Home Forums SYSTEM BER v/s SNR Plots

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    • #68537
      Amit Grover

      Hi everyone,

      I want to know how can we plot a BER v/s received SNR plot for a FSO link in Optisystem software. I am simulating a dual-polarized QPSK based FSO link. What property of the link/system do I have to vary to plot BER v/s Received SNR?
      Find attached a image file of the same for reference.

    • #68556
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Amit,
      you may use the Electrical Carrier Analyzer at the receiver end to get the SNR parameter, then you may collect the data from the project browser, or even you may create the figure in the report page using the data of the components’ results in the Project browser.


      • #68599
        Faria rahman

        Sir why does the BER analyzer plot the Q-factor and log of BER with respect to time(bit period)? Why does the BER change with time? I have searched everywhere but can’t really find the relation between BER and time(bit period).

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Faria rahman.
    • #68603
      Ahmad Atieh

      Dear Faria,
      what you see is the captured eye diagram that is displayed versus time. However, the Q-factor and BER are calculated using the theory explained in the datasheet that you may access it by right clicking on the BER Analyzer Visualizer, then select component properties and “Help” button. You may get the Q-factor and plot it against received power, OSNR, etc…

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