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    • #48113
      Tatenda Tsikai

      i need help my system is failing to load the .dat file for raman gain profiles i have searched the whole PC for this file can someone send me this RG.dat file
      Thank you

    • #48184

      attached is RGE.dat file you can use it and select Raman gain efficiency option.

      good luck
      Mohamed Abouseif

    • #48185

      here it is

    • #48247

      Hi, Mohamed

      I had the same problem with Tatenda Tisikai and I downloaded the file and referred it in the Gain Profiles field. However, the simulation is getting stuck in “Calculating Raman Amplifier”. Is there a place where the file should be placed so it can be read correctly?

    • #48262

      Hi Francisca,
      In all cases the file is loaded and the program uses it for calculation if you write the path of the file correctly.
      the point is that, when you choose the “Raman gain ” from the Raman gain type, you need to enter Raman gain peak and “Raman gain reference Pump” for normalization. But if you load the “Raman gain efficiency” you do not need to enter any thing else. Keep in your mind that the RG and RGE files data are related to each other (please see the manual).
      So long story short, follow this steps:
      1. download the file attached above, which is RGE.
      2. Choose “Raman gain efficiency” from Raman gain time-location.
      3. Run the program after entering the other parameters.

      Hope this helps and solves the problem.

      Mohamed Abouseif

    • #48274

      Hello, Mohamed.
      It really was a lack of attention coupled with fatigue. Shortly after commenting I realized that I was not selecting “Raman gain efficiency” and it worked. Thanks for the tip.

    • #48275

      No problem,
      best of luck in your research project,

      Mohamed Abouseif

    • #48612
      Tatenda Tsikai

      thanks for the help it worked

    • #48626

      best of luck
      Mohamed Abouseif

    • #49037
      Ginni Khanna

      Hello Mohammed,

      I am having the same problem. I have tried what you had suggested, but I get an error while running “Error occured while calculating Raman Amplifier Average Power Model”

      I have been trying it for some time. Ever since I upgraded to the latest version , I am having issues running the Raman Amplifier experiments. Could you please help me here. I have attached my file as well.

      Thanks a lot in advance

    • #88845
      Qi Xiong

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