Home Forums SYSTEM Erbium Cross Section Data

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    • #19519
      Firat Durak


      I am working on EDFA. I made a setup and erbium cross section data file for EDF, but i couldn’t get any good results.
      Also i got an error at erbium cross section data file loading. I attached my project file
      What is the problem ? May you help me ?
      Thank for your attention…

    • #19531
      Damian Marek


      Two main things:

      In your .dat file the digits are separated by commas, when they should be separated by decimal points. That’s the convention our text documents take.

      Also I tried with the fiber component you had placed but the parameters you changed do not seem to give a working component. If I place a new default component and use the text file you submitted it works fine. Do you have a reference for the parameters you set? The background loss was noticeably high as well at 30 dB/km.


    • #19619
      Firat Durak

      Hello Damian,

      Thank for your reply. I have some documentation about my erbium doped fiber (attached file).
      May you help me also about EDF parameters ?

    • #19625
      Firat Durak

      Also i converted my data file, but i had an error “corrupted file: unexpected format”.

      • #19668
        Damian Marek

        It seems like they do not give all of the characteristics I would need. I don’t get any error when using your data files, however here are some problems because there are two frequencies where the parameters are MUCH larger e-11 instead of e-25, you may want to look into that.


    • #19964
      Firat Durak


      Attachment file was my last version of project file. There was no porblem with my cross-section file. Now i have some problems with gain. There is no gain at my system. Also information about my EDF,

      1)The background loss is about 23 dB/km. It was measured at 1200 nm.No information for 1300 nm.
      2)The core and Er doping diameter are about 3.5 um.
      3)The Erbium ion density is about 1.9E+25 (m^-3).

      • #20050
        Damian Marek

        Hi Firat,

        I’m away from the office for the next two weeks, and my ability to troubleshoot projects will be limited.


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