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    • #32682

      Hi All

      Can anybody please tell me what is the difference between ROADM and COADM. Apart from the reconfigurable and configurable thing i wanna know the underlying working principle of both and which of them can act as an optical switch?? As i need to include ROADM in my project but i wanna know that if there not much difference then can i use COADM in my project in place of an optical switch??

    • #32696
      Naazira Badar

      Hi Burhan..

      Well I think, there’s no remarkable difference between the two. I don’t see any working or conceptual difference between these two. So going by that, you can use any of these.
      In case you have come across any article citing difference between these, kindly share.


    • #32699

      Hi Naazira

      Yeah i also couldn’t find any difference between the two. I wanted to know this as i could find a direct example of COADM in the examples but was unable to find such example of ROADM. So i thot if they could be used interchangeably then i could move a step forward. As even my guide suggested me to do say adding that there is no such remarkable difference despite the fact that in COADM we work on lesser number of wavelengths and in ROADM its just that the number of operating wavelength increase. But I found the difference fishy.



    • #32700

      Hi Burhaan

      In non ROADM networks, if not already pre-assigned, adding new services requires redesign or major network change which takes time, resources and poses risks of traffic disruptions.The Reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) adds the required flexibility so that adding WaveLengths or changing the Wavelngth destination becomes easy and remotely managed process providing full control and monitoring over the entire high capacity infrastructure.

      If your system design ignores the above difference.
      Then you can posssibily use the COADM in your project.


    • #32701
      Naazira Badar

      Hi Burhan..

      Well, that sounds unreasonable to me as well. I think you can employ any of these. All the best.

      Hi Fayiqa.. COADM would also be re-configurable like ROADM. Hence I think both mean the same.


    • #32712

      Hi fayiqa

      That is true in regards to ROADM and that is what i require in my case I actually wanted to know how different is COADM from this functionality as it would have been easier for me to use COADM as it is already in examples and would be following the standards. I wanted a clear distinction between the two if any. And if COADM can do this also i would use that.
      Yeah Naazira i also have the same intuition .



    • #32713
      Naazira Badar

      Yeah Burhan,
      So you can employ any one. All you need is the reconfigurability in your optical switch. All the best.


    • #32723

      Hi Naazira

      I hope that would be the correct approach to do. In my case i am actually in this ambiguity as i am not getting a clear vision of which of the two i should use. I am confident enough on COADM as it is in example but actually i require ROADM which i am myself designing. I hope i get some difference to take the decision right.

      Thanks anyways.



    • #32731
      Naazira Badar

      Okay Burhan.
      All the best for your efforts.


    • #32732

      Hi Burhan num mina llah

      Well i guess then both should be the same.The only difference i personally understand is that practically it may be possible to configure the COADM only once and once configured it may not to possible to reconfigure it again while for the reconfigurable one as the name suggests,it may be possible to configure it multiple times as per the system requirements making it more dynamic and flexible compared to COADM.

      You can take your guide’s help to decide if your system requirements can well be served by use of COADM.


    • #32735
      Naazira Badar

      hI Burhan..

      Well I think you might want to go through the post whose link I’m posting right below :

      ROADM in DWDM network

      There both ROADM and COADM have been mentioned. I hope this proves beneficial. All the best.


    • #32770

      Hi Fayiqa Naqshbandi

      Thanks a lot . Then if this is the case then i believe i have to anyway go for ROADM because i have an issue as i require this reconfigurable property of ROADM which is the basic requirement in case of my project as u see in SDN i have to reroute signals so i have to use ROADM then.

      Best Regards


    • #32772

      Hi Naazira Badar

      Ohhh this is the one i was referring to . Its this link from where i got to know that the example of COADM already exists in the examples of optisystem 13 . That is why i was very much wanting to use COADM as it would be in accordance with the ITU standards.
      Anyways thanks for the help. Appreciated!



    • #32777

      Hi Burhan Num Mina alah

      You are most welcome.
      All the best with your project.


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