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    • #79892
      Wilfried Houngbedji

      Good morning!
      I need a helping hand.
      In fact, I simulate an optical link with a speed of 10 GB/s to 50 GB/s. This link uses the 4-PAM modulation format in direct intensity modulation on a VCSEL laser which sends the signal on a multimode fiber. The signal is directly detected by a photodiode.

      My problem is that when I do a back to back simulation normally the BER must be 0 since there is no fiber but I find something that is close to 1. I believe my problem is at the level of the recovery between encoder and decoder

      The help of someone who has already simulated such a speed on such a link would be very valuable to me.
      NB: I am doing a co-simulation using matlab 2019a and optisystem15
      thank you !

    • #80897
      Ahmad Atieh

      This is a duplicate post.

    • #83501
      Ahmad Atieh

      This is a duplicate post.

    • #85150

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