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    • #88818

      How to input the signal from MATLAB to Optisystem

    • #88902
      Saurabh Bedi


      To input your signal from MATLAB in to OptiSystem, you can write a code to generate the signal and load that MATLAB file into the MATLAB Component with just a single output port. This way, your MATLAB component can behave as a Laser. For further understanding I suggest you to have a look at the MATLAB examples and make sure to follow the steps in the MATLAB files of these examples. You can find the examples at: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\OptiSystem 22.0 Samples\Software interworking\MATLAB co-simulation

      Another important point to keep in mind while running such simulations is, to make the number of samples and sample rate/bit rate match the global parameters of the simulation.

      Let me know if you have any further queries. You can reach out to us at support@optiwave.com

      Warm Regards,
      Saurabh Bedi.

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