Home Forums SYSTEM How to use export image bits to optisystem using MATLAB component.

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    • #79942

      I am working on a project where we send an encrypted image through FSO and decrypt the image. I am unable to figure out how to send the image bits to optisystem. In newcosimul.m I tried to input the encrypted bits to the nrz pulse generator. Please help me with the code.

    • #81079
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Gowducheruvu,
      Please refer to the datasheet, documentation and examples on the Matlab component for guidance. The examples and documentation are located at the following link. On e option is to load the digitized image to the “User Defined Bit Sequence Generator” component using the filed “Filename”. You need first to select “From file” in the field “Bit sequence definition”. Please check the datasheet for the component for guidance on the structure for the sequence.dat file.
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 19.0 SamplesSoftware interworkingMATLAB co-simulation

    • #83683
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Gowducheruvu,
      Please refer to the datasheet, documentation and examples on the Matlab component for guidance. The examples and documentation are located at the following link. On e option is to load the digitized image to the “User Defined Bit Sequence Generator” component using the filed “Filename”. You need first to select “From file” in the field “Bit sequence definition”. Please check the datasheet for the component for guidance on the structure for the sequence.dat file.
      C:UsersUSER NAMEDocumentsOptiSystem 19.0 SamplesSoftware interworkingMATLAB co-simulation

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