Home Forums FIBER Operation of PIN photo Diode

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    • #41803

      Hello. When we transmit 2 optical side-bands having a frequency spacing of 60 GHz through a fiber, at the end how the PIN photo diode detects this signal as 60 GHz Rf signal?

    • #41804
      K. Esakki Muthu

      Io(t)= R |Eo(t).Eo(t)*|, Where R is the reponsivity , Eo(t) is the optical field and Eo(t)* is the complex conjugate of the field.

    • #41805

      thanks for the answer. but it can’t makes me clear . isn’t it represent the amplitude of the RF spectrum. If an optical spectrum contains two sidebands at 193.07 and 193.14 THz, then when PIN detects it Why it place the rf spectrum at 60 GHz ? this i want to know , why in 60GHz? not in 193.07 and 193.14 THz ? Thanks in advance .

    • #41806

      this is the output .

    • #41888
      K. Esakki Muthu

      can you please show your circuit diagram? The frequency separation between the 193.07 and 193.13 THz is 60 GHz. thats why you are getting 60 GHz RF signal.

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