, Computer & Telecommunication (computertelecom.com.cn, 2021), http://www.computertelecom.com.cn/EN/abstract/abstract22061.shtml
  13. M Mahissi, X Tong, C Zhang, C Deng, J Wei and …, “Study on the vibration performances for a high temperature fiber FP accelerometer”, Optical Fiber … (Elsevier, 2021), https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1068520021000201
  14. MD Mermelstein, “Spacially resolved coupled mode analysis for TMI threshold powers in quantum and Rayleigh scattering limits”, Applied Optics (osapublishing.org, 2021), https://www.osapublishing.org/abstract.cfm?uri=ao-60-16-4901
  15. MM Hossain, MS Ahsan, N Sikder and …, “High birefringence and broadband dispersion compensation photonic crystal fiber”, Journal of Optical … (degruyter.com, 2021), https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/joc-2020-0140/html
  16. MMA Eid, V Sorathiya, S Lavadiya, A Helmy and …, “Technical specifications and spectral performance characteristics of dispersion flattened fiber (DFF) in optical fiber systems”, Journal of Optical … (degruyter.com, 2021), https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/joc-2021-0063/html
  17. PM Kaminski, F Da Ros, MP Yankov and …, “Symmetry Enhancement Through Advanced Dispersion Mapping in OPC-Aided Transmission”, Journal of Lightwave … (ieeexplore.ieee.org, 2021), https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9359339/
  18. R Lakshmanan, S Balachandar and …, “Synthesis and Fabrication of Fluorescent Green OLEDs Based on PEDOT: PSS/Silver Nanowire Hybrid-Composite Anode and Their Performance”, ECS Journal of Solid … (iopscience.iop.org, 2021), https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/2162-8777/abe97e/meta
  19. R Sumathy and A Muthukumar, “Wavelength division multiplexing transmission using multimode erbium doped fiber amplifier with elevated refractive index profile”, Optical and Quantum Electronics (Springer, 2021), https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11082-021-02774-6
  20. RC Serrenho, TC Bruinjé, EI Morrison, TJ DeVries and …, “Controlled trial of the effect of negative dietary cation-anion difference on postpartum health of dairy cows”, Journal of Dairy … (Elsevier, 2021), https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022030221003556
  21. S Pyle, RA Rastall and GR Gibson, “Metabolism of Wheat Dextrin, Partially Hydrolysed Guar Gum and Inulin by Bifidobacterium lactis or Lactobacillus acidophilus in an In Vitro Gut Model Fermentation …”, International Journal of … (search.ebscohost.com, 2021), http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&authtype=crawler&jrnl=15551431&AN=150629185&h=U8AHDqA2YOSEUxeQUSSkQnr%2BCJAgk07njhZvbcAumhGz9HdZH7sOGZ1FLPh9cL4CEh2gh6Yyng%2FsDYwSJVeutQ%3D%3D&crl=c
  22. S Sharma and A Kumar, “Analysis of Silica Based Single-Mode Fiber Doped with Germanium at Different Transmission Window”, Silicon (Springer, 2021), https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12633-020-00884-6
  23. T Kishi, M Nagatani, S Kanazawa and …, “2ch× 53-Gbps Optical Transmission Performance of a Low-Power PAM4 Transmitter Front-End Flip-Chip-Bonded 1.3-μm LD Array-on-Si”, Journal of Lightwave … (ieeexplore.ieee.org, 2021), https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9328454/
  24. T Saktioto, Y Zairmi, S Erlinda and …, “Simulation of Birefringence and Polarization Mode Dispersion Characteristics in Various Commercial Single Mode Fibers”, Application of Optical … (intechopen.com, 2021), https://www.intechopen.com/books/application-of-optical-fiber-in-engineering/simulation-of-birefringence-and-polarization-mode-dispersion-characteristics-in-various-commercial-s
  25. YX Xiao, J Wang, YF Hou, LH Zhang and SS Wang, “Mode analysis of in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer with offset splicing”, Optical Fiber Technology (Elsevier, 2021), https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1068520021000225
  26. Z Zhong, D Chang, W Jin, M LEE, A Wang and …, “Intermittent dynamical state switching in discrete-mode semiconductor lasers subject to optical feedback”, Photonics … (osapublishing.org, 2021), https://www.osapublishing.org/prj/upcoming_pdf.cfm?id=427458
  27. АЕ Шаститко, АИ Мелешкина and ОА Маркова, “Триада регулирования рынков: антитраст, промышленная политика и протекционизм на рынке оптического волокна”, Управленец (cyberleninka.ru, 2021), https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/triada-regulirovaniya-rynkov-antitrast-promyshlennaya-politika-i-protektsionizm-na-rynke-opticheskogo-volokna
  28. СВ Новикова, ЕБ Ефимкова and …, “К вопросу о возможности нормализации функции кишечника у беременных группы высокого риска.”, Rossiiskii Vestnik … (search.ebscohost.com, 2021), http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&authtype=crawler&jrnl=17266122&AN=148636603&h=haT6n7yaPqOMQbLM%2Bw%2BnWixg%2FgTzPVGlCvBLspQcMu8TqDXNFsnAEItbmjnSi%2FF4z4TMon0gmoceD0byogQdwg%3D%3D&crl=c