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Home Forums SYSTEM storage loop part coupling issue

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    • #26268
      khan k

      Hi,Any one can help me
      I am using X-coupler in the simulation the storage loop part not coupled to the X-coupler I am circulation in that
      region in the image.

    • #26341

      Hi Numan,

      If my perception from your statement is right, you would like to see if the “Storage Loop Part” of the attached schematic is connected to the. As it can be seen, one of the inputs to the coupler is from this part. Thereason for you thinking it is just circulation is the fact that one output of the coupler also goes to the same loop.

    • #26353
      khan k

      Sir if I connect the storage loop output to the X-coupler as shown in the below figure output signal cannot display at the end

      • #26358

        Can you please attach your osd implementation so that I would be able to check it? In the meanwhile, since it seems to be like one of the problems with feedback structure, I suggest that you visit the following link to see if your problem is like the one discussed there:

        DBSK Modulator

    • #26378
      khan k

      Sir previous I have attached the image sir that design in progress but I can attach another design in that design I am facing the same issue If can feedback the output in the xcoupler At the receiver end BER tester cannot show the signal.

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