Home Forums SYSTEM Dual Port WDM Analyser

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    • #44814
      muhammad jawad

      Dear all
      Hope you all will be fine

      please refer to a simple system attached herewith to study the noise performance of SOA(i.e i want to study the ASE noise,White noise,OSNR and Noise Figure etc).
      Please let me know that both the ports of the dual WDM analyzer may be attached where in the simulation in order to measure input OSNR,output OSNR, and Noise Figure.Also specify is it better to use single port or dual port WDM analyser and what is the difference between both?

    • #44828
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Muhammad,
      This visualizer automatically detects, calculates and displays the optical power, noise, OSNR, Gain, noise figure, frequency and wavelength for each WDM channel at the visualizer inputs.

      The Dual Port WDM Analyzer (DPWDMA) estimates the signal and the noise power for each optical signal channel based on the resolution bandwidth for each input port. Click the Analysis tab to view the results (such as gain and noise figure) comparing the signal from the two input ports (see Figure 2).

      More details could be found in the component data sheet.


    • #44830
      muhammad jawad

      Thanks Sir AHMAD for your reply.
      I got it….But the results obtained by using dual port WDM and Simple WDM analyzers are different for “OSNR”.Why?
      muhammad jawad

    • #44833
      Ahmad Atieh

      send me your project layout showing the position of visualizers.

    • #44837
      muhammad jawad

      Dear Sir Ahmad

      i have checked the simulation setup and changed the positions of the visualizers.Now both the WDM visualizers showing same values.Working OK

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