Home Forums SYSTEM wavelength vs optput power

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    • #13192
      Amit Garg

      when I simulate the basic optical communication system and try to observe the wavelength vs output power variations then I found it is flat over a range of frequencies (1200nm to 1600nm)why???

      plz find the .osd file

    • #13221
      Damian Marek

      The attenuation property, in the optical fiber, is set to constant, so all wavelengths are experiencing the same loss.


    • #13246
      Amit Garg

      I have tried by taking attenuation data type from file (not constant) but I am getting the same result.
      can you please send me the some program me file (.OSD) that gives result (something similar )to the curve as given attached file

      • #13306
        Damian Marek


        If you switch the Optical Fiber component from Constant to From File the loss will act on wavelengths differently. I have attached a simple project to demonstrate this.

        I’m not sure we have a dat file for that entire range, but for SMF-28 we do have the range from 1.4 um to 1.65 um. I have attached the dat file as well, so that you can look at the structure.


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