Home Forums SYSTEM BER and Factor of Quality Q

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    • #13422
      Salma Halabi

      Please I would evaluate the performance of system WDM and i dont know why parameter i can used by results of BER analyzer in optisystem ; i would have a BER and Q in function of length ; what i can choose from results? min log of BER and Max Q factor or what?

    • #13432
      Damian Marek

      Hi Salma,

      I don’t quite understand your question here. Min. Log of BER is a good measure of the quality of a transmission link. The BER depends on threshold value and when the signal is compared to the threshold value (Decision Instant), OptiSystem will choose the best options to get the minimum BER. The Max Q factor is the dual of the Min BER.

      Hope this helps!

    • #13435
      Salma Halabi

      ah ok Damian; I want to measure the quality of the system so the best way to do is to use Min log of BER and Max Factor Q , right ?

    • #13455
      Salma Halabi

      thank you very very mutch Damian 🙂

    • #13461
      Salma Halabi

      One more question please, what is the formule to calculate the BER to part of min log of BER ? In the figure in attachement i have the values of min log of BER ( -55 for point A) and i would have the values of BER maximal (like 10^(-9))

      • #13472
        Damian Marek

        The BER Analyzer also calculates the min BER. Just right click the component and choose Component Results. You should see the min BER there.

      • #15513
        Heitor Galvao

        If for example you have a BER value of: 0.01358509373819659 and you want to calculate the revou (BER) simply calculates the logarithm of this value on the basis of 10 the result of negative: -1.866937 depending on the number of decimal places you adopted. Now you have the reverse revou (BER) = -1.866937 just use the logaratimo definition, 10 ^ ( -1.866937) = 0.0136, like used 4 homes decimal approximation value beats.
        My compliments

    • #15515
      Heitor Galvao

      Or simply refer to “component view” that is easier and streamlines the work

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