Home Forums SYSTEM ROADM switches

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    • #29130

      Is ROADM component present in OptiSystem 13? Can we use ROADM as an optical switch and perform switching?

    • #29135

      Hi Burhan,

      ROADM is not available in OptiSystem 13.0.3 library, but if it helps, here is a link to design of Configurable OADM provided by Optiwave:

      Configurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer

      You can find the sample relating to the link in OptiSystem samples.


    • #29144

      Hi Alistu
      Where can I find the COADM osd file??

      • #29145

        If you haven’t installed OptiSystem samples, you should install them first. After the installation, you just need to open the samples folder (by default in the documents folder) and find the “4×4 COADM” sample that is being discussed in the link I provided in my former comment in “WDM Systems” folder.

    • #29148

      I found it thanks a lot Alistu

      • #29150

        You’re welcome Burhan.


    • #29214

      Hi Alistu
      can u please tell me what actually is the difference between ROADM and COADM

      • #29216

        Hi Burhan,

        Reconfidgurable OADM has the ability to remotely switch traffic, and it makes use of wavelength selective switching (which is an active component). Once the configuration for a system is done, using ROADM the configuration can be changed according to traffic requirements of the network and so on.


    • #29307

      Hi Alistu
      So u mean there is no difference between ROADM and COADM?? AS u have only mentioned what ROADM does.

      • #29327

        As I mentioned in my above comment, when the configuration for a system is done, using Reconfigurable-OADM the configuration can be changed according to traffic requirements of the network. Reconfiguration cannot be done in COADM whereas it can be done in ROADM according to this explanation.


    • #29386

      Hi Alistu

      Thanks a lot

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