Home Forums SYSTEM Optical link response Lightwave analyzer

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    • #67283
      Luis Vallejo


      I am currently working on simulate the electro-optical link response (also called link gain), I mean the eletro-optic S21. I would like to scan the input frequency of the MZM, i.e. from 0 Hz to 20 GHz and see the response.

      I have made this simply scheme with a laser, MZM, fiber and PD. I also use Lightwave analyzer to get the graphs. I think it is the similar component to the network analyzer. The MZM is biased at quadrature point and the fiber length is 50km. I have also calculated the link response by MatLab (attached).

      However, the optisystem results are large different than the theoretical results (by MatLab). I found several notches where they will no be there… and the amplitude is very low..
      I have tried to fix it, but I could not find anymore.

      Could you help me? Is there any other instrument like a “vector analyzer”?

      Best regards,



    • #67292
      Ahmad Atieh

      Hello Luis,
      I’ll check you project and reply by email to you.
      The Lightwave Analyzer should work like a vector analyzer.
      Please note that you are using the fiber in the setup, which would cause the analyzer to measure the overall response of the system including the MZM. The fiber will cause huge signal attenuation.

    • #67294
      Luis Vallejo

      Thank you Ahmad.
      That is a simply project. I started with that because after it works, I need to try to simualted the transfer funcion of my system (the system that you know). I will reply by email.

    • #67324
      Luis Vallejo

      Dear Ahmad,

      Have you had the opportunity to take a look at the project?

      Thank you

    • #67327
      Ahmad Atieh

      I am sorry Luis for the delay.
      I am catching up on different projects; yours on the top of the list.

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