Home Forums SYSTEM FPLD modulation peak current

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    • #50799
      Nisa Nacar

      Hello everyone;

      In Fabry Perot Laser; there is a modulation peak current property. What is it and how it affects the simulation results? I was not able to find any remarkable explanation about modulation peak current. Any help will be appreciated.

    • #50820
      Ahmad Atieh

      The modulation peak current parameters sets a limit on the modulating signal peak current. You may check the examples at the following link for more information. Also, refer to the component datasheet that can be accessed from the help button in the component property.
      Note that The parameters Bias current and Modulation peak current are scale factors applied to the input electrical signal.

      C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\OptiSystem 16.0 Samples\Component sample files\Transmitters Library\Optical Sources\


    • #50828
      Nisa Nacar

      Hello Ahmad;

      Thank you for your explanation. I am trying to figure out data erasure efficiency of FPLD for remodulation PON system and when I increased modulation peak current around 10 mA, I am getting reverse results as shown in Figures that I attached. I checked both the examples and help page for component properties that you suggested. For FPLD example; mod.peak current is given as 4 mA but when I enter as 0 mA; the results are still the same. In my design, it demonstrates reverse behavior. Component properties help page gives only 1 formula and that is not enough for me to understand the effects of mod.peak current to the system. Could you please suggest and detailed papers?


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