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    • #57928
      Abhishek das

      how do I calculate rise time budget , some document or example link will be much helpful

    • #57951

      The total rise time or rise time budget is root – sum – square rise time of each contributor to the pulse rise time. It is defined by the equations in the picture attached.

      Ttx is the transmitter rise time and can be calculated by measuring the rise time of the transmitter using a visualizer like in the image attached
      Tmat is = group velocity dispersion rise time , tmat=D*L*gx where D is dispersion of optical link, l is length of fibre, Gx is half power spectral width of light source. All these variable are dependant on properties of the fibre and light source
      Tmod is modal dispesion rise time given by tmod=440/Bm , where Bm =bandwidth of optical link (note there is no modal effect in single mode fiber)
      Trx is receiver rise time which is defined by Trx=350/Brx

      For more information on the equations and variables used refer to this link https://www.ques10.com/p/29974/what-is-rise-time-budget-analysis-derive-an-expres/

    • #58061
      Abhishek das

      thank you for the reply,
      but i still have a doubt in the example.png which u have sent.It does not have a optical fiber for the tmod and dispersion time tGVD of the fiber
      So if i want to demonstrate rise time budget what should i do ??

    • #58274

      so tGVD = |D|Lσλ where D is dispersion, L is length of fiber and σλ is half power bandwidth of source (σλ can be measure by hooking the source up to a spectrum analyser and measuring the bandwidth at half power). The values of D and L are defined in properties window of the optical fiber. As for Tmod there is no modal effect in single mode fibers so Tmod= 0

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