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    • #30972

      i want to design a ring and bus architecture in an all optical netwrok. please can some1 suggest me how i do it..
      i am not able to do it..and one more question can i do it on optisystem..
      i ll appreciate ur answers.
      due regards

    • #30982
      aasif bashir dar

      hi tanveer ,
      i think you can implement such architecture in optiwave.i suggest you select some paper which would easily found on such network architectures and try to implement it in optisystem. if you got some perticular problem in that then post it on form.

      with regards

    • #30994
      Aabid Baba

      Hello Tanveer,
      Firstly you need to understand what your main design components are going to be. For that you have to consider combiners, splitters, Optical switches etc. I would like to tell you that in All optical networks especially the architectures you mentioned above , combiners are used for transmission and splitters are used for reception. I am attaching a screenshot of the block diagram of these architectures. Hope it helps.


      • #31054
        Aabid Baba

        Hi All,
        Sorry for missing attachment. I had attached the screenshot then only but for some reason this is a problem i am facing with my account. It is not for the first that i attached a file and i didn’t get posted. It has been quite few times now.
        Anyway i am attaching it again.


    • #31003
      aasif bashir dar

      hi aabid,

      yet once again you missed the screen shot.

    • #31041

      Hi Tanveer,

      Just to get a general idea of how to implement a ring network in OptiSystem, you can refer to the page addressed below:

      WDM Ring – Wavelength Independent Subscriber Equipment

      However, you are going to need to use your own active components instead, but I think the above page provides useful information for the start.


    • #31242
      Aabid Baba

      Hello Tanveer,
      just came across a ring network whose .osd file has been uploaded in the sample files in optisystem 14. It may not be what exactly you are looking for but you can refer to it to see how ring architecture is implemented in Optisystem. The project is found in the Interchannel crosstalk at ADM in a ring network.osd file. This network contains 4 nodes that communicate over two channels at 193 THz and 193.1 THz.
      Hope it helps.

      Interchannel Crosstalk in Metro Networks


    • #31509
      Ranjeet Kumar

      Hi Tanveer,

      Here i am attaching an osd file of wdm ringwise nrz design , which i feel will help you.

    • #31520

      Hi Tanveer…
      You can implement these architectures in optisystem. You can refer to optiwave resources for some basic structures to start with.
      For your reference i am attaching a link which you might find of some help.

      • #31617
        Aabid Baba

        Hi zulkarnain,
        I just went through the link you provided for the simulation of a ring network but unfortunately I couldn’t find any simulation set up or so. Please can you mention the page number of the referred thesis where I can find such set up.
        Thanks and Regards

    • #38359

      Thank you all for your valuable suggestions and efforts
      with regards

    • #38361
      love kumar

      hi Tanveer ,

      yes definetly you can design such framework in opti system .. i agree with rajneet and abid baba .. some examples are given by optiwave too for ring network .. use need to use ADM in Ring Network and other component as suggested by aabid baba

    • #38363
      Rajguru M. Mohan

      Hi Tanveer,
      Please refer to sample files of optisystem for wdm ring network namely WDM ring.
      AS wdm netwotk ic active optical netwotk(AON).
      Also for The metro-ring network we modeled operates with 2 wavelength carriers in which
      several subscribers share the bandwidth. For illustration purposes,
      the network contains one Network Node (NN) and one Access Node (AN).
      It support: cost-shared virtual rings (the distribution ring network connected to AN,
      single wavelength goes around this sub-rings)
      By using a packet format, multiple users can share a single wavelength.,go through
      following link:

      WDM Ring – Wavelength Independent Subscriber Equipment


    • #38367

      hi love kumar and Rajguru….
      already done with that…
      anyways thank you for your suggestions

    • #38406
      Rajguru M. Mohan

      Hi Tanveer,
      What exactly do you want to design?
      What is its applications?
      Are you want to design Hybrid ring and bus wdm architecture?
      Please specify the design you really want to design.

      Seeking your response.

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