OptiFiber Publication References – 2020


The following is a list of scientific papers, technical journals, periodicals, and conference publications that reference the use of OptiFiber.  These references were collected from internal sources, customer-submitted papers, and scientific articles via Google Scholar – and, to the best of our knowledge, make use of our OptiFiber software package. If you locate any mistakes, please notify us immediately by contacting info@optiwave.com.

  1. SV Firstov, AM Khegai, AV Kharakhordin and …, “Compact and efficient O-band bismuth-doped phosphosilicate fiber amplifier for fiber-optic communications”, Scientific Reports (nature.com, 2020), https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-68243-4
  2. S Sahoo, “An Analytical Simulation of Step-Index Single Mode Fiber using COMSOL and OptiFiber” (ijecce.org, 2020), https://ijecce.org/administrator/components/com_jresearch/files/publications/IJECCE_4377_FINAL.pdf
  3. X Cheng-wei, “Design of the G. 657 Single-mode Fiber Based on OptiFiber Simulation System”, Computer &Telecommunication (computertelecom.com.cn, 2020), http://www.computertelecom.com.cn/EN/abstract/abstract21956.shtml
  4. AA Abouelfadl and AA Alshehri, “Design of Spectral Filters Based on Mode Coupling of Optical Fibers” (preprints.org, 2020), https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202001.0222
  5. T Fundneider, L Alejo and S Lackner, “Tertiary phosphorus removal to extremely low levels by coagulation-flocculation and cloth-filtration”, Water Science and Technology (iwaponline.com, 2020), https://iwaponline.com/wst/article-abstract/82/1/131/75586
  6. FE Seraji, S Safari and A Emami, “Design of single-mode optical fiber for low latency used in IoT optical transport networks”, Phys Astron Int J (researchgate.net, 2020), https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Faramarz-Seraji/publication/341313618_Design_of_single-mode_optical_fiber_for_low_latency/links/5eba6d22299bf1287f7fdc54/Design-of-single-mode-optical-fiber-for-low-latency.pdf
  7. YS Syahputra, V Asyana, D Irawan and …, “Birefringence and polarization mode dispersion phenomena of commercial optical fiber in telecommunication networks”, Journal of Physics … (researchgate.net, 2020), https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yan-Soerbakti/publication/346703298_Birefringence_and_Polarization_Mode_Dispersion_Phenomena_of_Commercial_Optical_Fiber_in_Telecommunication_Networks/links/63b95b6cc3c99660ebd61e2f/Birefringence-and-Polarization-Mode-Dispersion-Phenomena-of-Commercial-Optical-Fiber-in-Telecommunication-Networks.pdf
  8. Y Zairmi, V Veriyanti, W Candra and …, “Birefringence and polarization mode dispersion phenomena of commercial optical fiber in telecommunication networks”, Journal of Physics … (iopscience.iop.org, 2020), https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1655/1/012160
  9. MI Hosni, AH Elghandour and …, “Data Transmission over Polymer Optical Fibers based Hybrid Photonic Network for Short Range Application”, 2020 12th International … (ieeexplore.ieee.org, 2020), https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9171722/
  10. P Elechi, S Orike and PC Anumbe, “Mitigation of Micro and Macro Bends for Improved Bandwidth in Fiber Optics Communication”, Journal of VLSI Design and … (researchgate.net, 2020), https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Promise-Elechi/publication/347635507_Mitigation_of_Micro_and_Macro_Bends_for_Improved_Bandwidth_in_Fiber_Optics_Communication/links/5fe2d74d92851c13feb19e9f/Mitigation-of-Micro-and-Macro-Bends-for-Improved-Bandwidth-in-Fiber-Optics-Communication.pdf?_sg%5B0%5D=started_experiment_milestone&origin=journalDetail&_rtd=e30%3D
  11. MJ Barber, PC Shardlow, P Barua, JK Sahu and …, “Nested-ring doping for highly efficient 1907 nm short-wavelength cladding-pumped thulium fiber lasers”, Optics Letters (opg.optica.org, 2020), https://opg.optica.org/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-45-19-5542
  12. K Qi, Y Zhang, J Sun and G Yi, “All-fiber high temperature and refractive index sensor based on three microspheres array Michelson interferometer”, Optics &Laser Technology (Elsevier, 2020), https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0030399219317529
  13. A India, “India” (indiainfrastructure.com, 2020), https://indiainfrastructure.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/brochure-OFC-and-Telecom-Infrastructure-june2020-4.pdf
  14. S Firstov, A Khegai, K Riumkin, Y Ososkov, E Firstova and …, “Bend-insensitive bismuth-doped P2O5-SiO2 glass core fiber for a compact O-band amplifier”, Optics Letters (opg.optica.org, 2020), https://opg.optica.org/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-45-9-2576
  15. AV Kir’yanov, A Halder, E Sekiya, K Saito and …, “Impact of electron irradiation upon optical properties of bismuth/yttria codoped phosphosilicate fiber”, Optics &Laser … (Elsevier, 2020), https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0030399219323370
  16. TI Yang, HT Liu, SC Wang, KH Chuang and …, “Formation of ceramic and crystal claddings for a Ti: sapphire crystalline fiber core”, Optical Materials … (opg.optica.org, 2020), https://opg.optica.org/abstract.cfm?uri=ome-10-5-1215
  17. RS Asha and VK Jayasree, “Performance improvement of radio over fiber communication system with dispersion and nonlinearity compensation” (Cochin University of Science and …, 2020)
  18. L Desa, P Kängsepp, L Quadri, G Bellotti and …, “Improving and upgrading an existing activated sludge with a compact MBBR–disc filters parallel line for municipal wastewater treatment in touristic alpine areas”, Water Practice & … (iwaponline.com, 2020), https://iwaponline.com/wpt/article-abstract/15/2/515/74137
  19. NR Hedglin, “Opportunities for US-China scientific collaboration in building a bilateral quantum network” (oastats.mit.edu, 2020), http://oastats.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/129179
  20. N Hodgins and D Furness, “Mould, metals, hypersensivity and autoimmunity: One patient’s journey to healing”, Journal of the Australasian College of … (search.informit.org, 2020), https://doi.org/10.3316/informit.813124250897381
  21. JMB Feraud and MA Arana, “El otorgamiento del registro de servicios para operadores del cable submarino, a personas del derecho privado, y su relación con un presunto monopolio en la …”, Revista Caribeña de Ciencias Sociales … (dialnet.unirioja.es, 2020), https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=9039073
  22. G Sarpong and VG Gude, “Near future energy self-sufficient wastewater treatment schemes”, International Journal of Environmental Research (Springer, 2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/s41742-020-00262-5
  23. A Sivakumar, S Balachandar and SAMB Dhas, “Measurement of “shock wave parameters” in a novel table-top shock tube using microphones”, Human Factors and … (Springer, 2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/s41314-019-0033-5
  24. G Sarpong, “Modeling frameworks to evaluate energy autarky of wastewater treatment systems” (search.proquest.com, 2020), https://search.proquest.com/openview/96b2705f62c1e8708b31f776bb5f77a6/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
  25. Y Jing, “Innovative and Entrepreneurial Cross-border E-commerce Training Mode for Private Universities in Shaanxi Province”, Computer &Telecommunication (computertelecom.com.cn, 2020), http://www.computertelecom.com.cn/EN/abstract/abstract21860.shtml
  26. YIN Hong-mei, “Analysis and Construction of Intelligent Campus Based on IPv6”, Computer &Telecommunication (computertelecom.com.cn, 2020), http://www.computertelecom.com.cn/EN/Y2020/V1/I6/63
  27. XJHAN Li-ping, “Design of CASIO fx-5800P Running Environment of Program Simulation Based on QB64”, Computer &Telecommunication (computertelecom.com.cn, 2020), http://www.computertelecom.com.cn/EN/abstract/abstract21975.shtml
  28. 肖承伟, “基于 O ptiFiber 的 G. 657 单模光纤设计”, 电脑与电信 (computertelecom.com.cn, 2020), http://www.computertelecom.com.cn/CN/Y2020/V1/I8/36
  29. V Veriyanti and S Saktioto, “Tampilan Birefringence pada Gangguan Pembengkokan Serat Optik Komersial”, Komunikasi Fisika Indonesia (kfi.ejournal.unri.ac.id, 2020), https://kfi.ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/JKFI/article/view/7849
  30. МД Ардатская, “Роль пищевых волокон в коррекции нарушений микробиоты и поддержании иммунитета”, РМЖ (rusmedreview.com, 2020), https://www.rusmedreview.com/upload/iblock/48d/24-29.pdf
  31. HGRF Mendes, “Relatório de Estágio realizado na Farmácia Monte da Virgem” (repositorio-aberto.up.pt, 2020), https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/bitstream/10216/129769/2/426967.pdf
  32. ER GUAMÁN CASTRO, “Módulo experimental de laboratorio para detectar fallos en enlaces de fibra óptica monomodo por reflectometría óptica en el dominio del tiempo, a través de un OTDR” (repositorio.uisrael.edu.ec, 2020), http://repositorio.uisrael.edu.ec/handle/47000/2440
  33. T Schnabel, C Springer, K Krause, S Hörnlein and …, “Spurenstoffelimination aus gereinigtem Abwasser in einem photokatalytisch wirksamen Rotationstauchkörper”, DWA KA (researchgate.net, 2020), https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tobias-Schnabel-2/publication/344949595_Spurenstoffelimination_aus_gereinigtem_Abwasser_in_einem_photokatalytisch_wirksamen_Rotationstauchkorper/links/5f9aa1bb299bf1b53e4ef4fe/Spurenstoffelimination-aus-gereinigtem-Abwasser-in-einem-photokatalytisch-wirksamen-Rotationstauchkoerper.pdf
  34. T Fundneider, “Filtration und Aktivkohleadsorption zur weitergehenden Aufbereitung von kommunalem Abwasser–Phosphor-und Spurenstoffentfernung–” (tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de, 2020), https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/12020
  35. A von kommunalem Abwasser, “Thomas Fundneider Filtration und Aktivkohleadsorption zur weitergehenden”, d-nb.info, https://d-nb.info/121481039X/34
  36. CA Juarez Cruz, “Caracterización y control del estado de polarización en un interferómetro de sagnac.” (risisbi.uqroo.mx, 2020), http://risisbi.uqroo.mx/handle/20.500.12249/2620
  37. P Martin, “Vliv ohybů optických vláken na optické systémy v pásmu 1310-2000 nm” (dspace.cvut.cz, 2020), https://dspace.cvut.cz/handle/10467/90117
  38. JM Bekich Feraud, “El otorgamiento del registro de servicios para operadores del cable submarino, a personas del derecho privado, y su relación con un presunto monopolio en la …” (repositorio.ulvr.edu.ec, 2020), http://repositorio.ulvr.edu.ec/handle/44000/3547