Home Forums SYSTEM Optical phase conjugate (OPC)

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    • #42891
      Ali Hayder

      Dears experts,

      I asked a bout the principle of optical phase conjugate (OPC) and how can use to solve the problem of the nonlinear effect especially
      Four Wave mixing (FWM).

    • #42896
      aasif bashir dar

      Sorry for late reply..
      I my view opc is used for dispersion compensation… u can not solve problem of fwm using it….
      With regards

    • #42897
      Ali Hayder

      Thank you for replying,
      so,what the technique that use to solve the problem of FWM in WDM

    • #42899
      adnan sabbar

      Hi Ali
      I explained it to you already, however, By conjugation the transmitted signal, The chromatic dispersion and Kerr effects will be cancelled through the second part of the fiber. see attached equations.

    • #42907
      aasif bashir dar

      Dear hayder ali.

      To understand how fwm can be mitigated, you need to under what fwm is and how this occurs.
      eg. A dispersive media has low fwm effects..
      Becoz two photons with differents wavelenths travel with different speeds and hence are far apart to participate in any quatum interaction.
      That is also a reason we never used dispersion shifted fiber becoz zero dispersion in fiber will lead to fwm.
      Besides you can cpsk modulation to suppress fwm
      With ragards

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