Home Forums FDTD photonic crystal based power splitter

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    • #60337
      Poonam Jindal

      Dear Sir
      I am designing a 2D photonic crystal based power splitter of size 10x 10 micrometer. I have placed three observation points. one near the vertical input plane to measure the input power and other two at the two output ports of the splitter to measure the output power in each port respectively.
      when i measure the power at 1430nm in the analyzer. i am getting
      input power = 0.009
      output power in port 1 = 0.0056
      output power in port 1= 0.0058
      if i sum these two to get the total power, i.e 0.0058+0.0056= 0.0114 which is more than 0.009.

      Now,my question is that how is it possible that output is more than input? or am i calculating wrong?
      The design is attached for your reference.

    • #60364
      Scott Newman


      How is this design different from the one you and I discussed back in May of this year? At that time I provided you with feedback on your design regarding the following items:

      1. You should not use observation points for this purpose as they give only the field value at one point and if there is any focusing or divergence they will not give a complete picture. Use observation lines instead.
      2. In May your resolution was too course to accurately model the structure and I provided you with a suggestion regarding an appropriate resolution.

      Can you please provide some indication regarding whether the previous feedback was helpful and how this design is any different.


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