Home Forums SYSTEM Dual Polarized MSK Transmission and Receiver System Reply To: Dual Polarized MSK Transmission and Receiver System

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Subhash Arya

Dear Dr. Alistu,
Thanks for taking interest in my problem which I am facing. Well, there is no as such direct paper which is being realized in my proposed schematic, however, idea of circuit has been borrowed from the Dual-polarized QPSK System available in Optiwave webpage (https://optiwave.com/resources/downloads/optisystem-hot-topics/). I am referring the The demodulation (homodyne detection) from attached paper authored by Li Tao et al. ( http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=5682802). I want to exploit the advantages of MSK scheme over QPSK scheme in Dual Polarization (DP) mode. Though some comparative study of MSK and QPSK is available but not using DP (https://www.osapublishing.org/view_article.cfm?gotourl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eosapublishing%2Eorg%2FDirectPDFAccess%2FB2B43467-B43E-B4C3-A5D05C0CF70E9FA8_227340%2Foe-20-4-3877%2Epdf%3Fda%3D1%26id%3D227340%26seq%3D0%26mobile%3Dno&org=)

It shall be a great help of you/anyone can help regarding the problem which I am facing.
Thanking you.
(Subhash Arya)
