Home Forums FIBER How to customize the freuqency response of APD module?

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    • #68176
      Longsheng Li

      Hello everybody I am using the APD component and trying to customize its frequency response. I knew that to do so for PIN photodetector, I should go to “frequency response” tag and modify the “transfer function model” parameter. However, I cannot find this tag in the APD property, even if in the help page of APD module, it says
      “The model includes:

      • Frequency response models (ideal, RC-limited, defined) ”
      Is it just a mistake of the help page and the APD module’s frequency response just cannot be customized?

      It will be a big favor for me if anyone can answer me.

      Thanks ahead!

    • #68200
      Ahmad Atieh

      Unfortunately, there is an error in the datasheet of the APD component. The component doesn’t allow users to set the frequency response similar to the pin detector. My recommendation is to use the pin then use TIA to amplify the signal.
      We will fix the datasheet in the next release.


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