Home Forums SYSTEM Coupling coefficients in the InputPort1 structure (Optisystem+Matlab)

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    • #41669
      Shayma Akram

      When I interface the Optisystem with Matlab, in the InputPort1 structure I cannot find the coupling coefficients.
      what I want to know is, how the coupling coefficients of MMF are related to the InputPort1 structure?? what is the relation between them?
      Is there any way to modify the data in the InputPort1 structure, to get the coupling coefficients?

      MDM system
      Matlab Workspace
      InputPort1 structure

    • #41675
      Damian Marek

      The coupling coefficients are calculated in the MMF and are not saved with the signal, you won’t be able to calculate them from the Matlab component without knowledge of the input signals to the MMF.

    • #41679
      Shayma Akram

      Damian Marek, thank you for your prompt response to the question,

      (1) Do you mean that, the InputPort1 structer (in Matlab’s workspace), does not include the coupling coefficients?
      (2) If the coupling coefficients are calculated in the MMF, why they are not part of the InputPort1 structer?
      (3) Is it possible to calculate the coupling coefficients from the input signals?
      (4) If I calculate the coupling coefficients from the input signals, is it possible to export them to Matlab?

      InputPort1 Structure

    • #41691
      Damian Marek

      1) They do not include the coupling coefficients.
      2) The coupling coefficients give no useful information for the simulation engine after the signal has passed through the MMF, they are already coupled to the fiber modes after the fiber.
      3) The coupling coefficients are calculated by performing an overlap integral of each input mode with each supported optical mode of the fiber. If you have the modes of the fiber and the input signal modes then yes you can calculate the coupling coefficients.
      4)In the attached snapshot, I did a quick mockup. Using a fork you could make a copy of the input data and send it directly to the matlab component. Then inside your matlab component you could program the overlap integral and figure out how much power from each incident mode coupled into each fiber mode.


      If the mode shapes are not changing with your simulation just go to the MMF properties, the Report tab and click Generate report, this will give you a list of all the coupling coefficients which you could just copy into your .m file.

    • #41697
      Shayma Akram

      In fact, I want to do some calculations on the coupling coefficients of the input modes to generate new signals (equalize the signals).

      In this case, after sending the input data and program the overlap integral inside Matlab to get the coupling coefficients of the input modes. And after doing a calculations on these coupling coefficients, How can I send back the new signal(equalized signals) to the receiver? the OutputPort1 of Matlab component is equal to what??

      Where the OutPutPort1 should be included the equalized signals, and the structure of the OutputPort1 of Matlab component, should be similar to the structure of the InputPort1, to be send to the receiver.

    • #41703
      Damian Marek

      Exactly, the OutputPort1 structure should be created to correctly pass data back to OptiSystem. A nice trick is just to copy InputPort1 and only make changes to the values in the OutputPort1 structure. Make sure the Matlab component in OptiSystem is set to one output port that is Optical.

    • #42856
      AMIT singh

      sir please give me path how i can interface matlab to optiwave
      how to go work space please provide me path

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