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    • #22024
      mohammed hosni

      i need to know if polymer fiber component will be added in optical fiber library for the new version of optisystem or not

    • #22041
      Ashu verma

      Hello mohammed
      If i am getting you right,you can study polymer fiber in optiwave optifiber.I dont think polymer fiber present as a component in optisystem 13.You can check this discussion for better information

      Polymer Fiber [Optical Fiber]

    • #22043
      Alessandro Festa

      If by new version you mean the next one optisystem 14, you should ask Damian/Bryan about what will be the new features and components

    • #23312

      Hi all, I am also interested to know what features will be added to Optisystem new version that might help with simulating space division multiplexed systems. In these systems, few mode fibers are used, while in the current version of Optisystem we have access to multimode fibers (MMF) and not FMFs.

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