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Bonus! Received an answer from our system team immediately, please see below:

Both the “Switching bias voltage” and “Switching RF voltage” should be set to Vpi.

The “Bias voltage 1” represents a bias applied to the upper modulator arm. The “Bias Voltage 2” represents a bias applied to the lower modulator arm. If a bias is externally supplied, it is recommended to set both these values to 0.

To keep things simple it is recommended to disable the “Normalize electrical signal” field. When disabled the MZM component will only use the “Switching bias” and “Switching RF” voltages.

Enclosed is an example circuit for the LiNb MZ Modulator (saved in Version 11 of OS). It shows example setups for Peak, Null and Quadrature settings (externally biased).

Please note that for other devices, Vpi is:

Dual Port Dual Drive Mach-Zehnder Modulator Measured (Modulation voltage12)
Dual Drive Mach-Zehnder Modulator Measured (Modulation voltage12)
Single Drive Mach-Zehnder Modulator Measured (Modulation voltage)
