Home Forums GENERAL plotting result graphs

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    • #29127
      aasif bashir dar

      after executing the .osd file .suppose we wannt to plot the graphs like ;
      1. recived power vs log(BER)
      2.BER vs bit rate
      3.quality factor vs OSNR


      what is the proper procedure for that?please suggest detailled link or document or videos if possible for it.

    • #29134

      Hi Aasif,

      A very detailed explanation for your purpose has been provided by Optiwave team in the following link:

      Lesson 4: Parameter Sweeps — BER x Input Power

      In case you have any specific questions about the details in any steps, we can discuss it here.


    • #29141
      aasif bashir dar

      thanx sir for replying;

      sir what is the difference between the data rate(BIT RATE) of layout and the data rate of PBRS.

      in a case where i want to plot the graph of any parameter with respect to the data rate(bit rate). i have to sweep the data rate of PBRS (say from 1GBPS to 500GBPS),. IN that case what must be the vAlue of data rate of layout for entire simulation.


      • #29147

        You’re welcome Aasif. Data rate of PRBS generator is usually set as the layout data rate using script mode. However, you can set a value different and independent from the layout data rate value for PRBS generator. So I think you should set the value of data rate regardless of the one in layout parameters. I must say I haven’t done this myself yet, but there shouldn’t be any problem.

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