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    • #32026

      Dear All

      i having some issue in oscilloscope, can you please tell me how to connect multiple input(in my case number of inputs are 4) in an electrical visualizer.

    • #32051

      hi bawani shaker leelar,

      the visvalisers are connected in the same way as that of the optisystem components,however when we connect the visvalizer the connect is appeared as dashed—— line.

      hope you will do it soon
      with regards

    • #32053
      umer syed

      hi bawani shanker leelar,

      clink on the port of visvalizer and connet to the port of any other component where you need to connect that,

      keep in mind that we have different visvalizer libraries for both electrical and optical signal, you can not use one for another,

      hope you got my point

      with regard

      • #32570

        Since OptiSystem can propagate the signal and noise separately, you can visualize the results separately. Use the tabs on the left side of the graph to select the representation that you want to view…

    • #32058
      aasif bashir dar

      hi bawani shanker leelar,

      very well xplained by both umer syed and the zulkarnian,
      how ever i am attaching a sample file which will help to understand it well.

      with reagrds

    • #32065
      Aabid Baba

      Hello bhawani shankar,
      I agree with everyone who have commented above. Double-click the Oscilloscope Visualizer.
      The Oscilloscope Visualizer dialog box appears.Since OptiSystem can propagate the signal and noise separately, you can visualize the results separately. Use the tabs on the left side of the graph to select the representation that you want to view.
      Please refer to the link below

      Lesson 1: Transmitter — External Modulated Laser


    • #32491

      Hi All

      Rightly put forth bu Aabid and all that you just need to connect the visualizer be it optical or electrical keeping in view whether the output signal of the component is optical or electrical. But in one visualizer u can only view one signal and its different aspects like power and all. for viewing different signals u need to connect different visualizer according to me.



    • #32304
      Jojo Mathew

      Hello Abid,
      As i am new in the optiwave i am not very familiar with the optiwave.
      Thanks for the information. It helped me a lot in getting familiar with the Oscilloscope Visualizer.

    • #32562
      Ranjeet Kumar

      i think we can’t change the number of ports of Oscilloscope. If we have multiple inputs ports we connect oscilloscope to each input port.
      As Asif sir in his elaborated that.

    • #32589

      Hi All

      i believe there is no such provision to connect multiple ports to single oscilloscope. As then it would have to compare the signals from there inputs and then it is not a comparator as such but a visualizer ( here Oscilloscope).



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