Home Forums KNOWLEDGE Hybrid 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s [Optical System]

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    • #10178
      Damian Marek


      I am interested in designing multichannel WDM systems where each channel is at either 10 Gb/s or 40Gb/s. Are there any examples of this type of network?

    • #10179
      Damian Marek


      Please find enclosed an example of such a WDM optical link. This example has a mix of both 10G and 40G signals entering a multiplexer. The 10G signals are obtained by dividing the bit rate by 4, since the simulation bit rate is set to 40 Gb/s.

      There are also more examples of 10 Gb/s or 40 Gb/s systems in the examples folder OptiSystem 12 Samples\WDM Systems. There are also plenty of resources at:


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