Home Forums KNOWLEDGE Polarization mode dispersion compensation

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    • #88815

      What is the algorithm idea of constant mode algorithm? How exactly does that constant mode R work?

    • #89063
      Saurabh Bedi

      Investigating probabilistic constellation shaping for dual-polarization PAM8 signals at different data rates


      Thanks for reaching out to us.

      We don’t have any algorithm implemented to compensate directly for the Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD). We deal with the PMD in a similar way we deal with the Chromatic Dispersion (CD), which causes the the spreading of the pulses. So, PMD can be compensated in a similar manner as CD by using Digital Signal Processing (DSP) or Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) dispersion compensation fiber.
      You can refer to the example for the State-of-Polarization (SOP) compensation where Probabilistic Amplitude Shaping (PAS) technique is applied on the QAM modulation which is:- [DP-PAS-64QAM_220210e.osd) at the location: C:\Users\USER NAME\Documents\OptiSystem 22.0 Samples\Advanced modulation systems\PAS Systems\QAM-PAS\

      I am also attaching a reference paper published by our team on this (as a .zip file). Feel free to have a look.

      I hope this helps? If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to me at: saurabh.bedi@optiwave.com

      Warm Regards,
      Saurabh Bedi.

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