Home Forums FDTD What kind of structures I cannot simulate using OptiFDTD ?

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    • #69503
      Lorenzo Spongano

      As I asked in the title I would like to know what kind of structures I cannot simulate using OptiFDTD

    • #69512
      Scott Newman

      Hello Lorenzo,

      The general limitation of any FDTD engine is primarily computational resources as 3D simulations can quickly require significant amounts of memory and processing power. It would be easier to discuss the structures you wish to model and go from there.


    • #69513
      Lorenzo Spongano

      Thank you for your answer Scott, I am using OptiFDTD in the framework of CAD for Electromagnetics, therefore I guess I can simulate structures like guided structures or antennas (Dipole Antennas in Particular)

    • #69538
      Scott Newman

      Hello Lorenzo,

      OptiFDTD can definitely model those structures. The only real limitation of any FDTD algorithm is the overall size of your domain relative to your source wavelength as well as your smallest feature sizes. There are additionally constraints but they are generally very specific to get into here without knowing your specific application.

      We have a series of webinars located on the site (https://optiwave.com/category/resources/webinars). If you select “View entire list” (will need to login) then you can find all of the videos for OptiFDTD which should provide you with an idea of our capabilities.


      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Scott Newman.
      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Scott Newman.
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