Home Forums SYSTEM mode amplification

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    • #17075

      Dearteam, I generated three modes and combined to the input of multimode EDFA but that desired mode does not getting any amplification. I applied pump signal using spatial light source with 980nm and the pump mode index m,n is 2 1

    • #17162
      Damian Marek

      Hi Vignes,

      You’ll notice that the EDFA multimode does not have the color image decal like the other multimode components. This means that it does not expect a spatial signal at the input. The component will take in a signal and pump signal and then attach spatial modes to them. After this is complete it will simulate the modal amplification and overlap integrals to the fiber modes. If you head to the Numerical tab, you will notice the options for assigning modes to the different signals.

      This is why the input mode is not being carried through the component and amplified.


    • #17167

      dear damian,

      thank to u damian, i attached with modification as u said, but it seems to be same problem, kindly go through this and give some modification on that

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