Home Forums SYSTEM GVD – Single mode Fiber

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    • #25455

      Hi all,

      I tried working on example “Effects of Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD) on Gaussian Pulse Propagation (Optical System)” given in tutorials.

      Effects of Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD) on Gaussian Pulse Propagation

      I used all the values to find out T(z) and P(z), I got P(z) = 707microwatts and I can see that in graph. T(z)=10.60ps How can I identify this in graph?

      To find out the dispersion length, they got the beta2 value = -20ps/nmkm for 1550nm. Can anyone show me the steps how they got it?

      Thanks in advance

    • #25471

      I don’t know about your calculations and I don’t verify them. But as for what you’ve asked about how to see T in the graphs, T is the FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum), you you’d have to consider the width of the pulse at half of the max. power at the corresponding figure. If you find the value you find this way inconsistent with your calculations, then you have probably miscalculated.

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