Home Forums SYSTEM optisystem import excel file

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    • #29195
      maha gull

      i am new in optisystem system. please tell me two things.
      1) I want to import excel file in optisystem 7. is it possible directly or via MATLAB???
      2) how can import simulink model(MATLAB) in optisystem.
      i use file>import>component. “.cmp” file require in optisystem.
      this “.cmp” file extension is not availble in MATLAB and i can not save any component with this extension.
      how can i resolve this problem
      thanks in advance.

    • #29486
      Alessandro Festa

      Hi Maha,

      I am not sure that the required features are available in the old v7 you are using. You might try to download the evaluation version of the newest revision (v14) and see if they work.



    • #29489
      gaganpreet Kaur

      if you wish to use simulink, perhaps one think you are going to need is to know how to make Matlab call optisystem. I suggest that you go through this answer given by Damian to a post about co-simulation of Matlab simulink and Optisystem and the material attached by Damian:

      MATLAB Optisystem Co-simulation

      Please go through this link

      MATLAB Optisystem Co-simulation

      Matlab /Optisystem

      You can have a look at the tutorials and videos that explain how you can use Matlab component as a means to co-simulate. In the link below, the link to video and tutorials are presented:

      Matlab /Optisystem

      I think all these above posts will give u good insight in using simulink. this topic has previously been discussed on this forum. you will have 3 pddf docs also in last link which will be a good tutorial to start with . i hope it helps you

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