Home Forums SYSTEM XOR Gate

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    • #48314
      muhammad jawad

      Dear Friends

      Hope you all will be fine

      Please look at the figures attached and help me.I will be highly thankful all of you

      I am implementing a simple XOR gate where the inputs are electrical gaussian pulses while the output of the XOR gate is pulses with flat top.Apparently it should be also gaussian like inputs which are gaussian.Why output pulses are not gaussian?
      Plz answer

    • #48340

      Dear Muhammad,
      if you recall, XOR gate you will find that it is output is 1 or 0 .

      so It does not follow the input pulse temporal profile!!
      so the output you have is reasonable and correct.

      hope that is clear.
      Mohamed Abouseif

    • #48344
      muhammad jawad

      Dear Mohammed
      Ohhhhhhhhhhh………..i missed very basic things.I got it

    • #48345

      No problem,
      best of luck
      Mohamed Abouseif

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