Home Forums FDTD 3D layout for PCF

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    • #13636
      saima buzdar

      Here design file of PCF is attached.I want to draw its 3D layout and modes calculations. How can i do this?

    • #13686
      Aurelien Duval


      You’re almost done in your example 🙂 You need to give the profile “Channel_air” a thickness. To do this:
      * go to the materials and profiles designer (Edit->Profiles and materials…) and open the properties of the channel named Channel_air.
      * In the 3D profile definition section, put a value in Thickness (for example 5 for 5 um), click Add
      * Store the channel by clicking on the Store button (top-left corner)

      If you go back to OptiFDTD_Designer, you should be able to see the cylinders in the 3D editor tab

      I hope this helps

      Best regards


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